ITT we pretend we're trading stocks
> wow this was a great month my investment is up 2% I'm making so much money
ITT we pretend we're trading stocks
> wow this was a great month my investment is up 2% I'm making so much money
>I will have doubled my money in 25 years! This is outstanding.
You do know that Stock market has more money than everything combined right?
>I'm ruined, I lost almost 1.5% in a single night!
I've diversified in the S&P 500 for the last 10 years. I've made great returns of almost 5%!! Have you heard of that scam coin called Chainlink that ran 100%? Lol those people are going to get burnt.
>If I keep adding 6% of my monthly income to this 401k plan, I'll have a whole $80k by the time I retire in 45 years! Now that's wise investing!
make 0.14% swing trading AMD today, easy fucking money
Oh nice, another +1.2% since last month? Can't wait to hop into my Ferrari to pick up Stella for a round of golf and tell her that our new mansion in South France is already bought and ready to live in!
From my uncle who is holding a small amount of my inheritance
>I guess what I want you to know is that we can lose some money in the short term. But in the long term we will more than make up the short term losses. I think we should be averaging a 9% gain or more. To date on your account I think we have averaged closer to 12%
I'm very excited, 9%? Wow!
how do I into stocks
You two sound like teenagers
You guys realize that the average YoY ROI is 20% right?
It's also a lot less risky than the cryptocurrency market. if you have a lot of money please diversify it by also having stocks and bonds.
You really sound like a stock trader, you either are a great actor or ruining this thread.
Cryptocurrency market is the least risk right now because huge longterm gains are certain, while with stocks small longterm gains are certain. Sounds pretty risky to miss out on certain huge gains, who knows an economic crisis could happen or a war time, it's safer to have huge gains imo.
Crypto is only risky when margin trading. Making more money in 10 minutes than in the last 5 year fucks with your mind so much.
i have about $300k i put into the stock market 7 years ago.
first year i made a few mistakes, lost around $4000. spent the next 6 years making that back through solid investments that provide a steady gain.
I am finally back to my initial investment and am even $20 in the green! So overall I'm quite happy with my returns
Man that is so great. I invested $500k in 2008 and I was down 50% after a year but I only have to make extra 40% to be back at my initial investment. We're so fortunate to have such great oppurtunities!
What is leverage
Uh oh.
If you dont want to click link, look at image.
Couldn't find a single english article on this. And he was a SUCCESSFUL trader, an example for hundreds.
The guy in my post (right below yours) was a margin trader. I hope you don't have a daughter.
I started with £350 that was laying on my account doing nothing. Also have 3.5k in crypto, initial investment of around £400. I find stocks way more predictable than crypto thus safer.
Im up 75% in 2 days. Stock market is treating me well.
>Huge longterm gains are certain
If you pick the right 5 coins maybe, 95% of what we have today will be irrelevant in 2 years, maybe even the big players
It's quarterly earnings period though, then the biggest jew birthday so it's probably going to be quite nice period again. What are you trading?
>Also have 3.5k in crypto, initial investment of around £400.
id you hodl?
>Son, you can't make a living off of these computer dollars, you have to invest in a real long-term stock and you might even earn 5% in 10 years!
Wow you got in on the ICO of the AMD coin?
why do you pretend like there arent moon missions in the stock market?
we dont its just a whole lot fucking harder than crypto
Whole lot harder to lose all your money in a single day too. Why not go play blackjack
t. boomer
Made 12% gains on AMD recently. I'm probably going to hop back in if it dips again. Solid stock.
>haha you're from the richest generation of all time
I started in April on virtual, then used to trade in may-june, then put it on hold, and I'll probably hold at least till July 2018. I kind of regret not just keeping 3.3btc I had at the peak in June, but that's how you learn.
>82% past 3 months
>past 3 months
Literal shitcoins go way over 100% in half a day lmao
it's really not, if you know how to do any level of DD it's pretty easy to make cash in this bull market.
there are stocks that do that too retard
And they go to shit in half a day too
Spec stocks on the ASX. Usually mining & materials. MUS, VAL, LPD.
Up 140% alone on MUS over the last couple of weeks, and it still has a little way to go.
That's why you sell them when you're happy with your 100% return.
hey, remember to pay your taxes buddy! It's too risky to try to diverge funds since the SEC's been cracking down, plus y'know, those taxes go to great public institutions like NPR, and the Endowment for the Arts, wow I sure love Hillary Clinton, I think I'll donate a few million to the 2020 superpac.
Except you don't though, you just put it all in on another shitcoin and rinse and repeat before the whole thing inevitably implodes
Only retards hold shitcoins. You sell 50% (or more) at some return you think it will hit (be it +100% or +10000%), then the remaining you split up in higher returns , decreasing in % as you go up the price.
If a shitcoin moons to 10x and you sell 50%, even if you lose everything that remains, you still made bigger profits than boomervestors make in 10 years.
The problem isn't holding individual coins its in basing your portfolio into the very commodity itself.
You know its like living under a tree to avoid the rain then when someone says someday it'll be winter and the leaves will fall your plan is to hide under a different tree
No, you take half your profit and increase your BTC and ETH stack and put the other half into another shitcoin to further increase your BTC/ETH stack.
And if you seriously think BTC or ETH are going to go down in price never to go up again you must be fucking delusional. Bitcoin maybe since it's mostly dependant on the brand itself but ETH is one of the greatest technological advancements of the last 20 years.
I think they're way overvalued and their price is based on a speculative bubble. I honestly believe they have a good long term growth rate and would be a solid investment in different circumstances but at some point I think there's going to be a major correction.
Mark come take look at this inflation margin
>t. Triggered Boomer
Get off Veeky Forums Grandpa
If you start earning a lot, only an idiot would keep that in crypto. When we start talking about hundreds of thousands or millions, sell some of that shit and invest them, buy property to rent or whatever, don't keep it all in crypto.
Bitcoin halves its value at least twice a year, is that not major enough for you? I agree it will eventually be too big but we are still far from that.
Thats the gamblers gambit though, there's always that day someday soon when you make *enough* and put it into smart places but it never actually comes
How do you make a small fortune in the stock market?
>start with a large fortune
>3 months
Thats why you sell them you brainlet
shhhhhh and just enjoy the show
I unironically sold stocks at a 65% profit today.
They were shilled on Veeky Forums pre shitcoin lunacy
read again, tardass
>make small gains
>can't buy a juicy weekend dip
>closed on (((bank))) holidays
>only rising due to unsustainable fiat printing and short term central bank pumping
>will never 10x, let alone 100x+ within a few short months/years at most
Fuck you, boomers.
Put $10,000 into shares today, I was told by the time I'm 55, I will have enough money to live off til I die. Can't wait, and I'm 50!
95% of biz have no any savings so ofcourse they go all ain with cryptos.
it's a little different thing when you actually got some money to throw, one does not simply go all in with cryptos then
t. ass-blasted boomer
what a retarded comeback, that's the whole reason they suck. The current generation should always be the richest generation of all time. If you're the richest generation of all time, and your kids aren't, you're an emotional basketcase that treats money the way a girl on her period treats ice cream.
I recently put everything into silver, in 5 years I might have doubled my money or lost half if our market crashes again.
>not stocks
I am aware.