Y'all motherfuckers ready for tomorrow?
Y'all motherfuckers ready for tomorrow?
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>all daytrading faggots who sold and wanted to buy back when it's lower than 7000
recently bought 1750 LINK
am i gonna make it lads?
Fuuck dont curse us with the jeb meme
Ah, someone is using my meme. I'm a master memer now, boys
Kek, loving all of these link memes we've been cranking out. Brigadier General Iron Hands reporting for duty.
College student desperate for a way out, but I only was able to buy 2500 with my measly summer savings. what are my chances of making it?
how many links do i need to make it?
You'll make enough to invest in future moon projects
People are expecting way too much from SIBOS...news will come after. I really hope ADHD fuckers will dump, I need to accumulate more.
SIBOS is priced in. Sorry, I wish it weren't so. But that's the way it is.
It's literally just a powerpoint demo of what we already know, run on an old dell laptop with toilets flushing in the background.
They're putting supercomputers in every major city which will render blockchain technology worthless. When are they doing this? December 2017. What's also happening December 2017? Oh what's that? THE IMAC PRO IS BEING RELEASED, PIC RELATED.
If you think this is just another consumer computer, you are sorely mistaken. OK, first off, the iMac Pro isn't for everyone. It's not even for high-end Mac users. To even begin to make use of the 8- to 18-cores that the Intel Xeon chip has to offer, the 32- to 128-gigabytes of high-end, error-correcting ECC RAM, the 10-gigabit Ethernet, or the pro-grade Vega GPU, you are going to have very specific workloads and high-end, high-performance software. This is not the machine for someone who would like to have a lot of tabs open in Safari, or who wants iMovie to go faster. The iMac Pro isn't just another Mac, it's a workstation-grade piece of hardware, and that comes with a workstation-grade price tag. And that price tag is $5000. That's a supercomputer price.
Linkies BTFO. I rest my case.
If you hold long enough you will at least have a personal launchpad for future moon missions. Just don't waste your newly found investment on a shitcoin.
4600 LINK reporting
/comfy/ af atm
How can Sergeys dell laptop even compete? Linkies BTFO
712 LINK here, I don't think I'm going to make it. I hate being a poorfag.
I'm selling my LINK to buy a macbook pro
> It's literally just a powerpoint demo of what we already know
You definetely can't claim that.
Imagine there is some sick ass presentation and all the investors wet their chairs and submit to a blockchain orgasm while ejaculating crisp money packs in SSergey's general direction. All the *it was priced in* bois sob in distance as LINK instantly soars to $10 while lambo dealers spam LINK threads with their offers.
Already sold, so I'd say I'm ready.
I also made this low effort FUD, feel free to use it to get the smart money to laugh all the way to the bank at you.
I would unironically shit my pants and sell of my LINK to buy an imac pro
oh shit LINK actually making a comeback,
probably because you just sold
There won't be a pump or announcement until after Sibos.
this one was funnier, op does not even make sense
Supercomputers ON every city
Can somebody explain that image to me please
>tfw 17174 LINK
Sold all of my 200k LINK last week at rally point for 3x in BTC (4x USD).
This has already begun to bleed out.
Enjoy your bags gentlemen.
I bid you ado.
it's adieu, you stupid fuck.
They are revealing the "big names" that were involved in the presale after SIBOS
> run on an old dell laptop with toilets flushing in the background.
Oh lawd I love this meme
what do you expect from someone who sold his link before Q1 2018
The problem for deluded linkies is not everyone selling. The problem is that no one is buying right now. If this goes on long enough, then we'll see the real panic set in.
120 LINK microLINKlet reporting in. You're rich to me.
Deluded link chucks lmfao. Sub 50 tomorrow.
Let's hope so, I want to buy more.
30k link. Let's go sergey. I think the announcements from the team will start coming post sibos which should bode well
Damn. Was hoping it'd be higher than $50 :/
You're a cult member. You're brainwashed. Please get help. Being this emotionally attached to a coin is unhealthy.
This is the last chance to FUD. It may not soar but it has the potential so the fudders are here to get one last shot at some cheap link.
New to altcoins, but I have around .0001 BTC left over from when I sold. Someone tell me how to but this shit with BTC?
Binance, which you will also learn is the best exchange out there. Good luck user
I'm all in on LINK and like it too. The only thing to come out of SIBOS will be free coffee and sammies.
I hadn't thought about it, but it is a cult. One of the more wearisome signs is the faux military hierarchy meme. In this other cult I am a part of they have a similar vibe. Yikes.
Yeah I'm ready for a pink catalog and the sweet schadenfreude coupled with my favourite smug anime girls.
Here, I'll give you a taste for what's to come.
Major Mythril Grip reporting sir !
It's EACH city, you fucking faggots.
reminder that banks can put supercomputes on each city making you first movers irrelevant. They can take this tech and patent it and make it private for their own profit, not yours. Then force all small banks and business to use it. Just like everyone uses windows instead of linux
Glad I have apple stock too? Still hodling 2500 Link.
>tfw it will have a billion dollar marketcap over night
No, I just made that up. In fact people are recommending that you sell off your Apple stock because the iPhone X is going to cause disappointment.
People don't use Linux because it doesn't work
It works plenty fine, it's just that you're too stupid to use it.
I could sell now for a 50% profit but Apple is a retirement/dividend stock. In 20 years theres no telling what Apple stock might be worth. It could get blown out by a new technology we havent even thought of yet, or it could be 1000k a share.
I use it
Don't for get they were saying too that quantum computing will render blockchain irrelevant in only a few years as they will crack encryption in minutes. Lmao
Apple is living on fumes/former glory. They've gone full affirmative action meaning the edgiest , most original thinkers either won't be hired or will be forced out. A husk of a company surviving on reputation built by better men.
Will there be a live stream?
First Sergeant reporting for LINK duty
>>will buy another 10k if dips to $0.33
There will, however, be many streams from attendees' elimination mechanisms into the toilet/urinal.
Someone find this boys lost chromosome
I'm fucking ded
Why are you even on this board nigger? This will NOT make blockchain irrelevent.
I was quoting fud. If they 'crack' encryption, we gonna have bigger problems that blockchain.
55 links left. I was one of the people who embedded a keylogger through the pdf exploit in the link whitepaper and spread it around rebbit. Had it sitting two weeks inactive and made off with around 300k link and 1.8 btc because people are retarded. Set your sell walls to 1.0USD because that's all link will go to. PnD groups are encouraging a 3-5$ ath, when in reality Sibos although an accomplishment, is only a participation trophy. After the 1.0USD sell wall is finished, Link will drop down to 4000 satoshi or less. Buy back again and make another 2.5x when it goes back to 10k satoshi.
LMAO everyone in the world would get JUST'd if they crack bitcoin's encryption. Even boomers are going to get rekt so hard.
On the bright side, get ready for top tier nudes to be released.
When did that happen? How did I not even hear about it? Maybe because I don't browse plebbit?
Where do i buy this ADO coin?
>when you are a professional LARPer
Ill probably sell at 50 cents kek
Nice cup and handle forming on the binance hourly link/btc chart.
nolinkers get innnn
is tomorrow launch day?
I don't think I'm ready for the Gs
It's sad how delusional they are, isn't it? I don't blame them in a way. They're seeing coins moon left and right, and they're forced to miss out due to sheer inability to choose a winner. They're losers. Likely fat so unemployable, ugly so cant get a girlfriend. They've seen so many coins moon, and they had enough. So they assemble in a slack and decide they'll choose the next ICO that comes around, and just write more topics than any other coin in crypto history. They came upon one called ChainLink. The problem? We aren't fucking stupid. We see vaporware, fake news, and blind hype from a mile away. Hell, Vitalik did before any of us, saying their ICO was a piece of shit. Now some of us on Veeky Forums are old school and have made a lot of money off this and we choose very carefully what coins to invest in, and someone maybe should tell them that we dont decide what moons based on the number of threads that are posted on Veeky Forums. I mean we have the power of what, 2 cents of price motion? No. Its the social proof theyre after. They know theyre failing and dont have a single convincing argument that whales would believe, so theyre hoping those redditors from ethtrader might see what their big brothers at Veeky Forums are doing, considering theyve stolen everything theyve ever had from Veeky Forumss culture. Except that sort of hot air needs some convincing concept. Some convincing tech. Something other than muh ripple on ethereum muh fake conference muh swift. Not enough. And thats why theyre going to fail. It was a good attempt but they were about six months late from when people were dumb enough to fall for it. Maybe theyll have better luck on the next coin?
Nothing has mooned since Link except Bitcoin retard. I'm sure this is copypasta but it made me so angry I had to respond anyways, Link has mooned just as much as any other coin this month.
YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0
Am I going to make it?
GTFO with this copy pasta.
10th time I've seen this today.
FUDers getting desperate.
get ready to bring out the tshirts and plushies
That's an awfully hot coffee pot
I only have 616. Fuuuuu
ARMS SPAGHETTI *toilet flush*
O-oracles-ss.. SOlved!
Ive been watching binance and playing it on and off for a month, definitely something I would buy into if I wanted to sell some of my link.
>I bid you ado.
A goodbuy to you as well, sir
lmfao no you didnt