At what point in your study/interest in history did it dawn on you how boring and insignificant your own life is compared to the great historical figures you read about?
For me it was when I finished a 1,000 page biography of Napoleon in 2015.
At what point in your study/interest in history did it dawn on you how boring and insignificant your own life is compared to the great historical figures you read about?
For me it was when I finished a 1,000 page biography of Napoleon in 2015.
As a kid in history class and realizing I would never do anything to earn myself a place anywhere in the events in the book or near any of the big names in history. Not even a foot note. Not even related to a random character in a footnote.
Everyone lives through history though and the behavior of the great masses probably influences its course more than singular extraordinary personalities.
Today more than probably at any point in history you have the chance to make your own life exciting and meaningful with so many external needs and pressures already taken care of in advanced industrial societies.
I'm not talking about being spiritually fulfilled or some pretentious bullshit, I'm talking about having a huge, meaningful impact of the world.
I'm pretty sure Napoleon felt the same when he read the story of Alexander the Great user
Don't lose hope
As much as I'd like to become the youngest general in Australian history and then overthrow the government and declare myself Emperor of the Australians...... I don't think that'll happen.
I've always read about historical figures for their interesting lives. Their stories about how they were born in poverty, lived a shitty childhood, failed multiple times, and became well known at a later time in life really motivates me to improve myself and not give up.
That's because you are a pussy, in such a manner that you don't deserve it anyway
If the path for you to shine has to be completely set in front of you for you to see any opportunity, you don't deserve to shine anyway.
Also, Napoleon Buonaparte having got so far in french politics despite his origins is the modern day equivalent of an australian becoming a member of the US senate today, and yet you are not working on getting a green card for yourself, so think about it
The vast majority of people get what they deserve
Modern day equivalent would be more of an Australian senator convincing Congress, people and supreme court to abolish the law of only natural-born citizens can become POTUS and then being elected as POTUS.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
We can do it together brother
I already have plans in place for the glorious Queensland Empire
If you're a filthy southerner you can be my Carthage if you'd like
Never. I've always taken it for granted that I would either accomplish great things or do my very best to.
Also, I don't look up to most Napoleon-types. My heroes are scientists, doctors, and so on - and among politicians, my heroes are those who furthered liberal values.
Napoleon himself is an edge case. He was part tyrant, but he also helped to some extent in reforming Europe along more liberal lines.
Can't tell if this post is ironic or not.
T. Nu-male soyboy little bitch
Good luck improving the world developing that n-th social media app that will never take off
upboated post tbqf
But I was person of the year? "Me Too"
So there, I am a historically important person!
I understand your feelings user...
While I took up on history at a very young -Thanks to greek mythology- I also had these sudden reflections of myself compared to a historical figure.
However, I also felt glad to be born into the 2100st century, and enjoy the high standard of living and all the cool things that come with the modern age.
So don't be sad!! As far as most people are concerned, you can still do great things today!!
Pic (for aesthetics) not related.
Australia is a foreign country so it's not a good comparison. Puerto rico or Samoa would make more sense.
Speak for urself
Come from a line of megalomaniacal Scots
When I read about Caesar.
The fact that he broke into tears when he encountered a monument to Alexander, because he felt he was less successful then him, REALLY makes me feel insignificant.
>overthrow the government and declare myself Emperor of the Australians
>over one hundred billion people have lived on this earth since mankinds inception
>being such an egotist that you think you'd be one of the few hundred that left a lasting historical impact that immortalizes your name
Grow up.
No, I'm serious.
That's pretty fucking funny then.
Except the entire point of my post is that I *wouldn't* become a great historical figure. Learn to read you stupid cunt.