Post your Latinised name, Veeky Forums
Petrus Henrici here
Post your Latinised name, Veeky Forums
Petrus Henrici here
>Petrus Henrici here
Could at least post your own name rather than the same meme pasta every time this thread is made.
Also mine would be Franciscus Aloisius Valerius, I don't even need to fudge it.
> tfw iberian mongrel with germanic name
Caio, the modern day italian for the latin name Gaius
Sorry Romans, but name is already Greek :^)
The original name was Caesar, right? It's not on the list. Either way my second name is already Latin and I ain't telling you.
I don't think I've ever heard of someone named Caio
>mfw I can't find etiher first or last
I feel bad for whatever poor soul was named "Dispensarius Franciscus"
That would be due to the fact that it's a very rare name in Italy (unlike the feminine Gaia, which is both common and lovely). It's only relatively common in Brazil.
Don't feel bad. L'dasha Marquez
>mfw not on the list because too Germanic
It's actually Le-a, you simpleton
Latin has no J
De Kyme? Doesn't sound very Latin. I know Kyle is an Irish name..
> ABA – Abbott
> de ABBACIA – Abbess; Dabbs
> de ABBANEIO – Abney
> ABBAS – Abbott
>latin is only one period
Top cuck, I bet you think Ⅎ and Ⱶ aren't Latin letters, either!
My name is way too Anglo and rare to have been Latinized
t. Athelstane
mine is too eastern europeany
Bogdan -> Deodatus
>my name is the same
Am I a shitskin?
My last name would be Paulus and my first name is too Armenian to be latinized
Clemens Antonius Paschalis
>Marcus Aurelianus
Tzadia gallus vocem tonitrui