Ah goddamnit, /crypto/, I know, I know, I'm an idiot. I bought 1500 LINK back in 2018 and completely forgot about it. It goes without saying, that I'd be a billionaire right now, IF I COULD ACCESS MY LINK. Does anyone have a quantum-335 node I can borrow for like 30 minutes? You can have my rfID and I'll give you half my LINK, but I'll honestly kill myself if I don't get it back... So much money lost...
Ah goddamnit, /crypto/, I know, I know, I'm an idiot. I bought 1500 LINK back in 2018 and completely forgot about it...
I'm digging the green LINK
I-I'm sorry? Deluded, that's a word I haven't heard in a long time. Are you an oldfag?
Alright, what the hell is going on?
>digging the green LINK
LINK has been green since I bought it??
Green LINK aesthetic as fuck
Is this a new meme?
Why are you all acting like LINK hasn't been green for literally YEARS at this point?
Seriously, can someone lend me a fuckin' quantum-335 node for like five minutes?
>> January 25 2018
>JP Morgan announces that they will be placing supercomputes in each key city over the world within the next 3 months.
Veeky Forums why did you not sell your LINK before SIBOS at it's peak?
Blast from the past.
But, seriously, I have no other way of borrowing even a quantum-205 node where I live. Can a kind user PLEASE give me a hand?
I'm sure You could get 1,500 LINK for cheaper than a quantum-335 node. (Whatever that is.) It's hovering around 7100 Sats right now.
>buying link at 50 dollars after the ethereum bitcoin flip
normie detected
I'd literally kill for LINK under 7100 sats.
Hell, I'd cut off my other arm for LINK under 13,000,000,000,000 sats...
Another vintage meme, I'll add it to my folder.
But seriously will someone FUCKING HELP ME GET MY MONEY BACK????
You'll kill? Okay my friend, I can give you the 1,500 Link. So there's this leftover Nazi called George Soros....
Ah, good ol' Soros...
But, user, he's been dead for 5 years?
Don't you dare associate that (((globalist))) with Nationalsozialismus
He was literally an officer in the SS.
green link is aesthetic as fuck keep it up OP
As long as they don't put them ON each city, I'm not worried.