>Parents do not want to help pay for university
>Either have to get in debt or be a lowly wagecuck forever
Parents do not want to help pay for university
The choice should be obvious
>take out student loans
>buy crypto
But the only reason why you go to college/university is to be wagecuck
Just do community college dude. Get a decent paying job then move to uni. No insane debt.
green ID confirms. Do it or stay forever a poor fag got OP
This. Learn a trade and build your own business. Don't fall for the college meme.
They're doing you a favour user the college meme is a fucking scam.
Yea if ur ultra poor. Plus need to cover living expense evil norman
for a neet like you, you can easily reduce ur tuition down to $2k a year from osap or even lower. If you can't even handle this much debt you should honestly just end your life.
I cant my parents make a lot I told u fucking evil normal please help me and ill never post here asking for help again
Fuck u normie
my gf already did
>Either have to get in debt or be a lowly wagecuck forever
OP, im gonna be honest with you. If you take out student loans to go to uni, you will both in debt AND a wagecuck
You do not go to uni in hopes to make money. Unless you are really passionate about a major, you will just waste time/money in uni just to end up where you are now.
Theres endless ways to make money in this world. You don't have to go to school to become successful
and fuck this kid, this guy is just a miserable larp who needs to make everyone around him feel shitty to feel better about himself.
getting a gf is larping huh? The smelliest weebest loser at my HS could get a gf. You filthy neets deserve each other.
Everyone has a degree here in Canada though I literally wont be able to compete
>not being born in a country where university is free
compete for what ? if you are not a braindead , canada is probably one of the easiest countries to succeed. From startups to creating your own bussiness or learning a trade, if you cant make 50k+ per year in such a country kys
then go another route.
Learn about eCommerce, being able import good cheap from china and selling it online at a higher rate.
Get a sales job and learn how to persuade/close people while making bank on the side.
Learn how to invest and the principles of cash flow, etc.
Theres so many things you can do, all you need to do is take risks
And the best part is that if you fail, you still have time because you are young but a little wiser.
I'm too brainlet and weakwilled to follow my own will and intuition.
I just need a job in an office where I do shit that never overwhelms me all day and then go home I want to study finance or compsci or marketing or something
>builds own business
>stress goes up
>taxes go up
>debt goes up
You can't win.
Then start off by reading some self-help books.
I recommend Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Ive read half the biz recommended reading books. I've been on biz since its inception. I am just a permanent loser and a lost cause. It's over for me now I dont even know why I even made this thread when I know all the answers.
I simply dont have the strength.
its okay man, you might be in a dark time right now. just take your time and keep moving forward. 1 step at a time
Student loans.
>I just need a job in an office where I do shit that never overwhelms me all day
that's the problem right there. you cant really make it in this world if the only thing you hope to become is just another mindless ""slave"". Do something you are really passionate about and you have the will to become better everyday . By becoming just another wagecuck you will either stay behind the learning curve with the years passing cause you will have no real passion about what you do or you will just hate your life for having to do something you hate 8 hours per day just to get by.
You mentioned you like CS, thats an industry that really doesnt need a degree to be successful, i was a NEET from a shithole country (Greece) and through CS am currently living in germany having a job that pays ~5k$ per month without a degree.
Just dont lose hope and keep trying to improve yourself
Thank you
Wow that is impressive
If everyone has a degree in Canada then Degrees are Worthless in Canada. Supply and demand, baybee.
3 green IDs in a row confirms, user
udacity.com get a nanodegree for a couple hundred dollars in programming, then a couple hundred more for VR/Autonomous Vehicles/ anything too cutting edge for "experience required " to be a thing.
kek, it's like they don't even love you at all
Man up go into debt and don;t shit the bed actually pick a good major and don't fail any classes and you will land a good job it's not rocket science.