>tfw staying up late loading up on xlm
Nocturnal burgers stand up
Tfw staying up late loading up on xlm
>tfw just made a fuck ton on XLM, tired as all shit and smoking bowls to stay up with my biz bros
I'm so sleepy but I bought 90k at 680
please tell it's gonna hit 1800
3 am here in burger land. I got in at around 2 hours ago?
West coast, rest coast. Not even 2 am here.
1:27 am here got in at 470 sats
reporting in. we're gonna be so fucking rich, xlm will steal all of link's spotlight tomorrow
What wallets store xlm newfag here sorry
I have to go to bed for work but I can't sleep this shit is crazy
Also I love you Veeky Forums, thanks for the all the monies and the laughs
Link and xlm do two different things, xlm is ripple's competitor
I bought the top again. Should I sell?
I always fuck this up
i just woke up when it pumped, eurocuck here
still awake, its starting to get light here but I got on the moon mission around 650 sats. Btw how the heck do I get XLM off polo?
I bought at 900 sats please fucking give me a win this time. There's no way this mission is over if fucking IBM is the pilot.
It will be at leat 2k sats
IBM will push this from ground floor to the fucking moon
West coast US insomniacs checking in
You can't send directly to Bittrex if that's what you want to do. I;ve been trying to send to my own XLM wallet but Polo never processes the transaction (pending forever)
Bay area here still getting turnt off these gains!!
Hell yeah brother, I'll burn some down for XLM