Why do Slavs squat?

Have Slavs been doing this for a long time, or did communism bring them into a new age of squatting instead of standing?

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Jail floors in Siberian prisons were freezing, you couldn't sit down. So people were forced to squat. Plus, when squatting you can quickly stand up and attack people. Once these dudes got out of prison, impressionable hooligans saw them doing it and started copying them. Same reason thugs in America show off their underwear.

That's amazing thank you!

Humans naturally squat rather than sit as it's easier to get up if danger encounters you while you're doing something.

However, you have to squat from childhood or else your capillaries in your legs won't form properly and you can't get adequate bloodflow while doing it.

The Slav derives power from three things: Rape, vodka, and squatting.

That sounds entirely plausible, buut also like it could be complete bullshit.

they can't afford chairs

The Great Chair Shortage of 39.

Stalin confiscated all the Bourgeois Chairs and sold them off to Germany.

The Soviet Union didn't have chairs in ample supply again until the mid 60s.

A betyer question is why do we sit on chairs?

From Wikipedia:
>it was not until the 16th century that chairs became common. Until then, people sat on chests, benches, and stools, which were the ordinary seats of everyday life. The number of chairs which have survived from an earlier date is exceedingly limited; most examples are of ecclesiastical or seigneurial origin.


this should help

They think it looks cool. That's literally it.

Chinese people squat too. Its an oriental thing.

ive heard a similar variation - Soviet prisons were so overcrowded that there was no place to sit, so inmates had to squat

either way, i think the phenomenon of street thugs (the gopnik subculture) copying what they think/see legit criminals (the vor v zakone, like Russian made men) do to seem more gangster themselves

The high in potato diet common to many Russians (and other slavs) induces constipation. Squatting relieves the immense pressure they often feel on their bowels.

Would squatting really use less space than sitting?

Prisons here still are. It is not uncommon to have two times more people in a cell than there are beds.

Waaa? When did potatoes start giving constipation? If anything they are actually making you shit more often and with softer shit due to fermentation. Also give you more gases in bowels for same reason.
Funny fact - I am typing this while I am defecating after eating mostly mashed potatoes for three days and can confirm - soft, easy to shit and lots of farting.

>Why do Slavs squat?
Because that way you can keep the drink handy on the floor when there are no chairs while also not making your trousers dirty.


Essentially it's the equivalent of ghetto black kids wearing their pants low.

Because it's comfy. Comfier than standing anyway, when you spend hour after hour hanging out with your mates around your block of flats drinking beer. There are often no benches and sitting on the ground means getting dirt on your trousers, hence squatting is preferable.

That girl is not looking forward to getting fucked by all of those slavs.

I've heard some of them say that they think sitting on a cold chair will make them infertile.

underrated post

>all Slavs are Russians

why do russians treat eachother like this?

i will never how did it became such a meme
do non slav people never do this?
squatting is comfy, it just is
there is no great tradition or great story behind, its just natural stuff

White people dont do this. Slavs are so funny lol!

I'm Dutch and I sit in a squat position often. It's comfy. I may look weird because nobody else does it, not even the Poles at my gym.

Not all Slavs do this. I live in Poland and I've never seen anyone squat in public. I can't even do it.

>there's any significant difference between boutique flavors of slavism

Next youre gonna tell me i need to categorize maggots by their filth index. A slav is a slav.

Do Western Slavs (Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks) even squat? I always saw this as a Soviet thing instead of Slavic, considering how Caucasians and Central Asians love to squat too.

i'm not sure squatting was ever a big thing here in poland
maybe in some ghettos in very shitty towns

nowadays it's a meme

No we don't. It's a Russian/Soviet meme from Krautchan, no idea how it got associated with all Slavs.