If LINK moons, ill lose my virginity. just for you guys
If LINK moons, ill lose my virginity. just for you guys
Just remember... Pics or it didn't happen. We'll need proof. Also I'm free next weekend if OP is femanon.
there are no femanons here on Veeky Forums.
Well... there's a chance he's not gay and he has a girl that's down for a 3some
if link reaches $50/token eoy i'm smearing my entire apartment with peanut butter and when mice feast on it i'm obliterating them with a flamethrower and will post video screencap this
There are quite a lot
But you fags sperg too hard whenever they show themselves
if he had a gf he wouldn't be a virgin.
cunts don't care about making money. the only reason they show up here is for attentionwhoring and trying to get a richfags dick.
Not everyone is a total degenerate... maybe
nowadays everyone is, in one way or another.
>anime poster
>losing virginity
>spending lambo money on an overly elaborate rat genocide
this will surely be the hallmark of the new generation of crypto millionaires
Request KYC demographics showed 95% + male dominance iirc
R9k is on another board
5% still a decent amount though
Imagine typical shit fest biz thread with 100 posters
At least 5 of them would be a chick
its true tho, cunts are unable to handle money properly.
If it hits $50 by eoy, I'm gonna masterbate right in the bank toilet with my cashbag as fap material
So are most guys I know especially my father and brother
We all know Yan-chan gets on here...
Yeah, sorry, boys. I'm not showing myself.
these are just retarded then.
>either find a way to earn money while you sleep or work til you die
There is no reason to show yourself. Anyone who says they are a female is an attention whore.
SIBOS, bro
I remember there was a based crypto grandma posting pics of herself back during summer.
No nudes unfortunately.