Picked your lambo yet fellas?

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pre-ordered an orange one, how about you?

Red Countach dude

If YC really manages to get coinbase to list req before the end of the year I will uniornically buy a lambo

THIS. Dreams man, it would actually put REQ to alpha centauri

maxed my shit on this. safe 20x roi.

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

>YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0
YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0
YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0
YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

Man, this aggressive meme is like those lame pun chain threads on reddit.
Speaking of which, did YC help to make reddit mainstream?

2 questions:

On which market will it land first? Binance? Bittrex? Coinbase?

Second question: When will the open sale begin?

>YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

I'm super fucking bullish on this one. I'm not even going to bother trying to flip it for x2-5.

This is a legit long hold.

Ether delta on the 20th

Nobody knows. Devs aren't allowed to make this public. Just wait and see.

What open sale? ICO is over. Tokens will be tradable October 20.

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Request down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Request into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

On pre-order from moonlambos.io right now

Nice token trade at the 20th October.
Thx Anons.
One question: At which time will the token hit the sale?

9:00 in the morning on friday, European time

Damnit, just shit in my bed. Time to get up..

Not even thinking about selling my shit on ED. Comfy waiting for a real fucking exchange

OP of this pasta. Show yourself!

Not selling before 10x. Thanks ING Diba & YCombinator for getting me out of this shithole wagecuck job.

How many REKTS you got? You LL bleed, my friend ...

Tfw too poor to max out more than one account

>100k. Feeling comfy

where can i buy this when it comes out?

ur going to be rich as shit when you maxed out 1 account.. I think everything above 100k req is moon level

first etherdelta, few hours later binance/liqui, few days later bittrex/kraken and a few months later amazon

dunno man, is one lambo really enough for you? honestly might just kms if this shit goes less than 5x, what's the point if it's just one lambo brahs, what is the point of living if you'll never complete the entire lambo rainbow

thanks :)

Fml..only have 5000 REQ. My LINK, RPX and CND better moon then....

>Devs aren't allowed to make this public
Why does this stupid rule exist?


Nah, waiting for BlockV

it's actually our ticket guys. This is our time

Oh look, another token that doesn't do anything BTC doesn't already do.

Yeah 3 tnx / sec with 100000% fees. Good luck buying your coffee with the MASTERACE BITCOIN :)

I will dump my link bags for this on friday, hope ill make it.

holy shit my sides