>tech dinosaur IBM uses XLM as a literal placeholder
>XLM moons to market cap of 700M
>finance giant SWIFT asks LINK to do development for them
>LINK still at market cap of 140M
Shit is going to hit the fan when normies realize.
>tech dinosaur IBM uses XLM as a literal placeholder
>XLM moons to market cap of 700M
>finance giant SWIFT asks LINK to do development for them
>LINK still at market cap of 140M
Shit is going to hit the fan when normies realize.
no one is buying you bag you delusional linktard
That's because I'm not selling.
look we're all very sorry you fell for the link meme but if it makes you feel any better i am falling for the stellar meme so i'll see you in 24 hours and we can post wojaks together
>we're all very sorry you fell for the link meme
Don't be. I'm still up 4x.
Let's not forget that this Lumen news will get SIBOS visitors even more hyped for blockchain solutions.
This greatly increases the odds of LINK also benefiting tremendously from SIBOS.
stellar lumens is listed in bittrex, poloniex, kraken. this is temporary. ibm is a dying company
IBM is indeed a dying company. Blockchain is their last hope. 20 straight quarters of declining revenue.
>this is temporary
It literally is:
>According to Jesse Lund [IBMs VP of Blockchain], though, the banks use of Stellars digital currency is likely to be temporary.
>He predicts that, in the next year, central banks will begin issuing digital currencies of their own, and that these will become an integral part of blockchain-based money transfers.
Lumen is literally used as a placeholder.
Just imagine what will happen when normies become aware of the SWIFT-LINK thing.
Not only is SWIFT many times more huge than IBM, the use case is also much stronger and more lasting.
>Blockchain is their last hope
quantum computers are
Only when put on each city.
Just imagine when all these central banks want to use off-chain data and they realize there is already a solution fo that
A solution SWIFT is about to showcase to them in about 5 hours.
>just w-w-wait until people hear about swift and link
Year old news. No one gives a fuck. At all.
>link fags so desperate they are literally hoping to piggy back another coin
>it's afraid
XLM ABOUT TO HIT 1K, BUY NOW, before the americans wake up , easy 2 x
IBM-Lumen was "old news" too.
People have been saying conferences kill cryptos.
Lumen proves otherwise.
IBM lumen was not old news.
It was known they would be at sibos with IBM. It was not known they would be using lumen
>IBM lumen was not old news.
Yes it was.
>It was known they would be at sibos with IBM. It was not known they would be using lumen
A crypto being at a conference with a major company does not hint at any type of collab at all.
Right right right.
yeah thats why the price shot up when the news hit, if it was old news it would be priced in ages ago. are people on biz really that retarded or just trolling ?
>yeah thats why the price shot up when the news hit
And when news comes for LINK, the same will happen.
I seriously think LINK not moon yet is due to the fact of it being only available on shitty garbage exchanges. Don't get me wrong, I like binance, but normies just refuse to use much outside of kraken, polo and bittrex.
XLM is easily accessible pretty much everywhere.
Swift partnership is old news
Its been on the smart contract site since before the crowdsale
Its not the same as lumens
Hash tags in a tweet and nothing about a partnership or Ibms use of lumens
A rumor at best, not news
Keep trying
>Swift partnership is old news
Then so was the IBM-Lumen partnership.
Protip: LINK implementation by SWIFT isn't confirmed yet.
What's confirmed is the proof of concept and the demo.
>Hash tags in a tweet and nothing about a partnership or Ibms use of lumens
Nor is there any confirmation of actual implementation of LINK by SWIFT yet.
>A rumor at best
So you're saying that in the case of Lumen, people massively bought the news?
Thanks, that confirms what I've been saying all along: that if actual confirmation comes of LINK implementation by SWIFT, crazy mooning will occur.
Only being on ED and Binance probably doesn't help.
But there have been constant fake sell walls over the past weeks, that doesn't help either.
Why don't normies like Binance? I personally find it very appealing and user friendly
That's a good point.
Scam chink exchange that listed LINK on their own and is manipulating the fuck out of it
I imagine the number one reason is cause its chinese
Now imagine when it gets added to a real mainstream exchange.
It won't because the team is absolute dog shit.
Binance added LINK on their own to be a hostile actor.
>the team is absolute dog shit.
At hyping? If you don't consider landing a demo spot at SIBOS as the only external crypto dev "hype".
Personally I'll take that kind of hype over a "big news coming" tweet any day of the week.
Too busy to talk with token holders. They are a straight up joke and its inexcusable.
The lack of hype and actual advertising will only make it moon harder once it gets mainstream traction, I suppose. I can only image when working with organizations like SWIFT you don't wanna mess up like OMG with lots of bullshit news but rather focus on the task at hand (pic related). Once this is done and they actually like what LINK has to offer, expect a moon mission like you've not seen one before.
XLM gains into LINK. jump now or regret 4 ever.
>ibm is a dying company
my initial thoughts exactly
Source about swift choosing any partner ?
This isn't the bachelor, user.