Be Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (Brave as the sun) 380-415 C.E

>Be Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (Brave as the sun) 380-415 C.E.
>Be the younger son of the Great Samudragupta (Napoleon of India)
>Dad dies, elder brother Ramagupta is crowned king
>Brother turns out to be the much tamer and lamer version of Joffrey Baratheon
>People are sick of his shit, but he's my big brother, Daddy raised me right
>Big Bro marries a real 10/10 hottie
>mfw I fell in love with my big brothers wife, but She's my sis-in-law, 10/10 would bang
>Daddy didn't raised me this way
>Turns out big bro is capable to turn one of the most strongest army on the sub-continent to utter shit
>Loses every fucking battle he commands
>Neighborhood King Rudrasimha III invades us
>Offers big bro to send his wife to Rudra's personal chambers for one night in return of peace
>mfw I find out my big brother is a cuckold as he is considering the offer
>enough of this shit, nobody get to fuck her but me
>Cross Dresses in Sis-in-laws clothes
>Goes in Rudra's personal chambers
>yippie kay yay motherfucker
>Kills Rudra, return home and kill big bro
>Takes the throne
>Marry my widow sis-in-law
>Become the second greatest ruler of Gupta Dynasty

Other urls found in this thread:

cool story bro

Thanks bro



More like more greentext stories like that??


Sounds like a top guy. I know essentially nothing about Indian history.


Don't worry I am here for you guys.

Posting another greentext story


>Be Chanakya aka Vishnugupta aka Kautilya 4 Century BCE
>Be brahmana
>Teaching at the Takshila University and living happily
>Having strong Nationalism towards the Sub-Continent and the Identity of Bharat
>mfw bunch of Greek guys come from Now where and starts the invasion of Bharat
>Find out it a guy named Alexander who wants to watch the world burn
>Can't see my motherland invaded by blondies
>They already defeated Porus and captured my University
>Goes to Magadha, the most powerful place in India at that time
>Has a fucking huge Army
>Dude has 80,000 horses, 200,000 footmen, 8,000 chariots and 6,000 fighting elephants
>Turns out the King is Dhanananda who is a Shudra and Brahmin hater
>But still got to protect motherland
>Meets Dhananada
>Gets insulted, mocked.
>Dude called me ugly and mocked my hairstyle, suggested me to beg
>No one insults my hairstyle
>Turns out Alexander went back but left his commanders here
>Rest of India is safe but gotta make sure it never happens again
>Gotta take revenge too
>Find a tribal teenage boi in way
>Boi, you gonna be the next Emperor of India
>Boi, was a Tom Sawyer, Everyone was happy I was taking him along me
>Mfw I end up defeating a guy with a huge army with a boi and my brains
>I crowned him Emperor and created the Largest Indian Empire and one of the largest in the world
>Write books on politics, philosophy and economics
>mfw my countrymen still love me and respect me to this day
>mfw My philosophies are still relevant to this day.

>be Indian "history"
>90% of it is oral tradtions
>don't know what is myth or fact
>"bro the vedas were composed in 10,000 BC and the aryans went from india to europe to do the needful and had nuclear weapons and spaceships, also superpower by 2020"

Someone's jealous

Jealous of what? An apparently rich 4000 year old civilization where the only material evidence from before Persian/Greek contact are bits of shitty pottery and metal?

There are written records like Indus Valley Script, the thing is, it is still coded and nobody has been able to decipher it

I'm talking about the Aryans unless you're one of those Pajeets who think the IVC was Vedic

Except the Harappans were one of the most advanced civilizations of its time.

Except the Harappans had shit all to do with Vedas and later Indian "civilization"

You do realize Vedas are Shruti, i.e. something that is passed orally. But were written much later, but we get to know a lot about the society and history from them.

Like the 10 kings war (Dasarajan War) or the society in Vedic Age.

That's why I said most of ancient Indian history is based on myth

Only the Vedic Age, After that, Greek Historians did a pretty good job, And Indians started writing books too.

Both the stories I have written, are Post Vedic ones.

>never cared about Indians and their civilization
>always thought that their religious texts are really ancient
>finally read about them on Wikipedia

>Writing appears in India around the 3rd century BC in the form of the Brāhmī script, but texts of the length of the Rigveda were likely not written down until much later,[note 4] and the oldest extant manuscripts date to AD ~1040, discovered in Nepal.

Stupid Muslims. Your tequila and lying to us which is what hinduism is, its fucking Islam and nothing else is not working on me. Fuck Islam. Hinduism is Islam.

>And Indians started writing books too.
By writing books you mean remembering them, right? Written material is extremely rare in ancient India, mostly showing up on royal inscriptions and coins.
And there are no sources for Chanakya's existence outside of Indian myths.

Yeah, right. A religion that predates Christianity by Centuries is actually the one that came around 700 AD

Yup, Arthashastra - The book on economics and Politics was authored by a figment of Imagination

What evidence is there that it wasn't written in the medieval period? That it was actually written (remembered) by someone who was a contemporary of Alexander? AFAIK the text (lol) itself doesn't even identify the author as the person who supposedly mentored Chandragupta Maurya, this is just an identification based on other, later works.
Also learn English, Rajdeep. This is not a Microsoft tech support forum.

Because Megasthenes's Indica, Plutarch's record, Justin's records and Ashokan Rock edicts confirms the existence of Chanakya/Kautilya

Also, stop confusing history with mythology.

By, your logic, protestant bible and mormon bible shouldn't exist and should question the entire western history.

ITT: Butthurt RSS Hindu nationalist tries to explain away why India is more than just a modern embarrassment.

I mean, Wikipedia also says this:
>The earliest traces ofepigraphyin theIndian Subcontinentare found in the undeciphered inscriptions of theIndus Valley Civilization(Indus script), which date back to the early 3rd millennium BC.

Fuck off Polish poster, literally no one has tried to do that.
Delusional cunt.
At the very most, OP has been shitting on some cunt (who is most likely you) who's basically denying the existence of historical figures.

>Because Megasthenes's Indica, Plutarch's record, Justin's records and Ashokan Rock edicts confirms the existence of Chanakya/Kautilya
Are you fucking retarded? Point me to any of those that mention Chanakya. There's enough debate as it is as to whether Sandrokottus even refers to Chandragupta Maurya. Ashoka's (technically Piyadassi's) 13th edict gives us a solid idea about his contemporaries in the West. But if we didn't have that, we'd have to believe Buddhist "texts" who talk about him building torture chambers to kill his 99 (!) brothers and then building tens of thousands of stupas.

No one blindly takes the Bible as fact, dumbshit. Many of the tales in them have been debunked by archaeology and other evidence. Or do you think there was actually an exodus and Israel was anything but a shitty little tribal confederation?

Indus Valley wasn't Vedic. When will you get it through your curry brain?

Not Polish. Quit being a butthurt nationalist and go back to jerking off to Bal Thackeray pictures.

What does it matter that the IVC wasn't vedic? They're still a part of Indian history, and the person I responded to mentioned the writings of the subcontinent as a whole.
Here's some shit linking Chanakya with his other name Vishnugupta:
He also wrote another, lesser-known book called "Chanakya-neeti."
There's also the common consensus among actual historians (see: not you) that he existed and was likely the same person as Kautilya, who is mentioned as being Chandragupta's advisor.
There's been no nationalism in this thread, you delusional retard.
Just OP arguing with some faggot about the existence of a historical figure.
There's no thread even semi-related to India that isn't derailed by faggots like you, fuck off back to /pol/.

India getting btfo in this thread. Texts date to last 1000~ years, how embarrassing

>What does it matter that the IVC wasn't vedic?
Because you and me are talking about a culture and era that had as much to do with IVC as Iraqis have to do with Sumerians. Also bringing up an undeciphered script that may not even have encoded language to show that India has had writing from 5000 years ago is pretty pathetic. May as well consider Vinca symbols to be fucking Shakespeare.

>Here's some shit
Yeah, literal shit. A book of fairy tales, that amazing repository of historical truth.

>There's also the common consensus among actual historians (see: not you) that he existed and was likely the same person as Kautilya,
Based on what? More oral mythologies? Fucking lol. I can't remember who it was but it was a pretty famous historian who once remarked that of all the ancient peoples the Indians seem to be the most ahistorical.

If I, as a white man, defend India on the internet will its government reward me with a curry-Aryan qt wife?

You will be blessed with a yakshi only if you complete a full Ashvamedha (warning: may include horse copulation)