Why is Veeky Forums so religious compared to other boards?

Why do so many LARPing christfags and traditionalists dwell here? Do you just like LARPing? Why is atheism so hated here? Is Veeky Forums just a bunch of brainlet christfags?

Other urls found in this thread:

princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/Religion December 1g_snd.pdf

You're more than welcome to return to reddit if you're so offended by it, user.

Bad b8, return to plebbit.

Atheism is not an opinion exclusive to reddit. Most academics/scientists are atheists.

Veeky Forums and /pol/ was a lot worse back in 2015-2016 when pretending to be Christian was really popular.


Ah, the classic "le scientists and academics and smart people are atheist, only idiots are religious"

Fuck off, faggot.

Then why is Veeky Forums still LARPing as christfags if it was just a fad?

It's not a coincidence that most smart people happen to be atheist.

Veeky Forums is a Christian board


There are two kinds of atheists: edgy 7th graders and people who never matured past being an edgy 7th grader.

Just proves Veeky Forums is authentically Christian

Religion is a form of philosophy

>offend them with meme words like christfag and brainlet
I'm not religious in the slightest but maybe if you stopped acting like a retard atheism wouldn't be so hated

It is a fad, the number of "serious" Christian posters is actually very low. They're just opinionated and have to let everyone know that they are Christians, making them indistinguishable from shitposters.
That said, I don't doubt that there are people here who follow some kind of religion, but they don't feel the need to bring it up in every conversations in the way that LARPers and people who write crazy fundamentalist shit to get a response do.

>pseudo-intellecuals and brute force "thinkers"

>muh fefes
>never mind that any expression of a secularist opinion is immediately received with a hundred "fedora" posts on here, depicting the user in question as a hairy ugly nerd
>b-but muh Christians are oppressed!

I've seen people here LARP as Young Earth creationists just to piss off "le leddit atheists" that's pretty sad and petty.

Name one christian scientist taken seriously today. Name one christian scientist today that is not a wacko like Ken Ham trying to prove the earth is 6000 years old. I'm sure some retard here will probably tell me that the Earth is actually 6000 years old and that those scientists are actually valid. This board is so retarded.


>all of them are from the 50's and shit
try harder christfag

also the number of atheist scientists outnumbers that list tenfold.

>stop acting like a retard
>acts like a retard
I don't know what you're trying to prove, you hairy ugly nerd

Who are you quoting?
All I'm saying is stop acting like "Christians are being bullied on here :(" when atheists consistently get treated like shit on this board. Not even atheist btw.

Why does this reply chain feel so shallow? One poster makes a dumb challenge that they are obviously going to lose (around 1/3 of the world is Christian, of course it's highly likely that some scientists will also be Christian), the next post instantly refutes him and then the first poster immediately makes a dumb, nuh uh! response.
Am I watching retards argue or is some kind of dumb attempt to make somebody look bad? I can't tell anymore.

>Name one christian scientist taken seriously today
Jason Lisle. Now stop treating scientists like priests
>Name one christian scientist today that is not a wacko like Ken Ham trying to prove the earth is 6000 years old
The earth is approximately 6,000 years old

>t. hairy ugly nerd
tips fedora

Ironic creationism or unironic creationism?

the absolute STATE of Veeky Forums

yeah, it's a dumb attempt from two people to make the other look bad

anyone that would take an absolutist stance on religion is a true brainlet

>wahhhhhhh stop bullying Christianity wahhhhhhhhhh :( your meme words offend me waaahhhhhh :'(
>heh, btw you're an ugly nerd who wears a meme hat for expressing your opinion, heh checkmate atheists

Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world. Atheism is in decline worldwide, with the number of atheists falling from 4.5% of the world's population in 1970 to 2.0% in 2010 and projected to drop to 1.8% by 2020,

Real surveys and statistics say atheism is on the decline worldwide. Sorry atheists but atheism is not on the rise nor is it winning. It's still the minority and a declining one at that.

The Pew Research Center's statistics show that atheism is expected to continue to decline all the way into 2050 with a continued growth of religion. Other research also shows a huge surge in growth for Christianity in China which is currently the world's most "atheist" nation because of the atheist communist government suppressing religion, the research suggests that China will soon become the world's most Christian nation within 15 years.

This is simply history repeating itself: Christianity prospered in Rome back in the ancient era when it was suppressed and it still grew in the militant atheist soviet Russia when it was suppressed there only a century ago with the majority of Russians today now also identifying as Christian. Just goes to show that atheist suppression of religion still doesn't stop religion.

Sources for the legion of whiny /Redditor/ fedoras that will no doubt show up it this thread:


The bible is perfectly clear guys, God created all things in the space of 6 days, and the genealogies from Adam on down prove it's been 6,000 years give or take.

Seriously tho, is this a LARP or genuine?

the real problem with atheists is they will mistake atheism (irreligion) for anti-theism

then they crusade against religion and faith as if lack of evidence counts as evidence in their favor

It also shows that religious families have more children than atheists.
Atheism isn't "shrinking," the global population (which is still by-and-large religious) is growing at a faster rate then we've ever seen.

What the fuck is this 'atheists get treated like shit' bollocks? Everyone gets treated like shit. I don't care if you're an atheist, Hindu, or just like self-fellating on a Sunday; Veeky Forums isn't going to be your fucking safespace. Yes, everyone here is hated, and yes, we are all wasting our time on these juvenile posts on this Tibetan mud wrestling board, so stop acting like a such special fucking snowflake

If you can't answer that question yourself, there is no helping you.

This guy gets it

You started it

Reminder that all the """Christians""" on Veeky Forums are what I call armchair Christians, people who adopted Christianity as a counteract to the wise adopted secular society, in a sense "contrarianism." They think it makes them seem different and opposed to what they believe is the "anti-Christian" left. They also associate Christianity with whiteness. However, they have not read the full Bible usually, they constantly sin and make no effort to stop (as they would leave this dreadfully sinful place which God no doubt hates). They're not genuine Christians. So remember that you're arguing with people who probably don't believe in God in practice, and simply use Christianity as a counterculture identity.

Who would LARP about believing the bible?

Most academics are reddit tier

>y-you started it
>C-Christians have always been welcome to atheists!
So this is the power of historical revisionism....
>says this to my post and not the first post I responded to which literally says "offending Christians with meme words." Careful, your bias is showing.

>the wise adopted secular society
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Thank you. Veeky Forums branded Christian was just a counter-culture aesthetic, Oscar Wilde's buddies were doing the same thing over one hundred years ago by converting to Catholicism for the Latin Mass.
/pol/ branded Christians are just a bundle of DEUS VULT XDDD memes stolen from actual roleplayers on Veeky Forums

this is why Veeky Forums is so backwards today. retards here are so jaded that they would kill themselves if it made some imaginary redditor butthurt.


Oh I agree, it applies to both. Fucking christians and atheists alike. But seeing as this thread was started based on the idea that 'atheism is hated', I thought I'd make that the highlight of my post

Religions fall under humanism, and there's no /religion/. So they have nowhere else to shitpost apart from /b/.

From what I've seen atheism do that mostly in America, where for some reason atheist activists are a thing. Outside of that, people mostly don't care what others believe and just keep being atheists to themselves unless it's relevant to the topic.


t. subhuman waste of oxygen

There are two kinds of Christians: ones who genuinely believe in the Bible and follow its laws, and people like you, who think Christianity is "based xD" and use it to make yourself look cool and contrarian.
Everyone, especially real Christians, hate the latter.

>Atheism is the fastest shrinking religion in the world
That's impossible since atheism isn't a religion anymore than monotheism is one.

>Look mom I posted it again!

In 2010, censuses and surveys indicate, there were about 1.1 billion atheists, agnostics and people who do not identify with any particular religion. By 2050, the unaffiliated population is expected to exceed 1.2 billion.

Europe’s Christian population is expected to shrink by about 100 million people in the coming decades, dropping from 553 million to 454 million. While Christians will remain the largest religious group in Europe, they are projected to drop from three-quarters of the population to less than two-thirds. By 2050, nearly a quarter of Europeans (23%) are expected to have no religious affiliation

Christians are projected to decline from 78% of the U.S. population in 2010 to 66% in 2050, while the unaffiliated are expected to rise from 16% to 26%.

[by 2050] Four out of every 10 Christians in the world will live in sub-Saharan Africa.

There's no "research" showing China will become Christian, only an extrapolation by a single scholar that, years after it was made, is failing to materialize.

Daily reminder it has been empirically proven religiosity stifles scientific innovation.

princeton.edu/~rbenabou/papers/Religion December 1g_snd.pdf

Daily reminder religious people are less intelligent according to dozens of studies.


Daily reminder religious people are less educated


Religious people are literally a lesser breed of human



Virgins trying to justify their virginity by saying they're "waiting for marriage". When they were in middle and high school, it is almost guaranteed that they were anti-theistic.

history is the true egotists' pursuit

religion panders to egomaniacs

ipso facto

that cuck kid must be so mad now that Drumph flip flopped on beaner amnesty