What went wrong with Afr*ca?

What went wrong with Afr*ca?

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It started to get governed by Natives

Sub-Saharan Monkeys

Nothing until imp*rialism

Sub-saharan Africa (save for a few specific areas) was historically isolated from the rest of the world because of the Sahara. Trade between Africa and Europe/Middle East was essentially nigh impossible, so the exchange of ideas between the two never took place and Sub-saharan Africa never became fully developed like the rest of the world until the colonial era. On top of that, when Europe abandoned the African colonies and let them be independent, they have all this new tech and new ideas from the rest of the world, but never really got the chance to understand how those ideas worked. Ignore /pol/ answers.

There simply was no necessity for the """civilization""" Dixon talked about. TBQH, why the hell would you adopt """"sedentary agriculture""" when its drawbacks outweighed the potential benefits?

Europe and Asia - non-native homes of homo-sapiens, had reasons for the """development""" of agriculture. Why would the rich savannahs of Africa demand that its native humans go to such lengths?

Besides, with agriculture inevitably comes """international unlanded finance""". Why would you wish that on other people?


Generally shitty conditions for farming - some areas were dry, others were unusable because of disease
Relative isolation
Slave trade only made small predatory groups wealthy and powerful at the expense of everything else
And probably some other things too.

Also in a modern context there are a lot of different issues you might not immediately consider. For example some modern European infrastructure projects like road building became totally useless because of climate factors like seasonal flooding.

European imperialism.

It's full of Mexicans.

diamonds are worthless

Stormfags literally used to attribute this quote to Charles Darwin

>mofugin whitey bix nood kangz

>what niggerlovers actually believe

Everything Europeans did in Africa was to enrich themselves. Even shit like education and road building was to get a workforce and infrastructure to extract wealth from Africa. Read a book.

Yeah sub Saharan Africa was a powerhouse until wh*tes came. Stay woke bruh!

They don't have to be. Europeans didn't help.

Did they even have animals that could be domesticated?

Docile isn't the word I'd use to describe African animals.

Wtf I hate literacy now

If there wasn't something wrong with Africa, they wouldn't have been at the mercy of Europeans.

Europeans didn't teach them literacy for literacy's sake. Like I said, they only did it to increase the stranglehold on africa.

That's a completely ass backwards way of looking at things.

And the little development Europeans gave them was still light years ahead of what they had; as well as helped them throw them out.

>muh whitey

I don't think Thomas know how diamond mining works

damn keep throwing in a meme with every response. the "development" wasn't worth the complexity and exploitation introduced by integration into a global colonial network.

Building a road from the mine to the port to line the pockets of investors is not development. Building roads from village to village is development. Guess what the Europeans did.

Sooner or later Africa had to catch up with the rest of the world.

>creating mining infrastructure isn’t development

Damn man I’m sorry; what’s it like being retarded?

Where do the profits from the mines go?

Mining infrastructure designed to maximize profits at the expense of worker safety and environmental safety is not development. Polluting the water table and exploiting native workers is not fucking development.

If you're actually interested, which I am sure you are not, which is why I'm not going to go into detail, read "Gun, Germs and Steel", by Jared Diamond and "Why Nations Fail" by Daron Acemoglu.

it will and i wish it was during my lifetime, imperialboo

really makes you think

Yeah, as I thought. Good thing I didn't elaborate. Read the book, you clearly have not.

Fucking opportunistic warlords is what happened in Africa. The same happened in Europe, the Dark Age was the consequence

>docile animals

Are you sure about that

>Trade between Africa and Europe/Middle East was essentially nigh impossible
What is the horn of Africa

okay, but he obviously meant transsahran trade. the swahili city states were pretty wealthy

What about Central- and Southafrica?

I'm not that guy and I'm not a poltype, but diamond is too environmentally determinist to be taken seriously desu

People should be more specific when talking about Africa. It's pretty big place, ypu know

Have you read his book yourself? It is a bit shaky when it comes to animals, but rock solid when it comes to the exchange of ideas and plants which form the basis for agriculture. I think his theory makes perfect sense.

Why do you think he cannot be taken seriously?

Every time I see someone comment with a question that supposedly contains an answer, it is a poorly thought out shitpost. It's almost as if people who are knowledgeable wouldn't use such a circumspect way of commenting.

To be honest, I haven't- I'm admittedly going by what some of my friends who are enthusiasts of African history (or professors of African history) have said. I suppose I should l read for myself rather than spitting talking points

Gee maybe people shouldnt refer to Africa as one place and say such obviously bullshit statements like "trade between africa and the middle east was impossible"

The nature of his predictions is often overstated. What he says is, that a civilization will only arise, if there are local (or imported) plants that can support all human dietary needs, or failing that, domesticable animals that replace those of them that serve as a source for protein, which is perfectly reasonable to me. He then says that the speed at which it develops depends on whether it can copy technology and ideas from other cultures, and by how much surplus it can extract from its environment, the latter of which depends on the existence of beasts of burden and geographic factors like rivers and flat land, and a lack of crippling endemic diseases such as malaria.

That's the summary of 90% of his "determinism" and I don't see how it's overrreaching.

Was that the information your professors gave you?

>people work for free

here. I explicitly said that some areas in sub-saharan Africa didn't have this problem, one of those places is, as you said, the Horn of Africa.

Is a mistery, I guess we will never know.

>Forced labor get paid

Labor was forced but Africans were paid. It was part of the plan to integrate them into the modern economy. Read up on German colonial Africa- they made them work on the plantations then sold them shoes etc.

The problems of the malarial / sleeping sickness zone are consistent with what I’ve been taught. I was just under the impression that his argument was more reductionist in its determinism- like a modern clime theory. Again you’ve got a good point and I’ll read it before I shitpost again.

Market wages don't occur under forced labor.

Too many pests and diseases, not enough farm land

And we outlawed things like that ("company script" for example) in the west because we knew it only made things worse. So they knew exactly what they were doing to the natives. The profits made by the laughable "infrastructure" that europeans built to steal resources all went and still goes to western companies. When African leaders like Sankara try to change this the west kills them and puts in a more pliant yes-man.

I think the problem is both gentic and environmental. If Africans had mixed more often with other groups, they may have garnered an admixture which bolsters their iq. Sub-Saharan Africa was and has always been a place divided by strong barriers both that impeded the successful parting of people and ideas. I believe in iq being inherently genetic, and my observation of the negro is thus: He can work well once exposed to good idea for a long period of time, just don't expect any innovation from them.
I do think that federal aid needs to be cut, and let Africans solve their own problems, even at the cost of lives.

If everyone accepted the iq pill, what's next? I think the denial stems from a fear of it being used to justify genocide.

Communism. Not even memeing.

The USA fucked SA with their bullshit and the USSR/China did the same to Africa.

lol you know africans are the most genetically diverse people on earth right?

Too bad they lack the genetics for a three digit average iq.

>Thomas Dixon
Oh look, its "The Clansman," redneck.

Funny, I can say the same thing about Southern USA.

>Industrialization happens.
>Be assmad when their feudal Hacienda setup is threatened by this.
So backward of them.

>the evil white man didn't colonize SSA good enough

bickering about shoulda/coulda is useless. The point of the thread is why SSA was the one being colonized in the first place.

Was the price of diamonds way higher than it should be because of monopoly when this guy made his memequote?

very wrong
if only communism had succeeded in africa

The variation among SSA doesn't matter when comparing them to Europe (or Asia) only the variation between the groups.

FYI, Damond also builds his theory by comparing only societies made up of Polynesians to exclude the possibility of genetic differences being the reason for divergent development. He then compares the environment they live in (what resources were available to them) and looks at what level of social organization they reached.

>literal Marxist POS

Into the mass grave it goes

De beers ramped up the price in the 1920s with its monopoly

>If Africans had mixed more often with other groups

They did retard. Not gonna respond to the rest off your spot because you sound EXTREMELY self-important and think your "opinions" are grounded in reality let alone worth a shit.

Mixing hard shit with soft shit still gives you shit.

>Labor was forced but Africans were paid.

But you don't have a choice and when companies have a infinite pool of African labourers who are forced to work for them they treat them like shit at best or slaves at worst.

Like said forced labour among other measures prevent real market wages to develop because you are forced to work certain jobs for shit pay with no ability to barter for your wage or jump jobs alongside independent ventures being castrated by shitty laws like


When people want to join the labour market they will do so willingly like Indians travellign into deep Kenya and selling goods only accepting cash or Missionaries set up schools that need cash to run, natives are like "okay I'll go work and sell my crops for cash instead of bartering" or some shit like that.

Also fucks up societies because every man of age at certain times of the year are basically extracted form their villages in mass numbers so the only people left are the elderly, kids and women back home who now lost a chunk of their own labour and Women have to take up male roles to make up the loss of men on top of village loss of self-sufficiency.

You are just being an edgy little shitter who is just gonna shift the goalposts but whatever

Why doesn't Jarred Diamond touch upon the glaring point of selective pressures of climates and modes of living?

Is it not obvious?
I mean, yes, there were diseases, lack of farmland, and spooky white men, but take a look at the countries in Africa that have the highest development/GDP. They were the ones colonized by Europeans. Also, please take a look around where blacks are, usually they are the bottom caste of society. Main exception are the Africans who immigrate to America, since we're taking the elite of the elite.
If you subscribe to the notion that people evolved differently pigmentally/physically, then yes, there was evolution also in the brain, hence why Asians who were getting blown up in Vietnam, Japan, China, and SK, are doing fine now, esp abroad.

Because that's not science at this point, only speculation.

>not science

The changing seasons kill the unprepared. It's an axiom that increases IQ to some point, and agriculture favors those with more of a surplus(to be invested in kids).

I hope you are a child and not some kind of retard.

>Calls people child or retarded.
>Doesn't know Cold Winters theory or any race realism.

These theory have no empirical backing, so it would be foolish to use them as a basis for another theory.

How so? There's not soundness in argument based on the hardships imposed by an environment and how it affects the population who dwell in the realm?

A negro never had to worry about freezing to death.

Even if the theories have no backing. The data is there: Africans/Australian Aborigines score the worst on IQ tests, which is our best measure of intelligence and don't start with the multiple intelligences b.s.

A white man never had to worry about getting infected by one of the myriad parasites that flourish in hot climate durr.

Avoiding freezing to death can be accomplished through not being a retard who can delay gratification. Not dying from parasites is mostly just luck.

Damn, first thing I thought of. You beat me to the punch. You're giving a fellow /pol/ack a hard-on.


Go back to /pol/ with your unproven nonsense. If you can't see why nobody in their right mind would build their theory on wild fantasizing you aren't equipped to post here.

This is the short-coming of science. am I supposed to put identical people in two different climates and then put my experiment of fast-forward to achieve the autistic "predictive validity" that these egalitarians seem to be asking for?

I'm just a someone who applies common sense to these matters.

Riddle me this you notorious faggot

What's you're standard of proof?


Sorry, the data is all there. Black people in the elite strata of society in the U.S score lower than whites in the 20-40K range on the SAT, a semi- IQ test.

Sir, that is wrong-think. You are breaking the egalitarian world-view of these people.

Zebras can't be lassoed like horses cuz they have a ducking reflex. CGP grey made 2 great vids on domesticating animals

What was the proto-horse like? How long did it take to domesticate them?

>being this new

Th*s m*me sh*uld b* * b*nnable *ffense

>oh god I'm fucking retarded

Shut up stormtard

You're trying to derail this thread with your irrelevant nonsense. This is why you are despised on all boards.

>ignores all the evidence that destroys his narrative
The Europeans were relatively late to the game.
I've come to expect this from Veeky Forums

@ is a way to avoid giving more (you)s

Iq seems to be the best explanation of why blacks are lagging behind globally. No writing, no wheel,no philosophy, no sciences. The Negro has never contributed anything of note to humanity. Blacks would be the women of race but even white and Asian women have a higher average iq than the average negro male.

>The changing seasons kill the unprepared.

It really not hard at all once someone else established the procedure ages ago. Also European winters are FAR from the intensity of winters seen in the same latitude elsewhere in the world. ON top of that ocean currents helped moderate European climate.

IQ realist here, men are only on average 4 IQ points higher than women due to their better visio-spatial abilities.

>thread about why Africa sucks
>Africans with their low IQs

It's all speculation with no systematic scientific basis, so it doesn't belong here. There aren't even any good IQ tests. You're just dumb people grabbing the simplest explanation they can find, and because you're too dumb to realize how dumb you are you are shitting all over the place with your simplistic explanation.