When will the bubble pop?

When will the bubble pop?

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when drumpf bans it for ruining his stock market

Paper money is a ponzi scheme

you just used a monkey paw my friend

Around 10k in spring.


>10k in the spring

Ok Chaim please leave. No one serious thinks Bitcoin is going higher do they? Please explain why this is $6000 and going to almost double in 3 months?

Supply and demand fuckwit.

is not bubble is black hole

It's a deflationary currency, by definition the value has to go up, everything else being constant

Try this. Please explain why BTC has more than doubled in the last 3 months

What bubble?

when normies start buying at 1 sat of btc for $10

During the next recession. Plebs will be like shit I wish this was real money.

Some of you guys are cool.
Don't go on Bittrex tommorow..

... or rather do, I guess.

>When will the bubble pop?
When will the gold bubble pop? It's a trillion dollar market going for thousands of years. Humans are irrational (emotional).
Gold has a $250 intrinsic value (google it). Everything else is speculation.
Bitcoin is no different. Bitcoin has a similar or higher intrinsic value in: low relative transaction cost (to wires), being autonomous, and an efficient payment processor. After these intrinsic cost savings it provides the same gold/deflationary style appreciation.

If you think bitcoin is a bubble, ask your grandpa why gold is still a bubble to this day. Ask Peter Schiff why gold is any more special than platinum or any other fucking metal in being the reserve store of value. Gold is shiny so it won public opinion first. There it is.

It's all perception. It's all belief. Bitcoin is digital gold. There's no fucking difference in the digital age. As of right now, shiny rocks (gold) won't cut it.

>gold is shiny so it won public opinion first
> t. brainlet

Gold was used as money since it was easily divisible, didn't rust or oxidize and it was scarce. Gold and silver. Silver was used for smaller transactions, due to it being more abundant than gold and less chemically resistant. It's not a bubble. What is a bubble is the fucking debt in the US and in the entire world along with college debt, car mortgages, house prices, unfunded liabilities, pensions etc etc.

>Humans are irriational (emotional)
>gold has $250 intrinsic value

Lololol. Back in the days (before 1971) US was backed by gold. You could exchange 1 oz of US gold for $20. Since then, the gold standard was dropped and dollar has lost significant value. It's not just how much people value stuff as you think, it's also how it relates to other currencies. If currency X stays in the same demand and has the limited quantity, but currency Y which can be exchanged for X is dropping in value, of course the price of X is going to go up. It's not that the gold is expensive, it's just that US dollar is weak as fuck, and gold with bitcoin are showing how weak the dollar truly is.

Seriously, think before you post faggot.

Do you think its a good idea to invest say 2500 dollars into bitcoin or possibly 5k? Never invested before and any sources to learn a lot about bitcoin?


more buyers at the margin, this isn't rocket science you fucking idiot

Bitcoin will be worth over 100k per coin in our lifetime. HODL nigga

Imagine in 5 years when they find out about faucets lol. So much rage lol

My prediction:
It will pop and pop and pop.. but will always recover and come back even stronger. I am confident in the long term. I would like it to pop in like 3 months when I have a lot more fiat I could by a most massive "popped bubble" crash.

wow nobody gave this cuck the infographic

When it becomes a bubble and engulfs the moon.

>Ok Chaim please leave. No one serious thinks Bitcoin is going higher do they?
do you realize you are literally THE meme?
>dont' you realize 200$ is the absolute top?
>don't you think 1000$ means totally overvalued?
>you think it can go over 2000$ without an actual use?
>c'mon 4000$ this is totally FOMO prepare for crush to 0$
>now you
ah, everything (from 1000$) happened in 5 months