It shows that North Africans used to be white. When did they become brown?
Catalan map of the world, 1375
All of those borders are pretty accurate but what the fuck is going on with the British Isles?
nevermind that, what the fuck is going on with swole denmark
shitty backwater country
they're close enough. who's going there
You can see that the map is pretty much perfect as far as the typical catalan sea routes go. Flanders is pretty much as far north as mediterranean traffic ever bothered to go until like the 16th century. Nowhere worth going north of that, and the fucking danes controlling the sound meant it was cheaper to just buy from north sea ports.
Northern Europe is a mess. You would expect that the area were the Hanseatic league was operating would have be known by the Catalans. But no...
This map is outstanding for 1375 .
They kinda always were...this catalan catograph probably only saw white people his whole life and assumed that therefore all people are white. But I don't really know...just a guess
Some North Africans, Berbers especially, are White.
Race didn't mean shit before the XVI century
also this:
>Race didn't mean shit before the XVI century
That's pretty much a meme.
Ha, the more you know...
Your mutt country is pretty much a meme
>sardinia has fog of war
really makes me think
I kid you not, Ireland did not have accurate maps until the late 1500s Elizabethan interventions onto the island.
>I kid you not, Ireland did not have accurate maps until the late 1500s Elizabethan interventions onto the island.
Why is that shocking? Probably thousands of groups alive today wouldn't have accurate maps if it wasn't given to them by some distant outside source.
>triggered shitskin
top laff
making accurate maps is pretty hard.
it requires strenuous measurements and a sophisticated understanding of how to measure latitude and longitude (which requires a greater than layman's knowledge of how the Earth is shaped and positioned relative to the sun), in order to do it right.
well there were maps but they weren't based on geography but by the time it took to get to a specific location in ireland. so useful maps existed but not geographically accurate ones
>mansa musa
The sun got hotter and gave them all a really bad sunburn
Catholic Berber here, redhead with blue eyes and a greenish hallow around the pupil, AMA.
Also, North Africa was a buffer zone for too long, too many civilizations came, raped and went, and it took a toll, mainly the Carthaginians, the Vandals, Visigoths and the Spanish, the Arabs interbreeded (muh arab Ulayyad supremacy), thank god for that, berber exist as second class citizens living secluded in the mountains, the country is inhabited by the wannabe-Arab king (even though the last 30 queens were berbers) and the rest of the mongrelized country, North Africa is basically proto-USA.
People in the middle ages really believed that you would turn into another race if you lived where they live and ate what they eat. If you lived in Africa and ate what africans ate you would turn black.
That's why conquistadors were so obsessed with importing food from Europe during the conquest.
Huh, there is actually similar concept in North Africa as well, North Africans used to have this weird "build a shrine for your dead mom and worship it" religion, before Ba'al Hammon and Tanit and later Juno and Saturn came about, and people thought that the Africans were some sort of cursed people, they thought that people who didn't honor their ancestors would be doomed to wonder in the south of the Saharas forever, you'll skin will burn black, and your face will start to mutate, until you become a full-fledged Jigaboo, back then the tribes that ventured south and took blacks into the tribe (by marrying them to their daughters) were hated and almost out-casted, the Touaregs for example, are /black/ berber tribes, like the Nubians and Ethiopans, they bred too much with sub saharans.