Eboost market cap is < $2 million
TBA Partnerships- Quadruple the market cap of Etherium Alliance (28 Billion) and usage on their platforms.
So wouldn't this mean a massive correction in market cap will take place with Eboost?
Eboost market cap is < $2 million
TBA Partnerships- Quadruple the market cap of Etherium Alliance (28 Billion) and usage on their platforms.
So wouldn't this mean a massive correction in market cap will take place with Eboost?
Am I wrong? Is this shit true? Would this actually happen? I feel like I just discovered some kind opportunity that doesn't ever present itself to me. but I'm hesitant.. Why isn't it doing anything? Why only 9btc volume with so much potential?
>how I'm feeling
guys buy now
OP doesn't know about October 25th
Alright I have about 10k eboost now.
Am I gonna make it?
Fuck but its only on bittrex?
Yeah, and I wouldn't be very keen on them with regard to what has happened lately
What do you mean?
You're right.
It's horribly undervalued and once news comes out, major corrections are going to take place.
Whats wrong with trex??
only 1.6million Mcap :O! pretty sure it can 10x pretty easily
Well I'm up so far. The biz bros. I guess ill let it run. This coinmarketcap news could be why nobody was buying in. It had ??'s Lol. Oh well, hopefully that was a big reason and we got in low. I'm going to believe in the coin for the next couple weeks.
>TBA Partnerships- Quadruple the market cap of Etherium Alliance (28 Billion) and usage on their platforms.
what do you mean by this?
Well after doing some research and digging... When eboost was doing the clues people thought eboost would be apart of Etherium Alliance.. The dev said they are thinking small. Way too small and that the mcap of tge companies involved is easily quadruple Etherium alliances. So clues progressed and it was revealed eboost would be used on their platforms. Then I found out there are only 7 companies involved.
Thats when I came here and asked the questions above..because I can't believe it's such a low price after all that information is revealed
What's the purpose of eboost.might get in but don't wanna read the whitepaper. Sounds like a good pump n dumb coin
So do we know the companies that Eboost will be partnering with? 4x the market cap of ALL of the EEA is an insanely large number - likely beyond the GDP of most countries. Do you know what the fuck you're talking about?
the website looks so shitty. can they not hire some pajeet for 20 an hour for 10 hours to make a better one
No that's the big announcement.
I realize that the numbers sound a bit fucky. But, that's what he says.
when was that? the website was the only reason i didnt want to buy.
That was last week. They are releasing the new website and roadmap soon i guess. I think their plan was to have everything ready by their talk at coin agenda in two weeks.
this is gonna be a winner when normies find out
i hope they will.
easy money