Can't make this shit up.
ITT: we humiliate germanic larpers
I think the only person humiliated here is yourself
They both look pretty comfy desu
(nonstandard) simple past tense and past participle of withstand
I like all this G*rmanophobia I'm seeing on here recently.
Look I like the memes and all but you guys don't really hate your average German do you?
Sounds like what they call autistic kids to try and make them feel better. Certainly describes OP to a tee.
I do.
Germanic people are autistic robots without a soul.
Fuck off.
pol is for white germanic nazi faschists you absolute retard.
which prove how retarded germanic people are.
You misspelled Slavic. /pol/ is mostly Slavic.
Their autism is why I like them :)
yeah because you are american and like larping as a ww2 nazi after you watch your daily anime show...correct me if im wrong
Not an American. Don't watch anime very often. Don't LARP as a Nazi. So wrong on all points
T. Butt hurt shtskin larping as med
you're probably an American untermensch therefore most likely Germanic.
I'm Australian and not Germanic.
I mean.... did you have to pick the most irrelevant asshole of the Balkans? Literally any of it's neighbours would do fine.
>a castle didn't withstand the gunpowder era
what is the point of this thread
Skanderbeg is pretty cool I guess
Most castles couldn’t withstand the gunpowder era so they were converted to fotresses.
are you a med then?
And now his countrymen pray to Allah in front of his statue. Sure worked out for him
scandis didn't need castles, they were not foreign occupiers.
>the Normans, decedents of Vikangz settlers literally invented the castle.
>castle chucks vs chaddian fotresses
Italians/Greeks larping as ancient romans/greeks are just as cringy and bad as we wuzzing scandinavians/germans
Proud Arab mujaheddin>KARA BOGA WARRIORS>LA RAZA CONQUISTADORS>Trash>Wh*teoid cuckolds>Y*ellowid dog eating coin slot eyed savages
Bix Nood, indeed, my fellow urban youth.
>white germanic nazi faschists
god the stench of Reddit is particularly strong here today.
this except unironically
>implying that /pol/ is white
As a pure white European American, I love this meme.
Redditors, Leftypol, and Butthurt Europoors use it to mock Americans as mongrels, but all it does is reinforce our argument that being a mixed race mongrel is a disgusting abominable thing.
I enjoy the many disgusting variations created by people who ostensibly disagree with racial realism and the realities of human biological diversity. Really bakes my potatoes.
>swedish """"castle"""""
The french feared German castles so much that hundreds of years after they were built they blew them up with dynamite.
I wasn't being ironic