Is cryptocurrency our generation's way of transferring wealth that boomers have tied up for themselves leaving us with nothing?
Boomers and Cryptos
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aren't we taking money from eachother?
No, we're taking money from new investors.
Yes it is because their ill-gotten fiat will soon be worth nothing. It is 100% collective karma, 100% deserved.
Of all the crimes committed by groups of people, none are so heinous as selling out ones own progeny.
You will see this come to pass soon lads.
Zero sympathy.
Wrong. Everyone will just sell their crypto for easy gains. Fiat isn't going anywhere
yeah kinda now, but wait till normies join, starts next year
The retardation is strong
if you haven't sold crypto, that means you're not living off it yet
Not at all you dumb millenial dipshit
literally 99% of the posts on here are about buying and selling crypto. lol how the fuck are you going to profit if you never sell? You can't buy anything with a dogecoin
Hello newfriend. You can buy a lot of shit with dogecoin.
>Of all the crimes committed by groups of people, none are so heinous as selling out ones own progeny.
>of all the crimes
Such as? Sounds like you're making excuses for your failure, and had you been in their shoes, you would have more than likely done the same.
thats all alt coins are, just scamming newfags with promised lambo land and moon missions while you have binance open in another tab dumping ATH.
it wasn't me, that link only takes your dogecoins, not link :)
Yes. My parents don't notice the electric bills.
Suddenly we get the easy gains.
In the big scheme it's no different than what pervious generations had with real estate, 80s, Stock market, 90s internet boom etc.
dat granny in the solid pink
not him, but heres the big idea:
>typical boomer life:
>"muh cheaply-acquired real estate"
>*real estate appreciates*
>"muh pensions and rental properties, life is great! let's buy 10 more rental houses"
*housing bubble pops*
>"nooo! muh gains! mommy give me muh gains i deserve them!"
>government: "ok boys rev up those money printers, we have some rich boomers to save!"
and now the housing market is nowhere near rational and the economy is set to collapse again once QE ends
new buyers are guaranteed to be getting fucked whether it's from property taxes, high rent, or a lifelong mortgage debt
it is not maintainable
QE ended quite a while ago, dumb ass
Keep shilling your imaginary internet coins, boomers are too skeptic to ever touch this ponzi
i consider interest rates to be a component of QE.
because everyone knows what will happen to the bond market when they return to normal
when it happens, will taxpayers bail out the rich again?