aaaaaand, it's over.
hope you got in - moon mission commence. short-term target 5x, long-term 20x
aaaaaand, it's over.
hope you got in - moon mission commence. short-term target 5x, long-term 20x
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Going to have to wait for EtherDelta on this one, didn't get a whitelist because I'm a cuck
Not over yet
If you check the ether transactions someone sent 1000 eth in. So we have 1000 eth left for the sale
will i get dumped on if i buy on etherdelta? alot of icos shoot down in price when they get added to exchanges
100k REQ here
am i finally going to make it?
Look at what kyber did. It did a 3-4x and now sits around 2-3x. I could see the sam happen for req. Long term u will definitely not get burned. It has YC as its sponsors lmao.
This is different from kyber tho, they are launching the beta this year, kyber not until feb next year (and only for ico members, global launch 2 months later)
i'm new to this shit, can somebody explain what this is about? something with eth i guess
It's not over, some spastic sent 1000 ETH to the address where they are holding the ICO ETH, subtract ~1000 for the real total
Spastic with 1000 eth.
Look at the other tokens he holds ;)
don't pay more than 2x on ED, ever, and you'll be fine.
wallet address please
89,500 REQ
Am I gonna make it?
It was an investor, maybe ING.
Do they unlock on the 20th? Also at what time?
I'm new to this also. I bought .5 ETH a little bit ago just to fuck around with. I would assume something with market cap, but idk what that means for those of us who have some ETH
There's 106 ETH left tho?
fuark, he holds 1.8m worth of airswap
that's a hedge fund
I fucked up so bad. I was in a hurry to contribute to request network before the cap filled, and ended up sending ETH to this multi millionare's address. I had it copy pasted from earlier. FML.
I wish there was some way to contact the address owners.
100x. Get in, Get in!
try leaving a message on the comments page
I always have to check 3 times before sending, now you'll always have that ocd
>fucked up so bad
>1.6 ETH
what fund would fuck up sending 1000eth to the sale? just a random whale
just incase you didnt notice
they want to dump on you, user
This is a joke right? You had over 15 hours to put todays contribution in.
whats the ICO price again?
0.000002 ETH
>from Binance
Either spastic or BS
lol tell me about it. I check also at least 3 times and get fucking anxiety with large sums before pressing the send transaction button.
Also I have my main adresses printed out near my monitor and double check them with the copy paste adresses from the txt document I keep on my desktop cause Im afraid some hacker fuck will edit the txt files and put his adress in it (since I have my wallets on an airtight offline laptop and use offline transactions and that would be the only way to get my crypto)....
you sure you didnt add too much zeros? lmao
>Turns your 'moon mission' into the Shuttle Columbia
That sucks man, rich always get richer
1/5000 i think
It's 0.0002 ETH. 1 ETH = 5000 REQ
No it's 0.000002 ETH, people saying it is 0.0002 ETH are just trying to make you to pay more for their bags
I heard it was 2 sats
Nice try faggot
Keep the fud coming. It's always hilarious watching it not work
I've got 56k REQ, I'm not trying to fool anyone. I'm just preventing you scammers from fooling the vulnerable
>56k REQ for 0.112 ETH
I'm actually capped in the ico I just like memeing at this point. Won't have any effect on the price.