How is your ideal society user? Which are its principles?

How is your ideal society user? Which are its principles?


Politically similar to Plato's Republic.

But there will be families instead.

>Eco Friendly
>Self Sufficient
>Ethnic based clan systems that function as states with local autonomy.
>Currency based on intrinsic value or barter
>No central authority outside of localized councils and elders.
How'd I do?

It's a utopian society where women no longer exist because of artificial wombs. Everyone is a proud homo.

Would prefere a christian feudal system over this

Communism whitout Stalin

>Would prefere a christian feudal system over this

>literally "rule by faggots"

this board is 18 and up anarkiddie

almost "kys" lvl

Constitutional Republicanism with common sense for all its citizens. Anything that isn't this isn't worth thinking about.

>Muh civilization

incoming meat-eating tribe of barbarians comes to rek your shit up, rapes your women, enslaves you and forcibly converts your people
You did badly


Rules 1, 2 and 3 enforced

>Self sufficient

Pick one, animal herding was essential for pre-modern traditional agriculture, especially here in Northern Europe.

Neolithic with domestication. Fuck health, who needs to live beyond 25 yo.

Why dose the fact that they eat meat make a difference? Are you assuming we would return to hand to hand combat? You would just shoot them. Assuming they had superior firepower then it doesn't matter what they eat.
>pre-modern traditional agriculture,
With modern technology we are no longer relent on such things. We would only eat meat out of necessity rather then as a luxury and that is what I would advocate.

I'm already in it

Nationalist and secular government with a religious and a nationalist people who value democracy and secularism.
Also with a focus on eco friendly and high tech industry.

A liberal city state with a constitution and high levels of direct democracy.

Australia directly after all the criminals were sent there. The only rule is there are no rules

Basically Third Reich without fanatical narcoman leadership and retarded extreme military spendings which destroys your economy.

Literally Switzerland, except you need to have served in the military to have the ability to vote, like Starship Troopers.

>"Constitutional" Monarchy where kang is just a national symbol with literally no power.
>One-Party Authoritarian Dictatorship, semi-Fascism
>Nationalism, National conservative/Social Conservative, Agrarianism, Familialism, Traditionalism, Corporativism, Militarism, Nativism, Secularism(approved by government religions)

Vargs wet dream.
Too bad when organized niggers with peashooters invade, your tibalist village is basically fucked, not even teutoburg will save you unless "The 21st century Ice Age" arrives.

Whatever springs up naturally from the continued interactions of the people who live on the soil.

>implying foreign barbarians/fanatics aren't going to fuck up your society anyway

Well it would be a synthesis of three incompatible ideas. Objectivism, tribalism, and technocracy.

I really like the morality behind objectivist thought, and I think that it would be a good standard for governing most day to day interactions between individuals -but it has its shortcomings, especially in regards to stuff like immigration.

I like to see myself as an individual, but humans are by nature collectivist, and those acting as a cohesive group in competition with a group of 'individuals' are going to have a destinct advantage. It would be necessary to mainatin group homogenaity for the purposes of stability (at least until we brake into gene editing and transhumanist type stuff).

Finally, I find the idea of replacing the so called "price system" with a voucher sytem as proposed by advocates of technocracy promising (though admiteddly not sure how feasable it'd be). I also believe giving scientific progress and advancement a higher government/societal priority.

Finally, kids would be raised like spartans to weed out the weak and to negate the domestication effect created by civilization on men. Eugenics would be state policy.

recreation of american colonial society with each colony being populated by a certain Veeky Forums board

*blocks your permanent revolution*

Well baited
Now fucking kys

Epicurean morality
Either a global goverment or 0 goverment
Advanced Automatisation means we don't have too do much work
People take and give according to their needs and capabilities and we're equal

It will never happy cause we're greedy af but a man can dream

Swedish welfare state, Japanese immigration policy, American gun laws but with most of the NFA removed.

Oh, and marilize the legijuana and put the Yotsuba clover on the flag.


>quoting Pink in Charlies Angels

You forgot to mention Murican personal freedums like the right to homeschool, proper free speech or shoot anyone who invades my private property without permission.

A reactionary authoritarian monarchy, with an idealised monarch with in theory all power, trained and groomed to do so but generally leave day to day ruling to an appointed prime minister. Final appeal for all decisions. Can call for plebiscites, can be petitioned. Elements of local democracy, no parliament or politicians though. An aristocracy, both of blood and meritocratically accessible, with no particular rights but prestige, to serve as examples to inspire the people.

Mandatory patriotic sport associations for boys and girls from age 6 to 12, paramilitary from 12 to 18, military service from 18 to 20 with possibility of full enlistment, reserve duty for a month each 2 years until 40.

Mandatory cult attendance, with national religions recognised, others shunned. Clergy controlled. Traditions and traditional societal structures heavily promoted. Ban on certain public demonstrations, but if you keep things behind closed doors, away from the public’s eyes, you’ll be fine. This is about making the human machine of the state work, you just need to be a working cog.

For the economy, corporatism. Full welfare for those that genuinely need it, exemplary punishment for those that abuse it (e.g, possibly death: you are strealing from your entire people and your king after all), an emphasis on natalism, free education, free access to (curated) culture and national heritage, preservation of nature. Heavy investment in research in all domains, heavy modernisation of infrastructures, but all in harmony between nature, history, and traditions.

For diplomacy, forge strong bonds with culturally and historically related nations, with economic and military cooperation. Don’t tread on muh national sovereignty, though. Heavy promotion of our values and system. Our national interests always defended, military action always in the balance.

TL;DR: Clerical Fascism x Integralism is my OTP.

>“I read Leviathan for the first time”: the post

Voluntaryism all the way, bby
>Neighbor breathes
>Increases CO2 content in my property, violating NAP
>Send out McAssasin to get righteous retribution
>McAssasin steps on landmine as he sneaks into neighbor's landholding
>I mean, he did illegaly walk into someone else's property, so it's not like I care
>Neighbor finds out I paid for the McAssasin
>Accuses me of violating NAP in Judge Judy's(tm) McCourt
>I tell judge I voluntarily associated myself with McAssasin, therefore NAP was not violated
>Judge Judy agrees
>Neighbor is furious
>Fires McTomahawk missile into my property
>Luckily my insurance includes Phalanx defense system
>I need to defend myself
>Buy recreational McNuke
>Blast radius would include my house
>mfw I don't care

Utopia - Thomas Moore

At least the third one is implied under gun laws.

But yeah, none of that hate speech bullshit.


this, love the guy, but that sections was awfully silly IMO
took a bit too far a leap with the logical steps he laid forth

>small group of me and my friends and family traveling on a big ship/spaceship/rv all across the world/seas/galaxy
>exploring new things, going on adventures and helping wherever we go constantly seeing everything that life has to offer
i like Cossack societies and the Mongols cause they seem to have some of that adventurer society but it isn't quite the same.
however for the world at large it would seem that mega cities few and far between would be efficient for production and the environment

Worldwide anti-natalist, eugenic, fascist State with classical liberal elements (freedom of expression and property rights).
Otherwise, Cossack Hetmanat like said.

>my one ideal is a world full of adventure, extremely natalistic
>my other ideal would be a world with harsh standards, forced cultures, and organized extinction

Either we become a perfect human race, or I want my own lot of freedoms and my own parcel of adventures, yeah.