ARK is a trainwreck. Falling in SATS by the second. Lead dev was recently just spotted taking acid

ARK is a trainwreck. Falling in SATS by the second. Lead dev was recently just spotted taking acid.

Please take this down, this was just meant to be a quiet time out in the woods away from your drivel.

don't question his methods

Just LARPing here, don't mind me

wow, we have a drug addict lead developer? great.....

it helps me see the code of life maaaaan

nice, just bought 100k SATS

nice, buying more

>a true visonary, going on a spirit quest for guidence
Just bought 100k

I'm not an addict.

duuuuude *spliffs toke* this shit is so good........... makes you see the world for what it really is man

Also, im not a dev. Thats Fx

nice just sold my all ICO ark
disgusted in these pathetic druggies, what has the crypto space come to?

>pretending to be a fat old decaying drug addict
great way to spend a sunday

It's Monday at the moment, friend. Do not be upset.

You said you were building us "smart bridges". IBM is pissed.

SmartBridge has already been made, the encoded listener is what facilitates cross-chain communication.

polkadot, cosmos, wanchain. Do not be upset.

>implying you can be addicted to LSD
Fucking normies

It's feels so close to getting on the path to recovery.

>I'm not an addict.
That's the first sign friendo, we can help you through this Mike, just look for us, you know who we are, right?

You can't be addicted to LSD.



Proof or GTFO


I am not this faggot.

He is not this faggot.

I am not this faggot.

We are not this faggot.

He is not this faggot.


give me free ark please i need to buy more liquid crystals AVyucTHsUcN2PbKtRqA1zrBzwsb3iL5cFw

>larping as a guy that looks like santa

Watch what you say about me, boy. I see through everything.



Do not be upset, child.


>buying ark
Buy link you Fucking retards

>buying link
Please leave, Sergey.