Was it necessary? I go back and forth about this question myself.
Was it necessary? I go back and forth about this question myself
Other urls found in this thread:
no it wasnt
>we have to use WMDs because civilians with sticks!
If you meant in order to make an example to Stalin that immediate back stabbery and the continuation of the war would lead to certain defeat then yes.
Yes. Bombing nips was very much a necessity and should had been done more of during the war.
Yes. On a semi-related note, what happened to that river when the bomb went off? Did the entire thing within range evaporate, causing a flood of water from outside the evaporation range to rush forward? It would be an interesting thing to see, I imagine.
Of course it wasn't. Nuking Japan was the worst war crime that was committed during the course of WW2 and the US got away with it scot free.
Necessary? Probably not.
Desirable? Without a doubt :^)
>tfw you'll never live in a timeline where kyoto got a doze of canned sunshine
it had no value in forcing the Japs to surrender, only value was doing it before Stalin takes over half of the Japan
Only foreign power that ever fired a munition at Australian soil. Let it be a lesson. Stupid nips.
Get nuked.
>The Japanese bombing of Darwin, Broome and northern Australia. ... On 19 February 1942, 188 Japanese planes were launched against Darwin, whose harbour was full of Allied ships. It was the largest Japanese attack since Pearl Harbour, 7 December 1941, and followed a reconnaissance flight on 10 February 1942.
>The first air raid on Australia occurred on 19 February 1942 when Darwin was attacked by 242 Japanese aircraft. Over two hundred people were killed in the raid. Occasional attacks on northern Australian towns and airfields continued until November 1943.
I guess the Americans could've slaughtered millions of civilians
There's plenty of time for that, user.
>Was it necessary?
Was a big mistake
No, its a war crime.
>war crime
Choose one
Only forty of those people were civilians you butthurt reddit poster.
You should feel honored that we're relevant enough to be attacked by the same aircraft carriers used in Pearl Harbor.
>Only foreign power that ever fired a munition at Australian soil.
Well, except when whites first colonized it and took it from the natives, you mean.
It wasn't necessary, entirely a war crime and a crime against humanity. The fact they did it twice only proves their guilt even more. Although of course whoever wins gets to decide if it was a crime.
H and N were shock events that emboldened the non militarist Japanese, and put the militarists on the back foot. Inertia might well have kept the war going, but the shock broke that pattern, and it was obvious that the US would make ongoing nuke attacks.
t. chinkoids
memes aside, this is true
Yeah, 40 AUSTRALIAN civilians.
You'd prefer all those civilians with sticks to be shot, blown up and bayonetted then (and starved and diseased)?
It was better than the alternative
We've had this thread a least fifty times already, this should be stickied.
Wouldn't that be great, adding some articles to the sticky that will prevent idiots from making the same shitty threads over and over again.
Terra nullius - Wikipedia
en.m.wikipedia.org wiki Terra...
Terra nullius (/ˈtɛrə.nʌˈlaJəs/, plural terrae nullius) is a Latin expression meaning "nobody's land", and is a principle sometimes used in international law to describe territory that may be acquired by a state's occupation of it.
Common heritage of mankind
History wars
Scarborough Shoal
Guano Islands Act
Erik the Red's Land
Mabo/Terra Nullius/Terra Nullius ...
www.mabonativetitle.com ...
In International Law 'terra nullius' describes territory that nobody owns so that the first nation to discover it is entitled to take it over, as "finders keepers".
Mabo/...The doctrine of terra nullius...
mabonativetitle.com info doctrineOfTn
The law, when we started this case in 1982, was that no Aboriginal or Islander communities enjoyed traditional rights to land. This was the doctrine of terra nullius, which had been accepted by the courts as existing since 1788, through the whole of Australia.
Wow, so this is the power of edgelords on their school holidays.
>yeah man Anglo Saxon, the ruling world hegemony that drops nukes on my ass, law is so edgy
Write to your local mp about it soyboy
In the most basic sense in war the goal is to achieve victory. Strategic bombing campaigns had achieved that in Germany, and they achieved it in Japan. So, yes.
Despite having the destructive power of a raid of 120 bombers the shock value of a solitary bomber dropping a bomb that could in seconds destro a city ( the threat of suffering an attack in Tokyo that might had killed the emperor (until then the palace remained almost untouched)) made the Japanse sue for peace.
Nah just fucking kidding the soviet made those pesky japs surrender their nip ass