>Hitler Dindu Nuffin
ITT: Stupid shit normies say
Protestant work ethics
"Christianity caused the western Roman empire to fall, resulting in the dark ages... If Jesus never existed we would be living 400 years in the future."
Do normies really say Hitler did nothing wrong?
The normies on /pol/
The show that brought agenda to cartoons, and thus indirectly led to shitty "post-meta-ironic" frogs and feels posting. Well done Seth McFarlane, you killed imageboard culture.
That's literally the opposite of what 'normies' say. Normies is a stupid word anyway, it's and /r9k/ meme and shouldn't be taken seriously.
>Bomber Harris was a war criminal
>religion is the main cause for war
[Insert nation state] number 1!
>FDR was the greatest president we've ever had he saved us from the great depression with the New Deal and Social Security.
>"No dude, the parties definitely switched... I don't know when but I know that all the good presidents were Democrats (Lincoln, Theo Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, JFK, and Clinton)
>Coolidge and Hoover were terrible presidents because they allowed the great depression to happen.
>We shouldn't have bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
>"Reagan sucked, I don't know why but he was really bad"
>Im black (western African), therefore I am related to the Egyptians and Carthaginians.
>We knowingly genocided the Indians, we gave them smallpox blankets and murdered them with germs.
>The Crusades and Reconquista weren't justified.
>Jesus, Julius Caeser, Hannibal, Cyrus the Great, Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, and Santa Claus were black.
>You shouldn't call Native Americans Indians, its offensive because Christopher Columbus thought he was in India.
Reagan sucked dick, amnestied 2 million spics without securing the border.
Reagan sucked because deregulation allowed junk bond funded asset strippers to tear down America's industry. Then Clinton opened the gates to the state-directed economy of China under the pretence that we'd liberalise them through sheer contact.
"Normies" was used by migrants from reddit and Facebook to replace normalfag. Since they're the majority on this site now (see ) it became the common word. Incidentally, the only time I heard the word normie before that was Family Guy.
It was actually in use prior to the redditor invasion and then appropriated by them, ya dingaling.
Only three or four of those statements are actually stupid.
If you weren't illiterate, you'd know I didn't imply otherwise. Then again, how would you know?
You're the illiterate.
>normies worship hitler
Are you retarded?
>Family Guy brought agenda to cartoons
Is "normies" codeword for dumbass spics and neckbeards?
"The crusaders were righteous warriors of christianity and their conquests of the Middle East benefited all of the western world"
why do you anti white leftists want a safespace?
>being anti-Nazi means you're anti-white
>>Hitler Dindu Nuffin
>normies say this
Go to literally any YouTube comment section concerning Hitler and all the top comments are about how Hitler is "based."
/pol/ are normies
This is b8, right? Have you ever talked to people in real life?
YouTube comments aren't from normies. YouTube comments are made by autists on the internet. Normies don't bother commenting on youtube and consider it a cess pool.
Follow your leader
I fucking hate that national socialist normies took over my college.
Never thought I'd see the day.