If this goes to 19k i will be in the 21 btc club.
What are my chances of this happening in a reasonable amount of time?
If this goes to 19k i will be in the 21 btc club.
What are my chances of this happening in a reasonable amount of time?
Not happening, sorry.
If AMEX confirms the rumours at Swell
People are really delusional when it comes to XRP.
Shit just got PnD by Korean whales with their ETH profits and now you poor fucks think, it'll still moon. It'll pump to 6-7k sats AT BEST.
Get real, fags.
So is thats a hard maybe?
Market Cap Matters
Nearly 200 employees, partnered with 100+ FI's, a working enterprise ready product that actually solves an existing problem and you call it a PnD? You're an absolute idiot, m8.
Oh Lord, so much THIS
Think 15k is a reasonable top.
Daily reminder that Ripple pays shills out of their premined bankroll so the shills have an even greater incentive to get people to buy in
Hahahahahaha. Yeah the FUD surrounding Ripple doesn't make any fucking sense desu. This is an actual company, not some scammy chink dev team that usually gets shilled on here. Whatever. Some people are just dumb.
and then we have batshit tinfoil hat nuts like this mong. I can't see a company that is worth billions of dollars caring about trying to take lunch money from a few NEETs that can barely afford a full bitcoin. But whatever. You probably think I'm a shill. Carry on.
That's weird, because they had huffpo print a retraction when they had originally stated they didn't care about the process of the XRP token when they realized it was fucking up their 1 billion XRP per month dump game. Why would they do that? Really makes you think
You had to go and mention THAT, huh? DAMN you got me. I am Ripple. I am Ben Bernanke, the inventor of XRP, and I'm printing more XRP as we speak. And there's nothing you can do to stop us. You know too much. We will be paying you a visit. Are you religious? I suggest you get religious, or spiritual, or do some soul-searching. Regardless, I hope you conscience is clear.
Le sordis ordimos. My comrades in this thread will understand what I mean. Over and out.
But go all in, give Bernake your shekels. That's a good plan, has turned out really well for entire economies
you realize most ppl on crypto are anti Jew and anti establishment. that's the whole point of BTC.
fuck off kike. you are going to lose your shirt holding those jew coins
I have more guns than Ripple has Jews, bring it fagit
You better not disappoint me. Be ready
Ripple employees have never said that. That was a misinterpretation by the journalist and was soon corrected.
Alright, I'm sorry, I really just wanted to play along but I have to point this out. Are you like 16 or something? Ben Bernanke doesn't own Ripple. He's not involved in any leadership roles in the company. We don't even know if he's going to be shilling for Ripple, he's just been invited to speak, they invited a lot of people including some of their competition to have an open debate. Vitalik will be there too, and I don't think he has a stake in Ripple. Like what are you basing this weird ass conspiracy on? You're painting this image of Ben Bernanke as this all-powerful George Soros character, but he's literally just some fucking guy who lost relevance after his term on the federal reserve was up.
This childishness is fucking retarded lol. This isn't star wars or some anime with drama and plot twists everywhere. Fucking larpers
That all sounds great, and I do own some XRP, but from what I gather, Veeky Forums has no issue with the points you make. That's all true and would be great, but the issue they have seems to be to do with the market capitalisation and circulation. The amount of demand necessary for a really significant moon mission (like a x5 or x10) would be so huge as to make it very unlikely. This point is something I don't see addressed that often from fans of Ripple. They tend to laugh at the optimism of people holding other coins/tokens, but talk about the possibility of hundreds of billions of pounds being added to a token that's supposed to make financial transactions cost practically nothing. Why would corporate entities countenance a valuable token that they have to invest in and burn? And the Ripple team will do whatever is necessary to keep the value of Ripples down to remain competitive and maintain their network.
It's just that there's legit 5-10x moon missions all around and you're playing with a 2x if you're really fucking lucky. If you like to play it safe, cool. I got into this game for high risk and high rewards. I hope Ripple does great things and you never have to work again. Just not my cup of crypto
For pounds, read dollars (I'm a Bong).
If BTC and ETH can have that kind of growth, why can't XRP? I'd say XRP is much closer to mainstream adoption and use outside of speculation. We're 1 big announcement away from dollar range, imo.
Also, market cap = current price x supply. If XRP market cap is $10bn, that doesn't mean that there's actually $10bn in XRP.
whats the fucking point of buying XRP when there is already cash you dumb fuck? the whole point of BTC is decentralization. realize that and you will realize by ripple is falling and will continue to fall all week
>token that's supposed to make financial transactions cost practically nothing. Why would corporate entities countenance a valuable token that they have to invest in and burn?
I get the feeling that you're not aware of how the Ripple network actually works or what it does. It's a system for sending value from one bank to another instantaneously.
So say a bank wants to send $100,000. That bank uses the Ripple network to buy $100,000 worth of XRP, and send it instantaneously to the other bank, and that other bank in turn instantly sells it and has $100,000. That's how it works. It doesn't matter whether XRP is $0.20 per coin or $20 per coin. The bank still sends $100,000 worth of XRP. That's how it works.
>And the Ripple team will do whatever is necessary to keep the value of Ripples down to remain competitive and maintain their network.
Ripple's business model isn't based on the price of XRP, that is, they don't charge transaction fees or commissions based on the price of XRP. The transaction fees are pre-determined rates that both parties agreed on before deciding to do business together. Ripple can make those prices as high or as low as they want, it has nothing to do with the cost of XRP per coin.
>That's all true and would be great, but the issue they have seems to be to do with the market capitalisation and circulation.
The international payments industry is worth trillions of dollars. Anything can happen.
Ripple is going to be like ethereum or gas. The total amount demand for tokens will increase with adoption. The price won't do something as stupid as go up 5x or 10x overnight, but unless swift can pull something out of their ass, 10x on ripple still seems to be cheaper by far. You're spot on with your criticism, but i think the designers have calculated how much ripple to have on exchanges and how much to keep for banks to use.
Is that... mustard?
Cost per transaction is ~10 drops, that's 1/100000 XRP and transaction fees can be lowered if needed. The function of transaction fees is to protect against spam attacks.
some people are here for gains. Some like it with extra risk, some like it with a little less. Ripple is the part of my stock portfolio that would be "high risk"
Market cap is irrelevant, if XRP actually manages to capture SWIFT market share you're talking about trillions of dollars in transactions daily
I'll go kys for that.
it's a close up of a linkie's asshole. soon to be a ripplet's asshole
I said yesterday that there would be a whale drop of XRP in hopes of buying back MORE
right before the conference.
If you don't give yourself a chance to sell the news
please don't comment on this board.
That necessary amount of demand isn't going to come with some pump and dump, if XRP makes it we may see the 10 100 1000x, we hodl because it will move on us without warning or explanation if the dreidel spinners decide it will be so.
As for the price of the cheap financial tx token, XRPs job is liquidity, its price has no impact on its ability to do its job so long as it has A price. As with the BTC we merely require a few sats for our morning coffee, a sliver of XRP is all that's needed to save money on that awkward fiat trade.
If you are a massive institution you may still need fucktons on hand, but from what ripple says you're cutting your costs by a further 30%, in the trillion dollar market that is forex the only one laughing will be the boomer bank cuck who makes the play and rakes in the kind of bonus that leaves regular cucks blubbering in pools of salt water.
If Ripple ever starts to become a serious threat to SWIFT, I think SWIFT will just buy them out. They're going to have to replace their 1970's infrastructure anyways, may as well just do that with an already existing model.
They can't buy them out if Ripple refuses to sell
Ripple is a very young company, SWIFT is an established payments organization that's been around for decades. I guess they can always refuse to sell but I don't know about that.
Bo Jackson rookie card theory.
Its no different than STELLAR, NEO, ARK, or even LINK
a lot people are holding it at a speculative (VERY HIGH) value and not even putting it on the ORDER BOOKS.
The first rule of LONG investing is what do you value a stock/coin at , and how emotionally swayed are you to the listed market value of it.
SWIFT infrastructure is archaic, most banks already want an alternative... the only reason they are staying with SWIFT for the time being is because SWIFT is established... once Ripple gains a foothold and instills confidence with the banks currently on the fence its over. SWIFT waited too long to start the process of switching to blockchain, ripple is already years ahead of them... the snowball that starts the avalanche has already been pushed from the top of the mountain
AND they're profitable! No need for venture-capital injections, no need for IPOs, no need for business loans. They are raking in the cash and growing exponentially.
Linkies eternally btfo
And then SWIFT will just buy them out. Ripple investors will profit either way
I must confess, I have only recently started to look into it. I can't really see anything in what you've written that justifies an investment in Ripples, especially since you say that it's value is inconsequential to any transaction. Obviously, people wishing to transact will drive up the demand, so that would suggest the price going up, but if it's a zero sum thing for them, where does the added value come from? (apologies if I'm being retarded, it's 1am here and I'm kinda drunk and tired)
is it too late, or should i throw some cocksucking cash into this shit
hell even for long hold
you're literally a brainlet.
you probably have a while.
No, I'm undoubtedly smarter than you, even when half-cut, I simply haven't had time to look into it because, unlike you I'm a productive member of society, with a job, girlfriend and social life. I'm talking with another user and asking his opinions, so kindly fuck of, you pointless neet.
he spelled it out for you. you're not informed enough on banking (bare bones stats and numbers) or fucking google search to understand why the value of Ripple, something you've thrown money down on, will very likely appreciate. go back to doing chores for mommy so you can buy more coins twat.
Why are you so upset? Seriously. How fucking sad and pathetic do you have to be to jump in and insult some stranger who's just asking questions about something you were once ignorant of yourself until you read up on it and discussed it? Does it make you feel smart or a big man, sitting behind your keyboard? It's honestly just quite sad and pathetic, and I think you should ask yourself why you feel the need to get off on insulting people online. I'm not going to reply to you again, so you'd better fap quickly before your erection subsides and you have to find someone else to troll.
Don't say another Goddamn word. Up until now, I've been polite. If you say ANYTHING else - ONE word - I will kill myself. And when my tainted spirit finds its destination, I will topple the Master of that dark place. From my black throne, I will lash together a machine of bone and blood, and fueled by my hatred for you this Fear Engine will bore a hole between this world and that one. When it begins, you will hear the sound of children screaming -as though from a great distance. A smoking orb of NOTHING will grow above your bed, and from it will emerge a thousand starving crows. As I slip through the widening maw in my new form, you will catch only a glimpse of my radiance before you are incinerated. Then, as tears of bubbling pitch stream down my face, my dark world will begin. I will open one of my six mouths, and I will sing the song that ends the Earth.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ripple . The ecosystem is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the TA will go over a typical coiners head. Theres also Ripples Jewish involvement, which is deftly woven into the blockchain Ripples personal philosophy draws heavily from banking and historical economics, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this ecosystem, to realise that theyre not just a blockchain it has something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ripple truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the gains in Ripples inflation schedule, which itself is a cryptic reference to Kike holy book The Torah. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ripples genius roadmap unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>user image board
>thinking I'm tied up in ego
>thinking i didn't help you
I can't spoon feed you all day. I literally gave you everything you need to figure this shit out for yourself and you're mad that I gave you the tools in the way shit gets delt to everyone being an idiot. stop being stupid with your money. It's like you went into the wild west without a gun. I hope you're not some kinda artist wannabe. you'd get eaten alive.
Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot. Lurk more and welcome to Veeky Forums you newfag.
Shut the fuck up. Showing off how smart you are is just making look like an idiot to everybody that has a brain.
Orders recieved and acknowledged.
Im gonna set a sell order for 9250.
That will probably happen after tommoroow right?
Lol. Look at this genius over here
>Could just
Why didn't cab companies just buy out uber
SWIFT is one big organization, I don't know exactly how it works but I imagine it's a lot harder to get a bunch of small cab companies together to agree to buy out uber and then decide who has ownership of it or split ownership across each cab company lol
If this was 100% true then ETC would have killed ETH during the fork.
>It should have damnit.
Big Taxi moves too slowly for a fast disruptive player. Uber reminds me of myself in a lot of ways.
There is no one big taxi in the same way the SWIFT literally controls the entire international payments industry.
Why are you uber? Do minorities drive you around for money?
Fair enough and there are probably better examples, what I was getting at is it's an industry I think any normie can understand suffered from complacency, let service stagnate and vanish, and basically slept on potential challengers. Now of course the entire racket has been reduced to the classic tactics of whimpering about not fair.
This is pretty much SWIFT, and if you've ever suffered the system you'll know what an expensive assfuck of a thing it is and truly a laughing stock in current year. I highly doubt they're anywhere near capable of reinventing themselves quickly, tentacles in all the right places may help push the deadline out for them but at the end of the day I just think banks give more of a shit about their own business than SWIFTs.
With banks being increasingly under the pump themselves anyone offering them efficiency boosts must be under serious consideration, we might even wager banks have developed the same bad taste for SWIFT as the consumer grade.
XRP is a long way off of a sure thing, but if any crypto is a real play I see it as at least some means to hedge the jew. Myself it currently makes up a mere 5% of memefolio, I bought a long time ago and have since sold most for other bets
19k what?
Ripple is a crypto that is great for micro transactions but doesn't have any of the downsides of having a fiat currency under gov. control
cпacибa cepгeй
You are going to be someones comped sushi, Newfreind.
So where do us burgers trade XRP if not Buttrex, due to the recent shitshow?
"Ripple: doing nothing new since 2012" ™
Why would it reach 19k dollars
Count the banks
Count the advertising budget.
Ive been trading xrp on bitfinex.
You might have to send some ltc or other preferred coin to your exchange wallet though.
From what i understand they no longer take funding from bank accounts or credit cards but i cant say for certain since i never tried