Sup Veeky Forums can you tell me about the history of the balkans pre-ottoman conquest, which were the major players...

Sup Veeky Forums can you tell me about the history of the balkans pre-ottoman conquest, which were the major players, interesting events, epic battles and so on.

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It's fucking hilarious seeing Balkan rapebabies argue over who was the biggest slave to the Turks. It's like some kind of harem anime where a bunch of lolis fight over the protagonist, and he doesn't even notice them. The Balkanoids are extremely tsundere about Turkey. Especially Greece, holy shit, fucking Greece. I have never seen a more butthurt nation. We're talking multi-generational butthurt, passed down and inherited from grandmother to granddaughter, infused in their very DNA to cry about Turks. Entire mythical history, poems, war songs, mantras, rituals dedicated to Turks. And this psychotic muhh constantinople shit. That just can't be healthy to be thinking about that shit literally all the time, and not just you but everyone in your family, and your ancestors and so on and so forth.

Which part of the phrase "pre-ottoman" is obscure to your English language comprehension?

The serbians and bosnians got conquered in the 1460's if I'm not mistaken.

roach calling others butthurt lol
>this is what you see in youtube comment section regarding roach related stuff

Boy, Turks need to be rangebanned.

Before Ottomans
>ERE & Bulgars
>Other Latins
Before them
Before Rome
>Ancient Greeks
Today the most prevalent historical evidence in the Balkans is the Byzantine architecture and many ancient greek/roman ruins

As an Anglo I agree that Balkanshits are pathetic, they're like the Irish of east Europe, poor, low IQ, indebted, and obsessed with their former masters.

> Balkans
> Eastern Europe

almost Forget you're an " aNgLo ". makes sense

>as an Anglo
>siding with the Turkshit
Wow really surprising.

Not him but are you fucking retarded? Only Greece and Istanbul arem't Eastern European.

balkans is in eastern europe. specifically, south eastern europe

>not Eastern European
In what universe?

You utter fucking mong the Greek state was always Western in government. Eastern Europe=Iron curtain. Nobody cares about your revisionist butthurt or what country you don't like.

>geographically in the Balkans
>genetically Balkanite
They're way more Balkan and Eastern Europe than Croatia or Slovenia are.

Literally no one cares about reclaiming back Constantinople anymore. Yes, people are butt-hurt about the Greco-Turkish war but no one cares or even discusses it anymore since everyone is trying to get out of this misery called financial crisis and make a decent living out of it. Only Golden Dawn and ultra fans when playing against Turkish teams talk about these things. Old generation just praise the Junda times, middle generation are working and sitting in cafes with friends on their free times, younger generations are drinking coffee in cafes and making out in clubs at nights. No one is as autistic as us talking about "muh heritage/skin color/ stripped glorious history" as we the retards in Veeky Forums and /pol/ are. Just because the demographics of people in here spam DEUS VULT, REMOVE KEBAB, reclaim Megali Idea, doesn't mean the society represent or even care. I am Greek so I know what I am talking about. No I am not butt-hurt about Turks. Nor are my friends, nor are their friends friends or any random guy you will ask on the street. Yes I got over it, when I was like, 10!

Constantinople is more of a /pol/ wet dream, Balkanites hardly give a shit.

There was no Iron Curtain in the Balkans outside of Bulgaria though.

Holy shit you are actually retarded. I never said they weren't balkan, orthodox or ex-Ottoman. I said they're not Eastern European you stupid mongoloid sl*v. I'll say it again pisscuntovich, Eastern Europe=Iron curtain. This means a country that was under a communist Regime. Geographically, Greece is in Southern Europe. So no, not Eastern European at all you illiterate bogdweller.

Technically you are kind of right, but they had a commie regime.

Feel free to suck my Aryan Czech cock you Greek gypsy.

Hasn't like every single woman in your country done couchcasting? orgy

Because our women are actually pretty unlike those subhuman mongrel females you have down there.

Good on you!

Technically, you are kind of right, but yugoslavs went shopping and to the movies across the border to Italy and Austria on the weekends.

They had a commie regime, and are classified as Eastern European. How many liberties they had doesn't mean anything. Especially now that they can't afford to drive a car more than once a month.

whole place is a shithole and filled with subhumans

>pic related
everything after is boring shit

you seems particularly butthurt. In the archaic Churchellian sense, Yugoslavia may have been considered as part of the iron curtain, but that certainly doesn't make sense in lieu of the Tito-Stalin split and the westernisation efforts post 50s.

You're not seriously trying to argue that the Balkans aren't essentially Eastern European?




>n-not Eastern Europe

No less than Greece.

Unfortunately, those weren't built by commies. But by the influx of more than a million immigrants in need of quick housing.

Doesn't matter. Greece looks like Eastern Europe, is mentally Eastern Europe and is poor as shit, pretty much like Eastern Europe.

Retard Greece has been losing population for the last 20 years until 2 years ago when the migrant crisis happened, are you actually trying to say in 2 years greek construction workers built 2 years greek construction workers wouldn't be able to build a bridge between the mainland and Santorini they're fucking garbage.

"Like" doesn't mean is. The modern development is due to debts, not a communist regime, it also doesn't affect the people living in many affluent areas.
It's just lazyness

I ment Makronikos but yea

Not those immigrants you baboon. The population exchange between Greece and Turkey. Those buildings are much older than that, idiot.

top lmao


Development as in situation, learn to read
>what is, the Cyclades, southern Patras, Nafplio and south Ionian
You've been falling for too many memes


The buildings built by commies are of higher quality than this Greek trash.

Ok, that doesn't add anything to the debate

HHehehe, I almost forgot this board is infested with 12 year old autists. Ok laddie, the iron curtian was a thing right across carinthia and the slovene littoral right until '91, because you posted a block of flats from Belgrade, you've got me.


I really don't see a coherent point

Mate, I don't know what on earth you're trying to prove


I don't see YOUR point. What are you trying to disprove?

>look at these pictures of the Balkans, this clearly proves they're Eastern Europe!
>Greece looks the same? T-that doesn't mean anything ...

>X was specifically built under a communist regime
>Y looks similar, never mind the fact that it was built due to circumstances and not correlated to communism what so ever
Both are Eastern European by definition amirite

You got BTFO and now you're moving the goalposts.


The debate is about Eastern Europe, my stance is that the countries in Europe that were under a commie regime are Eastern Europran. Yours is that they're not. Either disprove it or don't. But dragging others down to your level because of unrelated similarities won't prove your point.

This is a copypasta bait, but I kind of agree


t. pakistan man

Slavic tribes/kingdoms generally in conflict with Hungarians to the north of Byzantines to the south?

Venetian presence in the Adriatic nearby?

Not a whole lot more to it really.

Wewuzing works in myserious ways. When Poland does it for example it's acceptable. But God forbid someone from the balkans to say the turks are roaches.

The Thracians were the dominant force before the Phillip the Macedon conquered them, they never really recovered afterwards.
The balkans were conquered by the Romans, being a border region there was a massive developments. The boogiemen of the era were the Dacians
Attila fucked shit up, it said that 300 after his invasion the area was still fucked up and desolate. Meanwhile Slavs settle in and completely assimilate any sign of Thracians left.
>c. 700AD
Bulgars come from Scythia minor fuck shit up Hunnic style, however something happens and they decide they should settle, ERE loses the territory till it gets it back in the the late 11th century. Meanwhile the other major Balkan states which exist today form.
>c. 1200
Bulgars win back their lands, but they are shit, the power has shifted to the Serbs. Latins come sack Constantinople and then get their arses handed to them when they try to expand in the balkans. Bulgars become vassals of the Golden Horde to avoid any further raids.
>c. 1490
The Ottomans come and pacify the area over the next 50 years.

This desu

serbs had a pretty big kingdom
bulgars too
every nation there had some sort of state that go fucked by the invaders who shown up from the east

its a very long history filling books, if you are interested you need to be country specific, the ottoman conquest happened over a long time aswell, it took much bloodshed and time to bring the place into their empire

one interesting figure is skanderbeg or rather Georg Kastrioti who devoted his life fighting the Otto Man

im not albanian before you call me a roach or anything, its funny how westerners only know that albanians are muslims, forgetting they were fierce enemies of the turks before they were ultimately beaten

>bragging about living in a sex-tourism nation
wew lad

if you think greece is like eastern europe you clearly have never been there. it's more like southern italy without the mafia and shit

>Not posting Zagreb




Make no mistake Zagreb has it's commiblocks too. Though Tito didn't want to build them there as much as he wanted to shit up Serbia and Montenegro