>wake up
>islam still exists
Wake up
>wake up
>grab a brush and put on a little makeup
Can I get a quick rundown on Islam?
>wake up
>humanity still exists
>wake up
>september ended
>wake up
>islam still exists
it's pretty good. most people here are kind of blinded by their larping and have no knowledge of its history. really great metaphysics. avicenna outshines some of the christian scholastics desu
since you asked so nicely
cry more, kafr
>wake up
>(can't wake up)
>wake uo
>kuffar still exists
Reddit fag.
>wake up
>have to work on a Saturday
mix arabic nomad paganism & culture with judaism plus christianity and you get islam.
>mix paganism
Not really. Christianity is more watered down with local paganism than Islam is.
>Wake up
>Jews still exist
they literally worship a fucking rock
Nope, it's about location. You can remove the whole building and muslim would still be praying in that direction. Look up on first mosque by prophet ibrahim asw.
the pagans that Mohammed interacted with all worshiped stones at that site. The location matters but so does the fact that Islam is a collection of pagan beliefs and traditions on top of Judaism and Christianity
>one man made a seemingly convincing argument for the existence of a deity and tried desperately to force his religious convictions onto it
>never mind the religious texts that claim a man rode into heaven on a winged donkey
why are seculars such brainlets
fantastical portions of sacred texts don't invalidate entire civilizations
>wake up
>4th Reich not here yet
It's not fundamentally different than the holy of holies.
>wake up
>make coffee
>have a comfy day on Veeky Forums
Muslims literally believe the Quran is the direct uncreated word of Allah and that there is a stone tablet in heaven with the exact words of the Quran on it that is uncreated and eternal and that when you speak the words of the Quran those words are themselves divine and uncreated.
Yes, I'm aware the Mu'tazilites lost. I don't see why it discredits the civilization. The metaphysics authored in light of such doctrines as the uncreatedness of the Quran are really impressive, but I can see why this might not matter to a Western secularist. If anything, the material achievements of the civilization should be testament to its value.
Well if we are going by objective material accomplishments then modern Western civilization godstomps it.
Sure, from a particular perspective, and in modernity. There were hundreds of years where this wasn't true, and a lot of invaluable information was transmitted from MENA to the west in the middle ages.
the winged donkey part is from hadith not the Quran tho
>wakes up
>Jewish Abrahamic mind control still exists
Fixed it for you.
Islam it self isn't a bad thing. It's merely the expression of the Arab racial soul.
It only becomes a problem when Arabs are winning wars against us, in which case there is a racial problem happening rather than a religious one.
>they literally worship
Either you're the kind of faggot that uses this word without knowing what it means, or you literally didn't read a single thing about the black stone.
post more qts
I-I don't h-have any
It-s h-haram you know
I don't mean 3d women senpai
I know the feels man. You should go kill a few of them. Make sure they are Sunni first though.
literally look up 5:51 explained and you can fuck off
Sh*As need to leave
Anyone who believes in the quran literally deserves the sword. If you believe every word of the bible is literal than you are just as big an idiot. Religion can provide spiritual meaning but it shouldn't dictate your actions or society.
>Anyone who believes in the quran literally deserves the sword
Stone any women lately Ahmed?
Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
Quran (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, even though they should not feel friendly.
Quran (9:3) - "...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters..." The dissolution of oaths is with pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway. (The next verse refers only to those who have a personal agreement with Muhammad as individuals - see Ibn Kathir vol 4, p 49)
Quran (66:2) - "Allah has already ordained for you the dissolution of your oaths..."
Quran (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who had to "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.
Quran (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts"
Quran (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara, which literally means 'deceit'. If Allah is supremely deceitful toward unbelievers, then there is little basis for denying that Muslims are allowed to do the same. (See also 8:30 and 10:21)
Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.
kek epic bro mudslimes btfo
t. Paki britcuck
I call you out on the violence and barbarism of the literal interpretation of Islam and the quran and you result to attacking me personally instead of defending it. Is this the best you've got?
>people lie
What a shocker
What do you need to know?
1500 year old abrahamic religion.
Spread due to the simultaneous weakening of Parthia and Eastern rome.
Believe the torah and new testament were edited over time by their purported followers and are thus invalid.
Believe that in order to solve this dilemma of his followers constantly shitting on his teachings, god (Allah) decided to send down his final?testament in the form of the quran.
basically He would right it down as his direct word to mohamed and mohamed would proceed to autistically recite it so?it could be written down.
Together, god and mohamed went on many adventures including but not limited to converting Jews with milk. Converting christians accidentaly and miracles and what not.
What happened to it being the literal word of your god?
Only Zahiris interpret Islam literally, and they are a tiny minority which is almost extinct
>people are compelled to lie by their fanatical belief in a religion
Yah but your god has nothing to do with it
>wahhabism is Islam
Stop posting
Have you ever looked into these verses? I looked up the first verse you posted 16:106 and its literally completely different from what you posted. Why do you feel the need to shit talk Islam without looking into counter arguments or explanations behind these? This is like posting verses where Allah lets the Muslims btfo out of the tribes that drove them out of Mecca and use it to say Islam is violent
Yes, people lie because of religion, I agree
I'm not Shia, but its obvious as fuck that the Sunni problem is much worse.
when did I ever say such a thing? I'm against literal interpretation retard stop assuming
What are your opinions on Sharia law? If I can even trust you.
Its shit. Literal interpretations are autism tier
>if I can even trust you
Back to
>a tiny minority which is almost extinct
nice taqiyya, Ahmed
>people lie because of religion
>the religion tells you to lie to non-believers
There's a difference.
That must be why so many other Muslims push for it in Western countries and believe it literally in their own countries.
Doesn't change most of the other believers conduct.
>Anyone who believes in the quran literally deserves the sword.
First off the Quran proscribes how it's to be read in "plain arabic" that is to say, minimize all metaphors and allegories and take it for the most part literally unless its use of shitty linguistic device is obvious given the historical context of the arabs it was directed at.
>If you believe every word of the bible is literal than you are just as big an idiot.
The bible is not comparable.
The bible is like a collection of hadiths and is not treated like the direct word of god. Merely "divinely inspired" compilation of testimonies to what jesus did.
>Religion can provide spiritual meaning but it shouldn't dictate your actions or society.
You're confusing religion with personal faith. Religion automatically comes with proscribed begaviours and social indoctrination.
Don't lie nigger.
Then how come I live in a secular country? You do know most people dont do literal interpretations right?
Im neither a paki nor a brit
No. Fuck you and fuck Secularism and Liberalism. I'm not interested in becoming Sweden 2.0. The West will lose the cultural war.
You cant trust me. I'm not even ahl ul kitab. I fucking hate You muslims.
Islam is cancer
Based Erdogan. Western lifestyle is cancerous and degenerate and the reason why they are getting overrun.
Good thing people are waking up and westernizing and changing Islam. I'm going to be so glad when all your women take off their head-coverings and your men can say and criticize whatever they want. Your religion will be completely changed in the next 50 years be prepared for your precious sand god to lose everything he taught.
My opinions on sharia are it should not be applied as it was applied before but the general sentiments of
1-strong class distinction in terms of obligations/rights
2-social hierarchy
3-strong gender roles
5- expantionist militarism
Is a generally a good set of principals for a society to live by.
My disagreement with sharia is I suppose in the details.
"A woman is half a man in court because they are twice as sneaky" is retarded to me.
"Family values come at the expense of the state" is even more retarded and is basically the reason the empire kept spliting and falling.
>being fitnafaggots
You know it's perfectly halal to kill you, right ?
>the crushing majority of muslims have no clue about their religion because they never bothered to RTFM
more news at 11
That's a nice delusion you have. In real life however. You are being conquered by a stronger, collectivist culture.
Its always been like this retard
>head coverings
Literally a cultural thing nowhere does it say to wear a Hijab in thr Quran
This didn't happen. There is literally no news like this
You oppress the rights of millions and are a violent and barbaric society and you only prove that it has no place in Western society.
Its not retard read the book before talking shit
Hanbalism and Zahirism are not the same thing, imbecile
not an argument I didn't know you were greek
>Literally a cultural thing nowhere does it say to wear a Hijab in thr Quran
>This didn't happen. There is literally no news like this
>this meme again
>literally seething
There is no death penalty in Turkey. Virtually nobody in Turkey wears hijab.
t. roach
>You opprezz and have the gall to advance your interests how dare you!!! just bend over already!!!
I don't think so Westerncuck. I don't despise you cunts with a passion that cannot be contained. Not only are you hypocrite cucks,but actually want to force your degenerate, hedonistic culture on us.
>You know it's perfectly halal to kill you, right ?
I am a منكر obviously its halal.
Are you claiming that there is death penalty in Turkey
the Christcuckery knows no bounds
>You oppress the rights of millions and are a violent and barbaric society
I don't think so. Arab society is a mixed bag depend on wich country you go.
>and you only prove that it has no place in Western society.
Indeed Islam, like Christianity has no place in western society.
>what are extra-judicial killings
>what is violence against anyone who disagrees with the regime
You live in a dictatorship that hides it's actions from the West because no one would want to even look at your country if they saw the horrible human rights violations taking place.
>They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway
t. Quraishy
Muslims and Meccan polytheists had an agreement that allowed muslims to make their pilgrimage. Since they didn't want to honour their word, polytheists started walking around naked so that muslims wouldn't be allowed to go in Mecca. Since they broke their part of the deal, the game was on.
>Quran (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
False and homosexual. Muslims were literally tortured WITH THEIR FAMILIES by polytheists if they didn't insult Muhammad or say he was a liar. This verse was a proof of clemency and mercy from God who allowed them to pretend to REJECT THEIR FAITH. This doesn't allow them to lie about anything else than their faith in order to protect themselves; so if they were condemned because they committed a crime they aren't allowed to lie.
If they're being threatened solely because they're muslims, then they may lie if they want to protect themselves.
>fedora cucks trying their best to twist the Quran
You guys are pathetic, just you keep trying. Millions have tried before you, and look at the state of the world. The faith keeps getting bigger and bigger, you're but a grain of sand in a boiling ocean.
Stay mad kek.
post the news article. You can't because it didnt happen
>cover up means hijab
Dumb mf
irrelevant sandpeople for the last 400 years, but are becoming a nuissance recently.
Everything you Muslims say is fake and gay because the Quran itself compells you to lie in favor of Islam, taqiyya tactics is the bread and butter of Islamists. Also you are all fags because you are hypocrites, Iran,Indonesia Afganistan and Morroco is full of ladyboys.
I'm not even bothering to open this thread and this is the only post I am making. I am just casually browsing the front page of Veeky Forums for interesting stuff. I just wanted you to know you sound like a 12 year old. Grow up a little bit.
>Quran (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves" against danger, meaning that there are times when a Muslim may appear friendly to non-Muslims, even though they should not feel friendly.
This isn't about friendship retard, it's about political alliance. But then again, you'd know that if you had any sort of clue about pre-Islamic Arabic culture.
It's easier to c/c from Reddit than to do actual research, so I'm not really surprised.
>Quran (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who had to "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.
Refers to a guy that lived in Ancient Egypt, where the self-proclaimed God the Pharaoh tortured and killed anyone who didn't worship him.
>Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.
Said literally no muslim scholar ever, because they understand Quran better than you and this isn't even how Quran is to be interpreted.
Literally tumblr-tier projection and demonetization, keep crying. Just like I expected.