Would they have been friends?
Would they have been friends?
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I'm pretty sure Keanu Reeves and Jet Li have already met. I'm not sure if they liked each other though.
>I am a literal God. Worship me or burn in hell for all eternity.
>The truth to enlightenment is within yourself.
Buddha didn't have friends however he did have all-encompassing compassion with all past, present and future beings. Also the teachings of Jesus doesn't come close to the wisdom of the Dhamma.
They'd have been roommates. youtube.com
Wait...what the fuck.
Their doctrines are too different.
Buddha was all about how he had gobe beyond all other indian meditations techniques and Jesus was only ok with a merger with the sect of Jean the Baptist if he pretty much became the leader.
Unironically like it.
Who wins in a fight?
>i am in The Lord and The Lord is within me
not very different fampai
Pick one.
HE is the Lord, you're not.
absolutely heretical
Actually the Mahabrahma is not a true creator god and the buddha rejected the notion of the universe having a beginning.
I'm not sure there are two religions that are more diametrically opposed to each other than Christianity and Buddhism
Mostly buddhism and all other religions really.
Is that why Buddhist-Christian syncretism already occurred by 800 A.D.?
Bad meme, stop making things up.
Still the best Jesus joke of all time.
Why does Jesus only get teachings while Dhamma gets wisdom?
This tho.
Legitimately fuck abrahamic religions who would unironically send people to hell for fucking ETERNITY for just jerking off one time in your life.
Even though buddhism and christianism are very different, Jesus and Buddha still both are nice peaceful dudes. I'm sure they would have been friends, for they both would have the will to be.
desu I think that Jesus would have out debated Buddha and made him go around the sangha's, fall to his knees and lick Christ's toes whilst crying tears of regret at his profound mistake in front of them.
His followers seeing their leader prostrate himself in such a manner would all follow Jesus and Buddha would become a devoted follower of God and Christ.
Jet Li played Jesus?
Probably. I'm a Christian Buddhist myself
The concept of Hell as we know it was a later invention. In Christianity and Judaism the actual circumstances were left vague and open to interpretation. Revelations' validity is down to whether you believe this man really was prophet because all the evidence suggests he wasn't around with Jesus' crew. It may just be a disconnect from god after death which is what aetheists would expect anyway. In some branches of Judaism, 'hell' is a soul washing machine. Not fun, not eternal, not needed if you're already a good Jew/Gentile who followed the Noahidic laws.
I'm not sure they would've been able to get into the kind of debate Jesus excelled in because the Buddha had no knowledge of the Pharisees and their law.
2 nukes weren't enough.
I should add that I like fantasising about scenario's where young, 18 year old protestant christian preachers go back to the past and debate 'wise' religious leaders and humble them with the truth of Christianity.
Am I alone? I like to imagine how the chinese old men with white beards would flush red at being skillfully defeated in debate and realise that the religion they've spent their entire life on was false and how they need to humble themselves before this young christian in order to be saved by God.
Soul or No soul?
Heaven or Nirvana?
Worship or no worship?
Eternal or Impermanence?
Having a missionary fetish is nice, but I prefer it when the handsome young Christian's arguments fall on deaf ears and they're led off to martyrdom.
If only Mishima wrote a novel about the Shimabara Rebellion, only he could have done it justice.