Anyone ever seen anything like this? Literally what the fuck? Interpret please.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ripple. The ecosystem is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the TA will go over a typical coiners head. Theres also Ripples Jewish involvement, which is deftly woven into the blockchain Ripples personal philosophy draws heavily from banking and historical economics, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this ecosystem, to realise that theyre not just a blockchain it has something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Ripple truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the gains in Ripples inflation schedule, which itself is a cryptic reference to Kike holy book The Torah. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ripples genius roadmap unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
dumbasses spread around a fake picture of ripple being sold on coinbase
funny because the first time i saw that picture was here
If you wrote this then kudos. I knew straight away what it was but had to read the whole thing again for lols.
Umm this is a current picture user. On my phone.
Thanks senpai, wrote it this morning. The LINK pasta is great too
Its called a buy-wall i.e. (((someone))) is trying to keep the price up until theyre ready to dump
That looks delicious.
But it's not dumping, user. It just went up a hundred sat. Why?
(((he))) pushed his (((buy wall))) a bit further senpai
Is he accumulating for tomorrow?
Im so stressed. I want to sleep, but I know as soon as I do, this thing will blow.up and run 100x without me. It's what always happens to me.
To be fair, you have to have a very low IQ to have bought Digibyte. The pump and dump scheme was extremely obvious, and without a solid grasp of theoretical economics most of the Digimarines will be bagholding for life. There's also Digibytes minecraft involvement, which was incompetently woven into the roadmap. Jared's personal philosophy draws heavily from gaming and HODLing, for instance. Digimarines don't understand this stuff; they lack the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this scamcoin, to realize that they're not just bagholders, but that they will be a pink Wojack for LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike DGB truly ARE rich- of course they would appreciate, for instance, digusign, which Jared himself sold and has had no involvement in for months. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated Digimarines scratching their heads in confusion as Digibyte's retarded roadmap implodes on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Who the fuck puts up a million dollar buy wall on cripple?
((( _____ )))
Thanks, just bought 100k
We're gonna need larger brackets.
S-so the American Express and Amex rumors are true?
This isn't that impressive, I saw over 1k btc buy walls before. Although considering btc is almost at ath now that's still kinda cool. Watch out for manipulation, nooblets.
K-kay Sinsei Wu.
Just went up another hundred sat. Dont wanna get left behind. Pulling the trigger. Going All In. See you in Valhalla.
1) $100+ Million in VC funding from Google, Santander, Seagate, etc.
2) 200+ employees, including former SWIFT execs
3) Offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Sydney, India, Singapore and Luxembourg
4) Sits on Federal Reserve Task Force
5) Sits on IMF Fintech Advisory Board
6) SEC Registered
7) ~$15 Billion in unrealized assets
8) 100+ Banks testing/implementing Ripple tech
9) Confirmed real world use of XRP on 10/10/17 by Cuallix
Roipple has huge potentials ... and it wil lrise in vlaue
1) $100+ Million in VC funding from Google, Santander, Seagate, etc.
2) 200+ employees, including former SWIFT execs
3) Offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Sydney, India, Singapore and Luxembourg
4) Sits on Federal Reserve Task Force
5) Sits on IMF Fintech Advisory Board
6) SEC Registered
7) ~$15 Billion in unrealized assets
8) 100+ Banks testing/implementing Ripple tech
9) Confirmed real world use of XRP on 10/10/17 by Cuallix
who would actually set up big buy walls if he actually wants to buy big amounts? only to buy it at a higher price? come on user, be less retarded.
He obviously means the picture he's referring to about ripple being sold on coinbase
reading comprehension my friend, you need it
literally nothing stopping banks or IMF from making their own ripple
highly dilutive coin with majority of XRP being held in reserves so it can be dumped to 'stabilize the price'
zero proof of ripple being added to coinbase