What principles do you live by?

in the vein of "do tasks with passion or not at all" kind of style

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none, the notion of principles is too confining

do all tasks without passion and attachment, then it's karma-yoga

no good can ever come of passion

Don't be evil.

Autistic authenticity and honesty.
I don't care much about passion, the important thing for me is to be straight with myself and clear about what I want. Coherence.
I'm so obsessed about being true to myself that I overthink my choices to make sure they fall in line with my definition of myself (seriously, not memeing here); and everything I say or do I don't regret because they're informed decisions. I know exactly why I do what I do. I only care about... well, what I care about, and discard the rest.
Autism basically.

So the principle of freedom and flexibility.

How do you define evil ?

do things for my own pleasure and benefit

Protect the weak, dont criticize people for things i myself wouldnt have done differently, help educate the willing but ignorant, use time as a precious commodity no matter if used in exchange for work or leisure.

Commit to living out said principles as best as one can

Try to make myself happy because I'm disillusioned with everything and no longer want to care about it when everybody is hopelessly cancerous.

>what principles do you live by?

Watch them all die and let God sort 'em out.


This. anything else is just desperately seeking head pats.

Freedom of Association is paramount.
Truthfulness is paramount.

Humanity gives the world meaning, not the other way around. So don't wait for the universe's approval of your purpose. It did not ask for yours when it ripped you from the void and will not ask again when it takes you back. Your only responsibility is to humanity, seek your approval from it instead

Follow Jesus, be good to your family and community, and be a man of hard work and reliability.

Wisdom, courage, justice and temperance.

Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.

Do you point out every single time somebody contradicts themselves or is incoherent? Because if so your probably around my autism level too.

No, only when asked for help. But the temptation is always here.


Pretty much my focus is to maximize the amount of pleasure I feel in life, or at least minimize the amount of pain. Life is finite and I’m not a fan of the idea of spending it doing shit for other people.
Of course in practice it doesn’t work the way I want it to work.

way to be spooked bro

My drafting teacher once told me hate is like drinking a poison and expecting someone else to die. I always try to keep this in mind

I believe that governments and systems of society come and go, and may be fought more terribly than any foreign invader, but the organic ethnicity and culture of The Nation is what makes The People, not an economy or regime which can change tomorrow. All social principles refer back to this idea of The People, and what we do being good for The Nation.

That is the whole of my governing social thought.

A much older man than your drafting teacher said that.

1. Most humans are normie faggots who participate in zero-sum games of social status

2. If you're not a psychopath or sociopath, you ain't winning that zero-sum game

3. There's a lot of other games that aren't so zero-sum if you stop giving a shit what mere men think

4. To be a man, one must avoid the temptations of devils and the temptations of angels. Horrible appetites are addicting and self-moralization leads to a self-destructive path.

5. Life is not about pleasure or pain. I'm not party to the complete set of pedagogic experiences available to humanity.

6. Trying to capture happiness is a fool's game. The best spice is hunger. You go hungry and awaken to how savory food is. You go sad and awaken to how beautiful the world can be.

7. People who demean hatred and rage don't understand that conflict forces such states on us. I hate the stupid and evil and rage when I see the smart and good suffer.

8. Where rage and hatred fail you is when they impose a tunnel vision. There are more things in heaven and earth than could be imagined. So don't let rage and hatred ensare you in a shitty game. Use them as tools of focus and strength and nothing more.

9. All societies are pyramid schemes. Don't be the one left out in the open. You either grab a chair or move to another society in an earlier stage of the pyramid schemes.

10. 99% of mass culture is shit. Exercise sovereignty over what you consume, don't let marketing people use your cognitive cycles as part of their payday.

11. Weight-lift and eat right (the easiest, imo, being eating a high-fat high-protein diet w/ less than 30 grams of carbs a day). Frailty and senility are not destinies but cursed choices by men who have not observed how good and bad choices catch up to people as they age.

>How do you define evil ?
I know it when I see it.


Two more (at least...)

12. Look before you sit. Injuring your cat or killing a baby because you sat on them is one of the most humiliating and emasculating experiences one can go through. Just look before you sit.

13. Practice good posture. You don't want your spine to curve because you couldn't be bothered to practice 10 minutes a day. As I said, frailty and senility are often choices, not destinies. There's something commanding about someone who maintains their face at a straight line versus someone who puts their head down while listening to some ungodly shitty music.