>Africa and SEA are shitholes because they're genetically inferior, colonialism is nothing to a strong race!
>The Balkans and Eastern Europe are shitholes because of the legacy of communism
Africa and SEA are shitholes because they're genetically inferior, colonialism is nothing to a strong race!
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The Balkans and Eastern Europe have made contributions to world society before. What has Africa contributed?
Also when did anyone say this? This is a bait thread
Humans came out of Africa.
Egypt is in Africa.
>what has africa contributed
Athena, for one :^)
t. martin bernal
Eastern Europe is light years away from Africa in every quantifiable metric.
>Eastern Europe have made contributions to world society before.
Lets not pretend a mountainous peninsula did anything important other than being a bunch of developing world countries in Europe.
>all of Eastern Europe is the Balkans
That ain’t necessarily true
slavs are the niggers of the white race
The Balkans and Eastern Europe look troubled in comparison to Western Europe and North America. However, compared to Africa they look utopian.
Bulgaria too, double btfo
>tfw you immigrate to muttland from SEA
>fully understands the white race is dying
>try to force white friends to start white families
>they all turn liberal after Trump 2016 and cucked themselves
Welp. I tried to save my master's race, I've failed you white people of the future.
Fucking cuck.
>white master-race
Too much wrong in just one post.
>colonialism and communism are the same thing
lol why do whites always come in with balkan origin articles when it's not scientifically supported
I noticed that too
Wh*te subhumans tend to explain non-whites' inferiority using racial causes, but to explain their own inferiority they either blame the jews(''who keep them down") or use social causes.
No, balkan mongrels are genetically inferior, too
I chuckled
They never did shit
No it fucking isn’t
Tunisia>>>>>> any balkan shithole
Balkans didnt do shit, especially south central balkans, africans and middleast produced dozens of civilizations and both ancient and medieval intellectuals
I always found weird how race scientists like Stefan Molyneux and other race intellectuals consider places like Persia to be inhabited by subhumans but not a world on European shitholes like Bulgaria or Romania
Even historically speaking, the region of North Africa was more imperical to the overall history of many civilization like Rome, they had superior agricultural irrigation earlier than most areas around the mediterranean save Greece, Italy, they had such a high surplus that they were able to cover many legions' needs, support provinces in draughts, and still have enough to trade in the south.
North Africa has given us the many marvels of Egypt, clear glass.
Just North African lions, leopards and elephants effectively influenced European heraldry and symbology more than anything to ever come out of the balkans.
But all of this doesn't change the fact that Balkans is Europe and North Africa is Africa
Soviet control and colonial control had similar outcomes and goals
the worst areas of the balkans still have higher standards of living and lower pollution than the best areas of africa
Africa would be 1000 years more advanced than "europe" if we had had domesticatable plants and animals
Read a real history book instead of your Eurocentric trash
he didnt say master race he said master`s race
>liberal reading comprehension
And Nordics came from Eastern Europe. It doesn't mean that Russia is more civilized than Germany though.
Humans didn't live in Africa until the 1800s.
Tunisia is a shithole compared to 90% of EE.
Balkan countries are poor but are still safe and orderly, even an absolute shithole like Moldova or Albania has a functional state apparatus and infrastructure, seriously go spend two weeks in Moldova then two weeks in some random African or south asian country then compare the experience, I fucking dare you.
I mean China got fucked repeatedly until only mid-last century and they're doing alright now.
>Literally exist 50,000 years before any other human race
>said far far far younger races somehow advance before you
Blacks have no excuses they had 80,000 years to do something in Africa.
The shittiest country in Europe (Moldova) has a higher HDI than the best country in Africa (Botswana). I think you severely underestimate just how shitty Africa is.
Was Africa any different before colonialism?
Tunisia, Algeria, Mauritus, Seychelles and even fucking Libya have higher HDI than Moldova
Yeah, Singapore and Malaysia are just awful, it's Africa tier
>higher HDI than Moldova
Congrats Ahmed you made it, finally you're among the world's elite!
>still lower than Ukraine, Bosnia and Armenia
Why does everyone thinks that Eastern European refers to Moldova, Albania or the the Ukraine.
Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary, the Baltic states and to a lesser extent Romania are well developed nowadays.
My dad went to Poland a while ago and told me how clean, nice and white the country is compared to mine (Netherlands). Sure we got higher wages, but thay isn't everything.
First of all
I'd rather live in recently war torn and currently protesting Pristina than in some ebola ridden carton box
Second, balkans is shit because of the Ottomans.
Third, Greece, Bulgaria and Yugos have contributed more than africans ever will. Meme states like makedonkia, mountnigger, b*snia and kosovo are a recent development.
Czechia alone contributed more in science, engineering and arts than all of sub-Saharan Africa put together.
Much of SEA, especially the shitty parts (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam), got Communism too, and lots of other nations also get Kebab terrorism/seperatism (Burma, Indonesia, Philippines).
Algeria, Mauritius, and Seychelles are all higher than Ukraine and Armenia, with the later two being higher than B*snia.
Stole all theirstuff from phoenicians and egyptians.
B*snia literally had all out war 20 years ago
I'm from V4 myself, I'm just using Moldova and Ukraine because even though they're bad they're still better than those African cannibal and mohammedan shitholes.
Armenia isn't even in Europe
>The Balkans and Eastern Europe are shitholes because of the legacy of communism
but thats true though a habsburg balkans wouldve made them actually civilized