World History without the Balkans existing?
World History without the Balkans existing?
>a huge sea separating Hungary and T*rkey
Dream come true.
Shitty MS paint rendering.
I'm not willing to consider Greece the Balkans
Yeah, exclude Greece from that question, and nothing of value in history will be lost. WW1 would still happen, with someone else starting it.
Except, you know, neolithic revolution.
You're not gonna get Greek people in Greece if you put a giant ass sea in their way. Congrats, Greece in now inhabited by Phoenicians.
But greece IS part of the balkans you faggot
>this is what brainlets actually believe
In a world without the Balkans, not only would there not be a Greek ethnicity but the difference in climate and geography would affect early European settlement (if not affecting the wider region, changing history completely.
Ancient Greeks have no ethnic or racial relationship with the people who currently inhabit Greece, who by the way, had to be taught greek a few generations ago.
Greece is the quintessential Balkan country.
You don't get more Balkan than Greece.
Remove that narrow water passage to the Black Sea, and you remove the choke point that spawned the East/West/North/South divides of religion, culture, empire, race, all of it. Make that whole area uninhabitable and you'd accomplish the same thing.
no Balkans/no history
Dude what if two people went to the moon and one guy killed the other smashing a rock over his head, wouldn't that be fucked up or what?
I wouldn't be as surprised if it turned out that the astronauts in question had been from the Balkans.
are you implying this happend?
He's implying were all retarded for entertaining this hypothetical thread.
in an absolut world...
> World History without the Balkans existing?
Germans would still found a way to fuck things up.
fucking kek, you shitlord
>obscure event
If the Balkans never existed, then the world as we know it would not exist since the world as we know it contains the Balkans.
and that might be a good thing
I’m pretty sure Albania is considered part of the Balkans.
Albania is considered part of the African asshole
>Balkans = Yugoslavia
Why do brainlets think that? The very word "Balkan" comes from a mountain range in Bulgaria.
Because "people" on Veeky Forums unironically believe the shit memes they get fed so all they can think about when they hear balkans is the disaster that was yugoslavia. Most of the retards here can't fathom that Balkan countries can be quite comfy in many places
>the disaster that was yugoslavia
Not Yugoslavia itself, but the war
whites stop crying about turks taking christian slaves as much
watch out behind you! the other guy's picked up a rock!
a stigma centuries in the making is hard to shake, particularly when it is so violently made topical at the close of the 20th century
Greece sinks in a tragic earthquake shortly after Justinian dies.
And it's all the everyone else's fault. The west, instead of allying to fend the Turks off, focused all their power on destroying everything worth a while in the Balkans, while trying to make a profit and reap the territory left over, dividing people by religion and alliance. Up to the point of 2 world wars, after which nothing in the balkans was resolved, due to the Turks not being punished like the rest of the imperial entities, and due to yet another clash of major powers between the communists and the west. The result being, unincorporated tribes plagued by pseudo-historical nationalism that refuse to commit to a larger national entity like the rest of the world and instead, shit up the map of europe with their small irrelevant banana republics that serve no purpose other than getting noticed.