Is Veeky Forums just /pol/ buys cryptocurrencies? Do people here actually make money?
Can someone explain this board to me?
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Lel /x/ being anywhere near the top is just....
spotted the brainlet
it means they're close to the average
wheres Veeky Forums
the top is average you dumbass
a weaboo made that image
Im sick to death of the /pol/ refugees. This place was great until those faggots turned up
>a perfect example of how Veeky Forums is /pol/ buying cc's
Fuck dude do you not know what average intelligence is in a bell curve?
as a brainlet, myself, i feel i need to say sorry to this board
Gas yourself, nigger
that's... that's not how you read the chart
this place was never great
/pol/ has been ruined, we have no choice
Can you guys seriously answer me though? Do any of you actually make money through crypto or is it just a meme?
Yes, its like stocks on steroids.
go back to /b/ pls
look at the charts, it's impossible to not make money
throw it at everything which is remotely far away from ATH and you're good
No, they all lose it actually
Come to /rgt/ if you actually want to be wealthy in 20 years
I doubled my money on various holds and have been carrying bags ever since, I wouldn't consider myself a very sophisticated crypto-buyer however. i have never read a whitepaper, mostly because I don't figure I'll be able to correctly identify the strong ones.
I'm pretty liberal myself.
denying the autists over at /pol/ the peak of the curve. Even a libtard has to admit they are pretty smart over there.
I have never posted on /pol/.
I actually came here from Krautchan in late August after making a thread about Bitcoin and another poster told me about what goes on here.
Yeah, it should be towards the right end
/pol/ refugees NEED TO GO BACK
See what you think after spending some time there.
This is our board motherfucker
I for one believe we need open borders. (for obvious reasons duh???) Our world is one global economy so like uhh.
So gentlemen, what's the best first purchase for a newbie? Buy bitcoin and hold long term? Pump and dump an up and coming coin? Which exchange should I use?
I want money fast motherfuckers, you gentlemen seem like the right people to ask.
>/pol/ not on the very top
OP is a faggot
>no labels
either /b/ is "extremely" smart or stupid
look further down...
look on other end
> /jp/
open up /jp/ catalog
op is a niggerfaggot
hahah I was going to agree with you then I realized what I was looking at in the picture.
Veeky Forums is mostly degenerate gamblers
We like the term investors.
>1 post by this id
shamed to silence
to the investors centre
4.3x since my first deposit of 8k in Bittrex 10 weeks ago. I've taken out my initial investment
top means average intellligence. thanks for outing yourself as the retarded polcuck you are.
i'm a libtard cuck and i guarantee i've made more money gambling cryptos than anyone from pol
>Is Veeky Forums just /pol/ buys cryptocurrencies? Do people here actually make money?
What do those questions even mean? Why are you obsessed with /pol/? Why are you projecting? Is it because you're one of those Stormfag/SJW scumbags who infests /pol/?
Seriously, even ex-/pol/tards like me don't give a fuck for your edgy bullshit here.
I am not racist in the least but to slaughter the lower races may not be a silly idea.
Only somebody stunningly low in IQ would be surprised by the fact the exponentially more popular boards on Veeky Forums happen to have lowest ave. IQs.
OP as pseudo-intellectual midwit fedora wearer confirmed.
based on the board's content, Veeky Forums belongs around... /r9k/
>top means average intellligence. thanks for outing yourself as the retarded polcuck you are
>redpilled western men
>average intelligence
You have 15 seconds to explain yourself of get the fuck off of my board.
Guys, according to my research, this post is being ironic.
>implying /pol/ doesn't know how bell curves work
Funny thing is this guy is absolutely right. /x/ is either far to the left or far to the right. No inbetween
Holy fuck this made my day
Thanks you fucking retard
Nice proxy
At least you got dubs
I turned 20k into 700k. Yes, we making money here
/x/ should be about two images widths to the left
This board was created because cryptoshills were overtaking /pol/.
Yeah people here actually make it. Just gotta filter through all the bullshit
Actually it was /g/.
could you give me a good place to start educating myself on all this? literal p/t wagecuck living with my parents looking to gamble it all for something better
no xp started trading and made 50k usd in 3 months. i expect to make 100k usd by 2019 at the latest. thats a very low expectation i think
look on google and youtube. if u cant self start it u shouldnt get in. lots of ppl tard out and lose lots of money - thats where our profits come from
yea thats fair, just didnt see a sticky so wasnt sure if there was any recommend reading
1. Buy 50% Bitcoin, 30% ETH, 10% XMR, 5% each on promising shitcoins like ARK, OMG, Ox.
2. Coinbase and Bittrex.
3. Buy anything on the top thirty on Coinmarket cap during a dip and set a sell order for when it jumps 20%. Be patient: it will. Gradually the returns accumulate.
4. Also, always set a stop loss: the coins that make money fastest also lose money fastest. Stop losing money and you'll start making some.
Glad to be from Veeky Forums but were actually a binch of pseuds, sorry. (Sci too)
I saw a thread earlier today where people were freaking out over Bittrex saying they were locking people out, is that really the best thing to use?
fucking kek
Anons on Veeky Forums are always freaking out. Means nothing. Bittrex is as solid as anything else out there -- which isn't saying much -- and easier for newbies than most. After a while you'll want to diversify and use several. Kraken,, Etherdelta. But to start? Bittrex.
Pretty consistent pol claims to be about 130 or so. I'm 140 iq and I enjoy the conversations, so the floor for that board is 120. Massive over representation of INTP personality suggests pol literally is averaging gifted desu. Biz, is probably similar. In that I know it's literally the same anons.
>install gentoo
Is really clever?
Same, tested professionally at 132 and find the conversation depth on both boards to fall in that range.
This place was made from /g/ and /pol/ refugees you clueless faggot.
Moot created this board to get us out of /g/ and /pol/
i made threads on here about crypto when the board still only had 10 topics it was that new
It is. Overusage of that term is a clear sign of newfaggotry. Back in the times, such a term would be used, unironically, to help people. Installing Gentoo is the best lesson you could get in terms of getting to know Linux based operating systems. As such, a phrase of this sort would be used if people kept asking asinine questions about unix OSes in general, and installing Gentoo would solve their problem permanently. It's the tech equivalent of "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man To fish, and you feed him for a lifetime"
Not even like a week in lost $200 from the china crash. Had weak hands and sold ltc ATL.
About a week or 2 ago decided to actively day trade on bitfinex and made it all back.
The market is extremely volatile but if you're good with numbers and are willing to put in the time to do research theres definitely money to be made.
I would advise any newcomers to begin with at least $1000usd
weak bait.
All this being at the right end of the bell curve? FUCKING LOL just like Hillary winning the election in 2016.
nope, we are here to stay.
also buy a hardware wallet, like a trezor or ledger are the best atm but there are others
we smart money and shiet
>Pretty consistent pol claims to be about 130 or so
>so the floor for that board is 120