If you had to rate the following peoples on warlikeness and militarism in their culture how would you rate them?
If you had to rate the following peoples on warlikeness and militarism in their culture how would you rate them?
Ancient or modern?
friendly reminder than germans and turks arent human
Lets take it from the year 0 till 1453.
So from the birth of the roman empire till the end of the medieval times.
Did they doubleteam your mom or something?
Celts > Slavs > Germanics > Latins > Turkics
Celts are the utter bottom of the barrell.
How is this even a question? Vast populations of Turkics were nomadic until very recently, while post Vercingetorix Celts were (and still are) extremely bad at warfare (yeah, I'm talking about you, Scots)
Slavs, Germanics, Celts, and Turkics were basically the same
Latins were the only ones to before modern times to practice warfare on an industrial level
survived against all odds, often in harsh climate and in shitty geographical locations even though they just started as chill agrarian decentralized tribes, would be uncontested number one if not for their relatively late arrival in history and tendency to be lead by retards (which i guess could also contribute to asking yourself how the fuck did they survive for so long)
loved to pray on falling civilizations but still pretty strong, at least they have to get a few points for their pragmatism and innovations
smart, willing to adapt, often physically weaker than their opponents but made up for it with their wits
shit tier, were btfo by everyone in history
they always started out strong but their decline was directly correlated to how civilized they became as their strength was always their savage steppe culture
i think seljuks were more impressive than ottomans though
so it would be like
slavs/latins > turks > germanics > celts
Germanics > Slavs > Latins > Turkics >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Celts
Depends on what you mean by Turkic
Apart from Oghuz Turkics (Turkmens, Turks and Azerbaijanis) and Kipchaks (Tatars and Kazakhs) other Turkics don't know a shit about war.
Mongols > Romans > Turkics > Celts > Slavs > Germanics.
Gauls conquered almost the entire Europe despite being tribal, Germans and Slavs, on the other hand, despite being united by monarchs, failed to accomplish even half of the Celts.
>Gauls conquered almost the entire Europe
I don't think you know what the word conquered means.
>united by monarchs 50BC
1) Turks are no 1 brutal warlike savages of history
2) germanics
3) Slavs
4) celts
5) latins
Slavs basically occupied areas other people were leaving
Turkics haven't done anything since the fall of Byzanshits.
Except for Illyria and Thrace maybe.
Yeah, thats how migrations works. The important thing is that they held onto most of their clay.
They went as far as belgium but returned because that land was too bad for agriculture btw
That's just the migration period (500-800 AD roughly). They've done plenty of shit since then.
Hunnish invasion of Rome
Initial Seljuk invasion of Anatolia
Timors invasion of Persia and Iraq
Khwarezmian Turkic dominions
Turkic tribal ethnic cleansing of Greeks in Asia Minor between 1200s-1400s
>Spotted the T*rkroach.
>I can't read
>roach in charge of reading with comprehension
Literally nobody knows whether Huns were Turkic or not.
wh*Te subhumans pls
don't make me crush your inferior caucasoid wh*Te skulls with my BBC
Shut up roach, we all know you have tiny Asian dicks.
sarmatians/turkics> slavs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nothing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> white people
Latins >> everyone else
Turkics > Germanics = Celts > Latins
lol no
>united by monarchs 50BC
Germans and Slavs were always slavish peoples, just like Latins, you love to be dominated by stronger people(cult of the AUGUSTUS/KAISER/TSAR), meanwhile Celts are freedom-loving, which is why they were always so divided.
Had the Celts abandoned their tribal-ways, the whole world, starting with Europe, would be speaking Celtic.
I ask you again, why do you think that area was "conquered"? I guess I conquered my couch then.
By conquered, i mean killing the previous inhabitants and taking their land.
Nah they just moved in and settled. There were no previous inhabitants.
Daily reminder the only source for this picture is fucking pottery.
>2000 years from now
>some retard digs up a Coca Cola bottle in Uganda
>fuck, Uganda must've been conquered by Americans!
That's you.
>failed to accomplish even half of the Celts.
Well Continental Celts are all dead, so...
>loved to pray on falling civilizations
But what if you're part of the reason it's falling?
>Europe was void of people before the Celts
Do you believe the spics who now live in America came in and murdered all white people? Or did they just outbreed them?
>not mentioning zulus
zulus were literally the most deadly fighting force in history, theyre armor was bulletproof even against bullets fired by modern guns and they basically kicked the british out of africa single handedly
how can you be so fucking stupid
slavs/germans had their tribal phase where they also were divided into SHITLOAD of tribes
just because celts got genocided before they could be part of cool medieval and beyond europe doesn't mean they had some aversion for centralized government
>whiteboi is getting salty
Tell tyrone I said hello.
user you can't be this historically illiterate.
Ottoman conquests started to speed up after the conquest of constantinople.
Ottomans were Slavic at that point.
>claim that Europe was empty
>realize how dumb his claim is
>invent a dumber theory
Bronze Age wasn't your liberal safe space, brainlet
>everyone I talk to is the same person
You're the one to call someone a brainlet
>this is WE WUZ version of irish
i've seen everything
retarded balkanrapebaby
Yes you are.
Imagine being a subhuman balkanrapebaby that you constantly wewuz about us even though we kicked your rapebaby ancestors' skulls in
I'd drag you by your dinarid nose and beat the shit out of you with a hammer
You're the only one claiming that the Celts are indigenous to Europe, which contradict archeological, linguistic, and genetics data.
Imagine being a 80 IQ slavshit who thinks everyone who laughs at him is also a slavshit
>have a turkish name
>speak fancy palace turkish
>be muslim
>still claim to be slav
That's not how it works.
genes > culture
I'd actually beat the shit out of you to death for associating me with crackers.
History has shown it to be the other way round. For example you have both the english and the french genetically both are mostly celtic but they identify as germanics.
nice try ivan
English are Germanic. French are just hideously ugly people who should fuck off from Europe and the universe.
Caesar always attacked Gaulish tribe one by one, and avoided high-pitched battle, the only time he actually fought one, he got CRUSHED(Gergovia), he was so scared by his defeat that his "victory" at Alesia was because he hided like a coward behind fortification and avoided battle.
>SHITLOAD of tribes
Some tribal confederacies*
>they had some aversion for centralized government
Pic related is Britain circa 450AD, Britanny was equally divided. Meanwhile, Germans and Slavs formed huge confederacies ruled by kings.
Dude do you think that in any way a few tribes like the saxons and anglos who were still living in mudhuts could outnumber the urbanised britons?
They basically got assimilated.
turkics again
the rest
>Slavs formed huge confederacies ruled by kings.
Okay. Name me a single Slavic king before 1025.
Turkics are only good for getting spit roasted by Russians.
>Kazan BTFO
>Astrakhan BTFO
>Crimean Tatars BTFO
>Siberians BTFO
>Bashkirs BTFO
>Ottomans BTFO
>Kazakhs BTFO
>Khiva BTFO
>Bukhara BTFO
>Turkestan BTFO
Russia literally single handedly ended the existence of 90% of Turkic states
Is that why the ottoman empire survived longer than the russian one?
>be so shit your own people destroy your empire in order to improve their own living standards
>meanwhile call the ottomans the sick man of europe
*200 years later*
You've got me there
Germans formed huge confederacies*
>your own people
Didn't know Germans and kikes were Russian ...
>europeans are one people
Kek does anyone still believe this?
Joke's on you, i'm not even white
I guess all those soldiers were also germans and kikes then.
>sick man of europe
More like sick woman, or a tranny.
Sure thing john, back to the cuckshed with you.
>Russia is now a nuclear superpower
>Turkey is a designated regional retard zone kept afloat by gibsmedats from USA
>invade enemy
>your people suffer more from it then your enemy's
>Turdshit mental gymnastics to hide the fact Turds got BTFO
Russia is the northern equivalent of saudi arabia only difference is that instead of oil russia has gas.
Also lets not forget the africa tier HIV numbers or the abysmal fertility rates that allow muslim russians to replace the others.
reminder that the grand initiator of the vast majority of enlightenment and post-enlightenment philosophical thought was a Dreaded Jew
>muslim russians
>zerg rush enemy when its at its weakest
>start wars when your own people suffer for it
>collapse and let communists take over
>russia turns into an actual dystopia
>evil movement was started by a jew
10-15% of the russians are muslim though.
That won't save all those Turkic 10 year old girls Russian soldiers raped and tossed into a ditch.
>mutt brainlet unable to comprehend that having Russian passport doesn't make you Russian
>russian army comes in and defeats turkic army
>civilians take their tents and leave
>turkic khans are allowed to rule in the name of the tsar
>bragging about becoming a vassal
What makes you russian then faggot?
>inb4 muh pure slav genes
I wasn't bragging retard the russian conquest of central asia went pretty bloodless because there weren't any civilians to brutalise, russians were far more brutal against fellow slavs and germans than they were against turkics.
>Ameribrainlet unironically thinking citizenship = ethnicity
Not even warranting a proper response.
Better american than some retarded aids ridden post soviet slav.
Just remember who got a man on the moon first :^)
It's always Americans who start screeching hysterically when Russia is mentioned.
Celtics, easily. Everything they did revolved around fighting it was a sport to them, but not in the Greek sense of brotherly wars but in the sense of endless conflicts lasting for half a century between tribes. And then the Gauls notably went out on expeditions to conquer and settle, not even to expand or to flee a destroyed homeland, just packing up and moving somewhere else, raiding along the way of course.
One could point to the Veneti raid of Scandinavia and the Baltic states as well as Brennus and his conquest of Anatolia and the raid of Rome and Greece.
In regards to the medieval and the modern era, the Germanics or rather the Central Europeans have been the most warlike and martial.
>Gaelic = Celtic
Germany is not a 'Germanic' nation in regards to ethnicity they are a Gallic nation. The achievements of Central Europe are true Celtic achievements. N*rds and GAYlics can suck a fat one.
>Well Continental Celts are all dead, so...
>implying the Franks didn't get absorbed
>implying the French aren't descended from Gauls
>implying the numerous Norman conquests aren't Gallic conquests
>implying the numerous French victories aren't really Gallic victories
>implying Napolean wasn't Caesar reconciling with Gauls
>implying Modern Germany isn't majority ethnically Gallic
>implying the Swiss aren't Gauls
>implying the conquistadors weren't Gallic nobles and Celtiberians
Simple logic here
Romans could not fend off Germans
Germans migrated because somebody BTFO Germans. Who could that be???
Huns >>>>>>>>>>> the rest
>>implying Napolean wasn't Caesar reconciling with Gauls
Napoleon literally called himself IMPERATOR GALLORUM (English: Emperor of the GAULS)
Attila was defeated by the Roman general Aetius. Attila's incompetent sons weakened the Empire and got BTFO by Germans at Nedao. The last Hunnic tribes, the Utrigurs and the Kutrigurs, were defeated by Belisarius.
anglos >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
>the Roman general Aetius
By the Gauls*; and after the Gauls defeated them, they sacked Italy and raped the r*mans