The West's crowning civilization was a literal feces-wielding, militaristic, slaveowning, empire...

>the West's crowning civilization was a literal feces-wielding, militaristic, slaveowning, empire, and lasted well over a thousand years
>"democracy is the only system that works"



>literal feces-wielding
Pls explain.

a horrific typo

What else do you expect from the soyim?

>feces wielding

Atleast we don't wield our shit.

I am now convinced this was made by a butthurt indian who had a Freudian slip

>F E C E S

literally blew yourself out OP

Poo in loo!

Poo in loo!

>"democracy is the only system that works"

>literally no major western country is a democracy

The absolute state of current era politics

Sorry, OP
Your thread came and retarded and what might have been a good, successful child (post) is now about flinging shit for a thousand years, much like real retards

the west started to fail when it adopted democracy

You fucking knew what he meant by democracy you know-it-all cur

>"democracy is the only system that works"
who are you quoting?

But the part that lasted over a thousand years didn't really own slaves.

serfs are slaves

>Representative Democracy isn't real Democracy

Rome isn't Western

Wrong again! Luck next time user!

No it's not.

Rome was founded in the 700s BC, and fell in the 400s. That's a good millenium of rule

Athens, where "Democracy" comes from had a representative democracy.

No it didn't.

The legislative assembly that met ten times a year were made up of the whole voting-able population.

It was direct.

While democracy today is just one vote every four/five years. Where you have to vote for representatives, and not vote on the actual issues.


Sounds like America

The absolute state of Veeky Forums

There's no recovery from this low point. Shut it down.

Why would the west's crowning achievement be Rome? The west's great leap ahead of the rest of the world was in the modern era.

What else would be? They built almost our entire foundation.


Hello schlomo

>Western Europe slaying up until recent history, only surpassed from another Western civilization
>Not even BC on the chart

>Have shit-ton of people
>wonder why gdp so high

GDP means shit back then


>Have shit-ton of people
>wonder why gdp so high
Did you intend to point out the significance of the achievement in the exponential increase in productivity?

>feces wielding
were not talking about india here m8

>M-muh GDP
I want materialist to leave. if you really value gdp shoot yourself in the face.

What would you define as the west's crowning achievement? The industrial revolution and information revolution are what have put the west in its unprecedented dominant position and enabled our present material well-being and the very medium we're using to communicate right now.

/pol/ btfo lmao

>not per capita

>nobody ever doubted the legitimacy of the HRE again

it's not though
>Athens, where "Democracy" comes from had a representative democracy.
It didn't though.

Man I hear what you're saying but the standard of living has never been so good for the average person. As much as I keep expecting this ponzi scheme to collapse in on itself at any moment, this is quite a time to be alive for the average shitkicker.

That gave me a good laugh