Enough of this wishy washy post-modernist, "Well if you only knew their side of the story" crap...

Enough of this wishy washy post-modernist, "Well if you only knew their side of the story" crap. I NEED more quotes from leaders being absolutely single-minded in the their complete and utter disgust for their enemy. And I want that disgust to be expressed so eloquently and with such poetry that, for a brief moment in time, I too share their bloodlust for these subhuman filth

Please, this is my only catharsis

Other urls found in this thread:


Just a reminder that Sherman spent MONTHS looting Georgia while Confederate armies under men like Johnston were very active in the war in the Carolinas.

Confederates were still pre-modern armies with little reliance on whatever little industry was back home.

Anyone who celebrates this American-murdering piece of shit ought to ENJOY the murder and rape by the negro community the unleashed. You killed Americans for it.

Stay classy you hillbilly shit

It’s almost like if you don’t start nothing, it won’t be nothing.

Sherman gave those feudal nobility larping southernors every thing they deserved. It’s only a shame he didn’t tear his way up to Richmond and hang Davis over the statehouse.

Go murder your friends you honorless scum

How's middle school going?

>feudal nobility larping southernors
Were officers... with Johnston... that Sherman expressly avoided because it's easier to murder women than it is to actually get in a fight.
Again though, expecting honor, or even manners, is too much from a Yankee.

Slavers lecturing about honor is rich. And pretty much the whole plantation lifestyle was built on rich Americans being feudal larpers, not just the officers.

One more time uncle billy

Another quote from Sherman

>You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out. I know I had no hand in making this war, and I know I will make more sacrifices to-day than any of you to secure peace. But you cannot have peace and a division of our country

Yet another Sherman quote

>If [the Confederates] want eternal war, well and good; we accept the issue, and will dispossess them and put our friends in their place. I know thousands and millions of good people who at simple notice would come to North Alabama and accept the elegant houses and plantations there. If the people of Huntsville think different, let them persist in war three years longer, and then they will not be consulted. Three years ago by a little reflection and patience they could have had a hundred years of peace and prosperity, but they preferred war; very well. Last year they could have saved their slaves, but now it is too late. All the powers of earth cannot restore to them their slaves, any more than their dead grandfathers. Next year their lands will be taken, for in war we can take them, and rightfully, too, and in another year they may beg in vain for their lives. A people who will persevere in war beyond a certain limit ought to know the consequences. Many, many peoples with less pertinacity have been wiped out of national existence.”

Honor has nothing to do with slavery

This is why Yankees lack honor, they do not know what it is.

To a Yankee, sending fresh off the boat Irishmen to go murder American women is honorable.

To Southernors, kidnapping, shipping and whipping people is a ok. Not to mention raping them, killing them, separating them from their children. Then going to war over this practice is a ok too.

I guess the north made the south feel what slavery is.

The white man was in a position of superiority, but cruelty was a looked down upon trait.
But just remember when you're in the black part of town: you own this. This is your doing. Southern social hierarchy kept things civil and lawful. Looks like Mainers knew better.

>But just remember when you're in the black part of town: you own this. This is your doing.
really? i was under the impression that it was southerners who shipped in millions of niggers and bred them to keep the population steady, not northerners

> Johnston... that Sherman expressly avoided

Looks like someone just schooled in maneuver warfare.

I mean there would be next to no niggers here. But larping plantation owners imported them so I guess that shows me.

I'm certain this is EXACTLY the logic if abolitionists back then.
"Lol I know they're shitty folk, but I just HAVE to free them. This is your fault by the way for it going wrong, despite me being the change that made it go tits up"

To attack that which did nothing to hinder the enemy.

has there ever been a more apt prediction?

rebels aren't my friends

>I'm certain this is EXACTLY the logic if abolitionists back then.
well, you're completely wrong. i know academics aren't a southerner's strong point, but you could at least try reading a book some time.
besides, are you actually going to pretend that slavery was sustainable? america was one of the last countries to abolish it, because you LARPing southern hicks were so lazy you'd fight against anything that made you do work

So let the Rebels leave

Well, explain to me how I'm wrong on the first part, and for the second but, elaborate why it was unsustainable.

> To attack that which did nothing to hinder the enemy.

Pretty sure cutting the Confederacy in half did a lot to hinder the enemy. There was no need for Sherman to bleed his army by attacking Confederate prepared positions, so he didn't and just moved around them to attack the objectives the Confederates had to defend.

This is like getting mad at the Germans for going through the Ardennes instead of attacking the Maginot line.

Obligatory post

I keep hearing this "murder women" quote from you rebel shits. Can you produce documentation that shows that women were killed and raped as part of the March to the Sea?

>Yeah we were a bunch of a slave owning pieces of shit who raped and beat and tortured thinking breathing human beings in an effort to keep our economy in the medieval era, because who needs advancements in technology and morality lol
>But I bet you hate niggers huh

You retards bred them and kept them around. Any attempt to re-settle them and turn them into good citizens was thwarted by more Southern niggerdry with the sharecropper bullshit.

>explain to me how I'm wrong on the first part
i have yet to find an abolitionist's account that says they expected blacks to form a criminal underclass yet wanted to free them anyway.
>and for the second but, elaborate why it was unsustainable.
several reasons.
first off, as i said slavery was on its way out in the world at this time. Britain, France, and many Latin American countries had already abolished it. Southerners were merely delaying the inevitable.
Secondly, slavery was quickly becoming the uneconomical choice. New machinery and tools were making agriculture far more efficient with a smaller, paid workforce. Southerners, in their indolence, were lagging behind by sticking with a large slave workforce.
Thirdly, slave-ran extraction economies are simply terrible for the area they're based in. All of the wealth is shipped overseas - there is no investment in infrastructure, the majority of the populace is poor, and there is no investment in industry which is needed to sustain a nation. While the north became a massive, self-sufficient economy, the south anguished.

Not to mention when the Blacks do build a successful community, Cletus throws a hissy fit and burns it down.


Sherman was absolutely right regarding the philosophy of war.

its always funny to see how absolutely morally outraged southern hicks were by the idea of blacks raping whites when they were more than happy to do it the other way around for generations

They weren't going around murdering and raping helpless women like southerners claim. Direct civilian casualties were few. It was nothing compared to what would be done in the wars of the near future. You should be glad, anyway. The confederacy would've been an even bigger shithole than the South of today.

>all this dindu nuffinry
Confirmed for living in a sheltered northern town

All told, I am no fan of slavery. It would have been much better to have done without it.
What gathers my ire is the blind moral self-vindication, the wonton killing and uncountrymenlike behavior the North exhibited.

Why are Southerners so butthurt about other people succeeding despite long odds? Do they hate this country or just the people who do good in the world?

That whole series of events was a sad development.
I won't lambast the average Yankee soldier, or even officer. Specifically Sherman deserves my scorn, as well as his drunkard life and death.

You deserved it for being subhuman slavers, rapists and torturers. You can barely control your side nature hence all the lynching and crime

>All this retardation and outright lying
>All this posturing
>All this excusing
>All this bootlicking
Confirmed for being a low IQ nigger.

Rich man's war, poor man's fight.

>secede based on your desire to enslave flesh and blood human beings
>treat union POWs like garbage, forcing them to live in squalor and tribal conditions
>secede from the country
oh my fucking god, my sides, the absolute state of southern hicks

It started with suspicion of a rape, followed by an armed crowd of negros. From this perspective it seemed like a negro raped a white woman, and then more negros came armed to his defense.

Still though, an example of very poor behavior.

t. The resident poster in disgust at Sherman

>>secede based on your desire to enslave flesh and blood human beings
Rather, do as had always been done, and y'all arrive when it stopped being profitable to enjoy the smell of your own farts
>>treat union POWs like garbage, forcing them to live in squalor and tribal conditions
Need I remind you rebel troops oftentimes had no shoes? Why would POWs be in a good condition, when no one's are?
>>secede from the country
If we're being made to stay your countrymen, act in accordance with such

I grow tired of this all

my understandings of the lack of yankee honor have been reinforced, and i wish all you lovers of murder a quick and long fall from the sheltered lifestyles you have


>Rather, do as had always been done
ah yes, you had always been subhuman slavers
that doesn't help your case
>Need I remind you rebel troops oftentimes had no shoes? Why would POWs be in a good condition, when no one's are?
you did much worse than put POWs in "not a good condition", subhuman
>If we're being made to stay your countrymen, act in accordance with such
perhaps instead you should have thought about that realities of war before starting one you couldn't win


>You see it's ok to burn and murder people so long as I say they aren't people and there's a shaky accusation of a crime that they might have committed
>Not like those fuckin Yanks, burning and murdering people for justly rebelling

40Kids get the fuck out of my threads

You're literally the neckbeard version of My Little Pony. Get the fuck away from my history boards

>be presented with overwhelming evidence that the CSA was overall a shit country and at best a shameful part of history for America
>leaves the thread even more buttmad and with even strong convictions
You are fucking retarded
t. A Concerned Citizen of Florida

>I NEED more quotes from leaders being absolutely single-minded in the their complete and utter disgust for their enemy
This doesn't contradict post modernism

I'm certainly no expert, but I've always interpretted post-modernism to mostly be the rejection of moral universalism, making single mind conviction impossible. I'm I wrong?

>The meaning of victory is not to defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavors, to crush utterly his every achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory
>We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero. We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves. No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath Titan, so we will build our own memorial here. The Chapter might lose us and the Imperium might never know we existed, but the Enemy - the Enemy will know. The Enemy will remember. We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the Emperor vanquishes it at the end of time. When Chaos is dying, its last thought will be of us. That is our memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos. We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won.
>It is not enough that I achieve victory - my enemy must suffer total defeat. It is not enough that I kill - all my foes must die. It is not enough that I succeed - all others must fail!
>When the people forget their duty they are no longer human and become something less than beasts. They have no place in the bosom of humanity nor in the heart of the Emperor. Let them die and be forgotten.

>150 years
>merisharts are still mad
Get over it. Your war was a joke and the north should hang their heads in shame that it took them 4 fucking years to defeat a backwater shithole like the CSA

>Confirmed for living in a sheltered northern town

Philadelphia born and raised dickhead. Blacks were being elected into political office and mobilizing as positive communities but you faggots would rather destroy your own country's chances for peace and brotherhood than accept the fact that you fought a war against fellow poor countrymen to defend the LARPing feudalists keeping your other poor countrymen in chains, so you put dixie under autistic taliban rule. I have respect for southerners and I actually support the right to secede but I have no sympathy for defenders of the confederacy or its institutions


Read about it yourself instead of listening to whatever bullshit was shoveled into your head by your third world evangelical state

Ferdinand Foch

>You killed Americans for it.

Southerners, not Americans...

t. Howard kikebaum

unironically this. i'd rather be boiled alive than consider absolutely anyone from the south one of my countrymen. i fucking hate them so goddamn much, every single one of the retarded gun toting, "y'all" saying, treasonous piles of garbage that make up the southern united states.

I'm not even a Southerner, but there's is absolutely nothing wrong with saying "y'all," you pretentious twat. English doesn't have a second person plural pronoun, "y'all" is a perfectly reasonable and intuitive way to fill that void.

You honestly may be right, but its tendency to be used by southerners prevents me from thinking highly of it.

>A high street with some successful businesses
>If the inhabitants were white it'd be completely unremarkable
>But the owners were black so to this day its held up as a "Black Wall Street"

Alternate reality: Sherman during world war 1, what would he be like?

Losing to backwards farmers seems to be the one consistent trait America has.

>actually Southern besides the panhandle (South Georgia)

you won the war but we got the last laugh. Just the mere MENTION of the CSA is enough to make a yankee butthurt and invoke sherman's name.

the absolute STATE of the north

he ignores the German army, and instead loots, kills, rapes and burns a region for months.
but it has to be Occupied France, because he'd have to be doing it to people they would claim they're liberating, but simultaneously "punish" for supporting the enemy.

Pretty ironic you think that way yet celebrate the event that stopped their secession.
>That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
-US Declaration of Independence
Sounds more American than you m8.

see why not let them go?

also do you REALLY want to keep Oklahoma and Missouri?

>I'd rather let niggers have rights and let them ravage white society than have them restricted as slaves
t. nigger

You do know that Northerners practically ran the importation of niggers right? Slavery at the time wasn't even bad. American slavery practices evolved into some great for niggers and society alike.
But then all the cucks got off their rockers by taking "all men are created equal" out of context.

Southerners deserved it for importing niggers

>mfw all the best founding fathers were southerners

>Philadelphia born and raised dickhead.
what neighborhood hymie?

He should burn down Atlanta again cuz now it's full of niggers


As a Northerner with a mother from Georgia, I alternate between "y'all" and "you all" and "you guys". You guys sounds too informal to me, so I started to default to you all and y'all is just easier.

Do old stock Yanks still exist, Ameribros?

I swear everyone from New England is some mix of Italian/Irish/Portuguese/Slavistani etc

It's almost like you get hit if you start shit.

... but John Adams and Alexander Hamilton were from New England, silly.

He was also perfectly happy to lead Southern brigades deep into the plains to slaughter Injins by the thousands.

Go outside of C*nnecticut, Rh*de Island and M*ssach*setts.
Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine have some old stock left.

Johnston was a coward who literally did nothing but retreat.

>lovers of murder
>posts a song begging for more murder

gee whiz

reminder that most relevant founding fathers were southerners

y*nks are not true Americans

Maybe it'd be unremarkable of whitey didn't burn it down bc of what I assume is black cock envy

It's been 150 years and southerners are still butthurt about their complete and devastating defeat.
You lost, you were humiliated, your women and children had to eat bark and grass because of your bravado and your "honor".
Accept it and and move on.

And its also funny that southeners talk about honor and fighting spirit so much when one of Lee's top issues during his command of the Army of Northern Virginia was constant desertion, not to mention that every time Jefferson Davis called for volunteers he got less than half that of what he asked for so the confederates had to go from house to house and take the men by force.

Dude burning down crops and home lmao

>"If you only knew their side of the story"

You're fucking retarded

Yeah but those are “the poors” and we all know that they don’t count to the confederates or their apologists

Not the guy you’re replying to.

Yeah it is a general kind of scepticism towards the meta-narrative, but in this case it would probably manifest itself as a disgust towards the practice of slave owning while also being able to criticise the various racist practices of the North at the time. It would be about not buying into a simplistic narrative:

South = Evil —> North = Good

They bombed a federal building. That was an act of war, what was Davis expecting?

Most of the hicks around Atlanta jerk themselves off to the "GOOD OLE DAYS OF LEE" and think it's cool and edgy.


Southerners aren't Americans, silly user.

I am profoundly glad that this quote exists. It encapsulates that part of the war so succinctly. It's perfect.

Do it again, Bomber Harris.

There's plenty of old blood up in New England, you just need to know where to look. Vermont is English as fuck.

You know, the only southerner from the civil war era that I really hate is John Wilkes Booth. He killed Lincoln, and Lincoln wanted to start shipping the niggers back to africa where they belong. Booth did more damage to this country by ensuring that the niggers would never be shipped out.

y'all yanks are all fucking cunts, have fun freezing. I'm glad you kicked our asses back in the 1860s though

Talk shit, get hit.

The South would have been just as shitty if they had the chance.

Unfortunately for them, the war they started didn't pan out as they would have hoped.

The only tragedy is that Reconstruction was watered down so now the losers can keep whining on about "injustice" instead of being meek and grateful they are still alive like they should be.

>southern "patriot" defending a way of life in which the landed elite and bankers sent the poor whites to fight and die to uphold a system which enriched the aristocracy of the south through the usage of human bondage and indentured labor

Stay classy, traitor. Not only are you a cuck for dem good ol' bois, but you actually defend the idea that somehow you had any moral justification for secession.

>muh gentemen

Sherman knew the hard truth of modern warfare. Its brutality, and one should simply target those who can't defend themselves; ie, the infrastructure, the noncombatants, logistics and emergency responders. If a man has nothing to fight for, what is the point in fighting at all?


This is the most passive aggressive anti-/pol/ thread as of yet. Take it to .