Why do Communists hate culture? To the point they neglect ancient traditions and murder their poets

Why do Communists hate culture? To the point they neglect ancient traditions and murder their poets.

Is it mental illness?

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>"communists hate culture"
>proceed to burn books, destroy historical sites across europe deliberately, and give an order burning down paris

Authoritarian societies hate dissenting opinions. It’s why communists censored and why Nazis burned books.

This, although I don't think he goes far enough. Communist theory postulates that everything is political, even if it doesn't seem so on the surface. Cultural expressions exist not to strive towards some aesthetic ideal, but to promote some sort of message to people. And if that message isn't in line with what the Party wants, then its necessarily a challenge that needs to be eliminated ASAP.

One needs only to drive through an average American city to see to what level of regard 'capitalists' hold culture

They remove the artwork and architecture so that people don't see what life before communism was like and realize how shitty they have it. They want them to think they have it better than everybody else, it's also why the control information so strictly. They can't risk people realizing they're being played.

>Communist theory postulates that everything is political, even if it doesn't seem so on the surface


Okay drive through my city. You'll see lots of old buildings and a vibrant art scene, lots of galleries and theaters and public parks with statuary. Portland Oregon, my man. Come and see. Oh, and basically everything is corporate funded.

Nobody fucking talked about right wingers we are talking about commies ,commie.

There are no 'old buildings' in America

Marx literally got in a bar fight defending german culture:
Marx and engels loved classic art:
>They were well acquainted not only with classical literature, but also with the works of less prominent and even of little known writers both among their contemporaries and those who lived and worked in more distant times. They admired Aeschylus, Shakespeare, Dickens, Fielding, Goethe, Heine, Cervantes, Balzac, Dante, Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, and mentioned many other less famous people who had also made their mark in the history of literature. They also displayed a great love for popular art, for the epics of various nations and other types of folklore: songs, tales, fables and proverbs.
Trotsky considered classical philosophers and goethe as kind of supermen we should strive for:
>[in a socialist society] the average human type will rise to the heights of an Aristotle, a Goethe, or a Marx. And above this ridge new peaks will rise

There is literally nothing in the OP that even hints at that poster being a nazi. Or are you so retarded that you think criticizing commies indicates being a nazi?

The Soviet Union was the last state in the world that produced Classical music, architecture and literature, and upheld other types of it, such as ballet and opera and others. Your point is invalid.

the world is not binary you fucking child. Theres more to it than just nazis and communist you stupid fuck. I cant take this idiocy any fucking more.

>anti communists have to be natsoc or fascists

irrelevant sophistry that does nothing to answer the pathological self hatred communist exhibit. I thought it was just some neo-marxist SJW shit, but then Mao also engaged in this cultural genocide as well.

If an earthquake were to strike the west coast and plunge the entire Pacific Northwest into the sea the effect it would have on the cultured and civilized members of the world would be negligible.

How are the attitudes of the most important communist figures (in terms of influence in current communist parties at least) towards culture not relevant in a thread about communists hating culture? Unless by "communists" you meant communist regimes. In which case, the answer is .

>everyone who doesn’t like communists are Nazis
>everyone who doesn’t like Nazis are communists
I’m so tired of this argument

>Marx literally got in a bar fight defending german culture

Marx violently feuded with practically everyone he interacted with, he probably would've got into a bar fight over someone giving him "disrespekk" or some nigger bullshit

Marx getting into a fight or trotsky liking a poem is irrelevant to the overall hatred of culture that communist exhibit. specifically in the examples of Maos cultural revoltuion and the current SJW hatred of western culture.

>another le commie thread
It's shit like this that makes me pray that there is a hell so you can all get crucified upside down in the burning garbage fires of Gehenna.

For someone who hates Communists you sure fucking do a good job advertising for them.

Because Communism is the logical conclusion of Christianity, which was originally iconoclastic.

>Marx getting into a fight or trotsky liking a poem is irrelevant
No it isn't. As evidenced both by their works, their words, and their general work (for example marx makes reference to high culture all the time even when it's not the subject) their devotion to culture is obvious.

>overall hatred of culture that communist exhibit
Well, I disagree if we are talking about communists and not communist regimes.

>specifically in the examples of Maos cultural revoltuion
I agree if you are talking about communist regimes.

>current SJW hatred of western culture
I don't know what that has to do with communists. Sounds like /pol/tard garbage.

by their acts, their words, and their general work*

Yes, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t had an attitude of disdain towards piece of art with the slightest hint of political dissidence. Just look at writers like Babel (OPs pic) and Pilniak, who got murdered for the stupidest political reasons. And let’s not forget the outrageous scientific propaganda like Lysenkoism


I think OP is arguing that communists hate culture in general, not just dissident culture.

>only pol wouldnt like SJW or communism
just fuck off m8. youre an insufferable worm who is deliberately turning this from a discussion on why communist hate culture and seek to destroy it for their own desire to trivia time about Karl Marxs personal life.

the fact that its literally the same person proves this point wrong though

How the fuck did you read that in my post? Are you mentally challenged?

>tfw no qt Mari gf


>old buildings
>late 19th century

Mao ironically resembled a classical Chinese Mandarin rather than a communist.

>Read the classics.
>Jesus, quoted the classics more than Marx/Engels.
>Practiced traditional Chinese poetry.
>His literary critique of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was entirely responsible for taking out Cao Cao away from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms context which depicted him as a bad guy for centuries.

>This was the person who launched the Cultural Revolution.

>I think OP is arguing that communists hate culture in general,

That's so fucking vague though. You can make the same point for colonial empires "hating" culture

Culture breeds differences, differences give rise to nationalism, nationalism prevents communism.

>somebody says communists did something bad
>communist automatically deflects and says other people did it too

>nationalism prevents communism
>thinking they are mutually exclusive.

They are. To do away with the nation-state first requires the abolition if nationalism.

>Why do Communists hate culture?
>Adorno, Gramsci and basically all neomarxists constantly criticising mass culture

>we must defend hedonistic aristocrats and bourgeois lifestyle just because

the right are mentally ill

Modern day liberals hate tradition and culture more than the communists. For communists this "hatred" of culture came from they hatred of the old system and especially religion (which was a big part of past culture).
Soviet policy changed many times.

>Culture breeds differences
Bullshit, culture shapes individuals into society.
>differences give rise to nationalism
Bullshit, two entirely different things. If anything people put away their differences in favour of nation.
>nationalism prevents communism.
Bullshit, more often than not nationalism ferments communism. Just look at Cuba, Vietnam, Burkina Faso or Kurdistan.

They don't hate it. It just isn't profitable.

are you 12?

what the fuck

Because communism is against nationalism and national culture as it divides the working class.

>thinks 'cultural marxism' has anything to do with communism

I am at a loss for words.
You know there are services to help the clinically retarded, right?

No interest in tradition or culture or history, because totalitarianism (that is, communism in practice, not in retarded textbook theory) is intent on reinventing human nature at any cost.

anything that poses a bit of competition or a remote threat must go. and pronto, tonto


Adorno definitely loved classical culture but Gramsci was a proto-SJW. He's almost as bad as Foucault.

You have to admit that having an affair with the wife of the leader of the secret service isn't the perfectly safest course of conduct though.

fuck off nazi

When a High Culture becomes senile and loses all creative potential, it is increasingly dominated by obscurantist ideologies that care more for dwelling in their own self-made narratives than becoming part of human history. Marxism and anarchism are the puritanical end-products of Western Faustian culture, just as how the Wahhabism of ISIS represent the terminal stage of Magian civilization and the isolationist late strain of Neo-Confucianism Sinitic civilization.

They do not. Autocrats hate culture. Not individual commies.

What's the problem here?

Because thats what you wrote you asshole. You faggots are insufferable and always engage in this stupid pointless sophistry. Do you actually think this is going to trick anyone into loving communism?

>oh sure all modern communist are filled with a pathological self hatred of their own societies, but look at this irrelevant article about how marx said he liked german composers! this magically makes that all go away and renders the entire conversation moot!

>i-its totally different!
in what way? especially when they are all preaching the same shit?


>Because thats what you wrote you asshole.
So you are actually mentally challenged.

Why do traditionalists worship culture? What empirical value does it have other than "muh feelings"?

The end goal of "communist" is to conquer and rule a country with no opposition not make the social classes financially equal thats nothing but a lie they use to create useful idiots to help their agenda.

>Communist theory postulates that everything is political, even if it doesn't seem so on the surface
So how do you enforce this without creating a totally stagnant, unengaging "state culture"? Is human cultural innovation inseparable from challenges to political authority?

>empirical value
Feck off.

Yeah, thats what I thought. Now run off back to leftypol faggot

>lots of old buildings and a vibrant art scene, lots of galleries and theaters and public parks with statuary
These are basically just echoes of culture created as a result of aristocratic patronage.


>"Muh fee fees"

Having a hard on for "empirical values" is literally fee fees.

Truth™ exists, and good culture represents an established path to appreciating it. If you can make it nice and aesthetic that's even better

Aesthetics is in the eye of the beholder, if you were born Arab, you'd like islamic art, if you were born Chinese you'd like Chinese art. Bias has no place in any serious history discussion.

>Aesthetics is in the eye of the beholder,
What is basic bitch stance on aesthetics, alex?

Yeah for real get your head in the game faggot


imagine being this retarded

Did Marx hate culture, other than judaism?

What's changed? They are both performers.

He literally wrote an entire book ripping on Judaism dude.

He's arguably the most anti-semetic philosopher in history.

didn't that guy fuck Yezhov's wife? he fucked the NKVD chief's wife lmao

>Only nazi's hate commies
said the uneducated nitwit who missed the entire second half of the 20th century

This looks like a complete word salad.

Cultural Marxism is far from what you think it means user.

Because communists think everything in society should be for the betterment of the people. So if people are enjoying themselves it's offensive to communists, because it means they are producing something to enjoy it and not as a service to others.


The difference being that communism isn’t actually applicable to the real world.

>the last state in the world that produced Classical music
rip classical music 1900-1989 lol
you fucking retard


classical music is still composed to this day

Culture is tribal.

Commies question such an allegiance


presupposing the question

>unironically bumping this nearly archived thread