Sub-Saharan Architecture Appreciation Thread
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Please show us architecture from inland, Central and South Africa where there was no Muslim influence. Even American civilizations with no metal tools and proper writing could build pic related.
mesoamerican civilizations had writing you idiot
Please show us architecture from inland, North and Eastern Europe where there was no Roman influence.
Both lived in very harsh living conditions, but sub-saharan Africans that came into contact with muslims did not advance as much as for example the moors.
This is not "Sub-Saharan".
Middle Bronze Age, thousands of years before Rome.
I built that in Age of Empires
I used to think this looked neat until I found out it was built in fucking 17th century. Enthusiasm gone.
You could play Ethiopia?
Thats germania and scandinavia
>he doesn't have the new expansion or the HD edition
Yeah, beautiful. That's it, right?
Why do /h*is/tards keep insisting that ancient Germanic people's lives in round houses? Only the iron Age British and Spanish lived in round houses retard.
Pic related is the sort of dwelling germanic people lived in.
No meme though some African cultures had pretty cool buildings.
Pic related an Ashanti palace
Not... Bad....!!!!
>moroccans are coming, shhh
Pretty cool
Moroccans this time
>askia "al-hajj" muhammad
FUCk you
t. sonni ali
Why do people get so defensive over this stuff? If you don't say it's amazing you're a nazi and if you don't say it's LMAO PATHETIC you're an SJW
>Ethiopia isn't subsaharan
Ignoring that it's not sub-saharan, didn't the French build it?
The african expansion has ethiopians, malians, berbers and portuguese
>it is
>ethiopia isn't sub saharan african
Ethiopia doesn't even touch the Sahara, shit, it barely even touches the Sahel.
>inb4 the goalpost switches to "find Bantu architecture"
Do Turks count as a sub Saharan Kara civilization?
Didn't know Lebron James was an actual kang
Fuck off cunts
Turks are sub-something, that's for damn sure.
Why is /hispol/ autistic about original creation. Life isn't a contest of original posts you know... One of the great merits of humans is the ability to learn. Why does it matter were the original source of the technology is. Literally going on that line of logic implies that no one actually had any original creation because in some way we are influenced by the works of other cultures in the passed.
past* oops.
because they are fat greasy neet manchildren with no achievement of their own other their born a mutt
Whats with that meme by the way? know it's from the expansion but why does he have the Porto flag shopped on?
i am amazed how ignorant on basic things people in this history board are
They had glyphs, if you count that as writing then everyone had writing.
A functional written language is far more complicated.
There was probably a little influence from Aksum and Zanzibar here, they in turn were influenced by the Romans and Arabs.
New state of Sweden
Bye Sweden Farewell
Then the egyptians didn't have writting either, or did the norse or the chinese.
You realise your pic is Pictish not Mayan right?
Yup, rebuilt it and added towers to make it look more impressive.
Wrong, it's a renovation of the original made under the supervision of an indigenous Malian, though it was funded by French money. Descriptions of the original structure describe there being towers, so thats not a French addition.
What does this even mean?
lol nice model faggot
so what? it was designed by sub-saharans regardless
"What was almost certainly novel in the rebuilt mosque was the symmetric arrangement of three large towers in the qibla wall. There has been debate as to what extent the design of the rebuilt mosque was subject to French influence.[1]"
I meant those three towers. Granted, this could also mean they were not symmetrical beforehand.