What went wrong? Already the biggest flop in Veeky Forums history
What went wrong? Already the biggest flop in Veeky Forums history
Don't forget to sage
>They couldnt even move it more than 20 cents
>250 threads a day and no price
movement to speak
Needs to be added to more exchanges ffs
A team that doesnt believe in marketing is a big starting pt
>biggest flop in Veeky Forums history
>5x'd in 10 days at a time when most projects go below ICO price after ICO
5x'd for ICO holders
Just wait a few days. CL will perfrom
the team hasnt even presented their demo or made even ONE god damn announcement yet and its up like 4x since ICO. Not to mention SWIFT creepin up on chainlinks sweet hairy shnaz with their big fat greasy ass hands. Also the real use cases and solid tech behind it is unlike anything else right now. They dont need to hype it up with fucking skateboards when they know they have a solid product and are literally about to demo it TOMORROW.
Sorry morons.
Are you fucking retarded?
I work for a large bank, they are working with most in the image to create a universal data API. Once completed they can transmit data freely. Cryptos will also incorporate this into their coins (similar to atomic swap). OMG all of this can happen without an oracle token from some dude who won a swift contest LMFAO.
its hilarious isn't it? They really, genuinely think that theyre going to get rich ahahaaha
40 cents is dirt cheap you have to he a retard to not buy just in case
By far, more delusion in this coin than anything I have ever seen before in crypto. I confront these Link guys all the time and in 2mins of chat they realize they have no idea why they invested. They can't tell me a single thing about Sergey's history and they sure as hell can't explain ANY value proposition to the token. All they can say is 'it solves the oracle problem', then we get into oracles and it turns out they don't even know what an oracle is. INSANE.
Anyone else not even bother reading through these threads anymore?
P.S. current price is hype, enough hype to sustain for maybe 1.5-2 weeks. Under 10cents in 3 weeks.
Lack of volume. No serious token and seriously retarded shills.
You had to sell this shit at the exact moment when the shills went to the point of saying that coin's dev was Satoshi Nakamoto.
This is the most stupid P&D coin so far.
In case you didn't notice moron, most of the alt coin volume has gone to BTC and ETH which have shot up in price.
Now fuck off back to your basement neckbeard.
I don't blame them in a way. They're seeing coins moon left and right, and they're forced to miss out due to sheer inability to choose a winner. They're losers. Likely fat so unemployable, ugly so cant get a girlfriend. They've seen so many coins moon, and they had enough. So they assemble in a slack and decide they'll choose the next ICO that comes around, and just write more topics than any other coin in crypto history. The problem? We aren't fucking stupid. We see vaporware, fake news, and blind hype from a mile away.
Incredible non-answer
top kek
you missed the dip sorry bud
> Sergey Nazarov = Satoshi Nakamoto
Biggest sell signal in the history of crypto.
>vaporware, fake news, blind hype
literally none of those things are even remotely true
nice psychoanalysis though. I bet you feel smart.
It was a meme you dip
I'll tell you something true. You're about to lose everything.
Is this bank in India?
Want to exchange words? I'm all ears here tard
I bought more.
> Sergey Nazarov = Satoshi Nakamoto
my dad works at bitcoin and says this is true
I also work for a large bank. They are working on a project with swift i hear. Sounds a lot like link
go be sure, and if it is, buy a fuckload
if it's not, sell everything