How would you go about improving this board?

I'm OP from yesterday who made the thread "Will we ever have their quality?" comparing Veeky Forums with AskHistorians on Reddit.

This is a continuation of sorts. Feel free to talk about the quality of this board and how it can be improved.

Other urls found in this thread:


Ban all political posts, automatically filter and sage any OP with the word “Nazi/Hitler/Holocaust/Jew,” and ban anyone who’s logged significant time at /tv/ or /pol/.
Also ban the annoying tripfag who caps lock.

>Will we ever have their quality?
We're not that far off, if at all. The main differences between us and them are that shit threads get nuked there whereas they're drowned in shitposts here, and that the odd very informative post is recorded for posterity there whereas it dies with the thread here. Sure, they might have more of them there, but at the same time they also have so many total bullshit posts taken utterly seriously just because they're long and have a couple unverified sources slapped at the bottom that I'm often reminded more of Veeky Forums and /pol/ rather than Veeky Forums.
>how it can be improved
It can't, really. This is Veeky Forums, so the board's userbase is always gonna be the more historically minded segment of the site's, eh, peculiar userbase. Going reddit's way and adopting idiotical overmoderating practices would gain you nothing, because the volume is too great and discussion thrives on conflict anyway. I've seen as many great discussions spring up as condescending replies to idiotic posts as I've seen them as well-mannered answers to properly asked questions.

Really tho, the only way to find better historical discussions online is to look for specialty forums, which are slow and very narrow in subjects. As sad as it is, this place is pretty near the top of the barrel as far as large history websites go.

>this place is pretty near the top of the barrel as far as large history websites go.

>go on Veeky Forums
>see threads about political happenings in modern day, op doesn't even try to hide the fact his thread has nothing to do with history or humanities
>go on /pol/
>see threads about 16th century italy
Fix this, and then encourage more Veeky Forums book threads.

Don't know what threads you're reading but even if the shit cited on askhistorians is not good, it still is better on the merit that every post does cite sources. You have to ask for the shitty sources around here and they normally come in the form of infographics rather than actual links to the papers.

>How would you go about improving this board?
Change 25 year rule to 100 year rule so we can get rid of all the WWII and Holocaust shit that ruins this board. No other changes need be made.

>how would you go about improving the quality of the board
What's there to improve? Seriously, if you want no fun allowed history discussion, join a history forum or go on >reddit like the queer you are. We all know you come here because you love the shitposting just as much as the actual discussion.

It's all about the willingness to not shitpost. Veeky Forums already has posters that research things, think critically and put effort into their replies. They have a lot of power in that their responses can either amplify or negate shitposting from lazy users. The latter primarily consists of
1) not responding to obvious trolling
2) respecting the intelligence of other posters
The point of number 2 is that if you assume everyone is a stupid asshat, your posts will express that attitude and encourage the other posters to adopt that identity just to spite you.

>Implying people will follow that
We literally have threads on Donald Trump and they aren't removed

Move humanities to Veeky Forums, make the 25 years rule 100 years rule, actual have mods&jannies that show up more than once per month.

>No other changes need be made.

Ban anyone who posts waifus.

I literally can't open Veeky Forums while being in public because I never know when a pergnant anne frank pops up.

>he doesn't browse waifu threads in public
>he doesn't write erotic greentexts about pregnant anne frank while other people watch

>post a saddam thread
>a man of 70 years of history
>gets deleted
>"don't start threads about history taking place less than 25 years ago t. retarded janny"
>lament at my warning
>open Veeky Forums
>vidya threads, politics thread, literally covering what the eyes can see
>braaap, nudity, anne frank impregnation and hitler circlejerking threads staying up until bumplimit
>report these threads
>nothing happens
>can actually only get offtopic threads off my board by spamming/flooding them, thus earning myself 2-3 days off for "shitting up board quality" (ironic)

Time to move to reddit, might actually find some quality discussion there. It's a nice joke when people say "Veeky Forums is the home of free discussion" when the mods here are straight up worse than reddit's speech police.

careful OP janny might feel called out on this thread and le ebin banhammer it. You're not gonna get anything out of this thread anyway, mods don't care. No feedback or transparency on board moderation is a mistake.

Nope unfortunately I do not do these things.

As an adult heterosexual non-pedophile male without mental health issues it would just feel weird doing stuff like that.

Quality control is an excuse for thought control as you can see from the posts ITT.

Most of these people's (r*dditors) ideas of quality control is to ban discussion of premises they don't want examined because they would interfere with their politics.

maybe start making more threads that aren't based on a question.

ie. post an interested fact from a solid source. Point out what your find interesting. Ask people to compare and contrast from several points of view: what else happened in same region, same time period, what was the origin, the evolution, the problems, etc.

The amount of sterilization that occurs on reddit is most frustrating. Even more so, is the glib clueless hive minds that have taken over the site.

pic related.

>/r/AskHistorians is better than Veeky Forums
>Still posts here instead

Nice history discussion

this is your average manchild video game/hitler circlejerking threadposter, take a good look at him.

>i want to talk about my favourite videogame in a history board

Make a new rule where you cannot discuss anything political past 1847. its gotten to the point where i learn more about politics on Veeky Forums and more about history on /pol/.

>Can't address the statement
>Attacks his strawman instead
Take a good look at your average r*dditor

>I have to report every single post under video game and smut and offtopic threads to get the neckbeard janny to do anything about it

t. mentally challenged janitor
video games are not history

Nobody said they were

The statement was addressing the fact that people want to ban discussion of WWII despite it being the historical event that defines our current society.

Oh my

Do I detect a strawman?

Where did anyone say WW2 discussion should be banned? your hitler circlejerking "hitler was fucking based and did nothing wrong" weekly threads are not history discussion, manchild. If you want to talk about Hitler, actually put down a subject or focus of discussion, retard.

Then it sounds like you're on the wromg board.

>Where did anyone say WW2 discussion should be banned?

>The absolute state of r*dditors

>wanting to be like reeeeeeeeddit

I wouldn't suggest removing WW2 discussions, but that would unironically be a huge improvement to the board (Assuming jannies actually enforce the rule). 90% of WW2 discussion is babby's holocaust denial thread, anne frank getting pregnant and hitler did nothing wrong or 10 do it again harry threads per day. You sound retarded user. Stop posting your brainless white mememan, he belongs in the kiddy boards like /v/

Not a single one of those posts said to ban WW2 discussion. Three of them said to up the 25 year rule and the fourth said to ban bait threads about the Holocaust. There has literally never been a thoughtful and engaging discussion about the Holocaust on here. It is thinly veiled bait posting. However, I'm sure you're going to make more assumptions on things not said and post another hilarious and fresh brainlet image.

>Ban everything past WWI
>Its not a ban on WWII though because they didn't explicitly mention it
Awesome post, great job

What's really happening here is that you're getting upset that people disagree with you and want the mods to intervene.

>i want to post my anne frank smut and there's nothing you can do about it memmitor just go back to plebbit ok?

Delete the repetitive threads that have been posted and are posted frequently and only allow them at intermittent intervals.
Shitposting shills with their self bumped threads are the scourge of every board.
Promote more generals maybe (lol).

Minimize Anne Frank pregnant port
It was funny at first but it lost its charm the moment some motherfucker inserts her in a serious thread

>Implying the pregnant anne frank meme isn't something forced by a disturbed /leftypol/ transplant

Are you lurking?
Come see the quality of your board you fucking subhuman

ahh, so you basically outed yourself as a /pol/ack.

I'm not fucking surprised.

/leftypol/ has rolling generals talking about raids they're doing on other forums.

They're often stupider than the nazis or Sargon people that come here; Its pretty obvious.

>wahhhhh why don’t people like my holocaust denial and Nazi what if and ((((((JOOZ)))))) threads waaaaahhhhhh

Crap and bait that should get deleted

don't forget

Give ja*ny my best regards


>& Humanities

I don't make those threads but I find people on both sides never really investigated the holocaust and make stupid claims that they can't back up. The /pol/ side often comes from uncritically consuming TGSNT and other politically driven sources and results in confirmation bias.

The hard anti-Nazi side often accepts everything they were taught uncritically and fails to make a convincing proof for a lot of their claims (despite what the historical record actually shows). The holocaust narrative is presented axiomatically so these people never actually thought to question it.

I should add that my personal family history disposes me to an anti-Nazi position, but the lack of people's ability to think and argue clearly about the issue, along with certain arguments being criminal in some of Europe make it an interesting topic. I think revisionism is actually a healthy academic process that contributes to it being a social science and not just politics + time.

>Implying the pregnant anne frank meme isn't something forced by a disturbed /leftypol/ transplant
>90% of pregnant Anne Frankposters on /pol/ have Confederate flags

I used to make well thought out posts, but threads die here with like 15 responses. What's the point of taking all that time to thoroughly explain something, only to not get a response and the thread dies.

So we both agree on one thing

People can't think nor argue

So bait/watering holes for retards should be deleted because they end up shitting the board and lowering its quality and attract no ample discussion, rather a bunch of retards posting wall of text images they shoveled out of /pol/ and are not educated on the subject.

Why are you talking about history on a video game, smut and politics board? just move to reddit man. If you ACTUALLY care about history than you have nothing to do by being here. This place is a fucking shitheap. refer to

Organising your thoughts and refining your arguments by writing replies can be rewarding in itself?

There's no discussion being had.

>op asks a question
>person thoroughly answers it
>thread dies

I guess your thread was more easily discernible as going against the rules. Counting 25 years is easier than other arbitrations.

Unironic Trump/Hillary threads don’t get deleted.

& Humanities was a mistake


But the posts were read by someone.

That's because most people are uneducated. They are only capable of asking the surface questions.

Removing /pol/. They come to this board and act like the very people they hate most. It really is ruining the quality of this board.

This board will only improve if people stop obsessing about race.

>ban anyone who’s logged significant time at /tv/ or /pol/

Not gonna lie, I love it when /our/pol/lacks/ derail Holocaust denial threads by spamming pregnant Anne Frank porn the moment she gets mentioned.

Ban all jew-loving plebbitors.

This would unironically improve the board. /pol/acks are mostly brainlets who sperg out at being recommended a book by a marxist historian and just want to read stuff that they already agree with

My older thread wasn't deleted and I doubt this one will be either. It's a meta post talking about the board, so I highly doubt it'll be anyway.

And I do agree, Reddit is a better place for quality discussion but Veeky Forums has its charms too, and I wanted to get a consensus from some anons who frequent this board. Supposedly it's one the less shittier ones the site has to offer.

meta posting anywhere outside of /qa/ is against the rules as of recently
janny wants to contain all people calling him out there (where he doesn't respond or look) to avoid the embarrassment from threads like these.

I see. Still, I feel like this thread has a serious discussion that needs to be held. I'll do another thread tommorow to see how it goes before I have to start going to work. Maybe a change can be made in the end.

So ban all Trump supporters?

>every post does cite sources
>shit sources are better than no sources
Delusionally wrong and no respectively. Slapping the titles of a couple maybe barely related books at the bottom of a post without quotes nor page references is far worse than no sources at all, because people are gonna doubt unsourced claims, but nobody is gonna check through a whole fucking book to disprove a claim, and the mere presence of a 'source' can convince people outright. AskHistorians is bad history central.

I bet your fedora is big

>no argument

>How would you go about improving this board?
Nothing, Veeky Forums is fine. If I had a problem with it, I'd go somewhere else. The only minor thing I'd change is adding thread IDs so individual posters can be tracked, samefagging becomes impossible, and multiple individuals can have a conversation without getting confused about who is responding to who.

shitposting is the background noise that comes with anonymous posting, it's the shit river which you have to prospect in order to find the gold nuggets. Just cover your nose and ignore the trolls wallowing in the shit and trying to drag you down into it. Shitposting is occasionally a valid tactic for getting an uppity git to piss off.

/pol/ is fine, so is /leftypol/. Truly great ideas are forged in the crucible of vigorous discussion, and that means Veeky Forums should stay a place where there is no clear political consensus, where all assumptions are questioned, and bad ideas get torpedoed without being allowed to take refuge in a social status quo which would defend anything which is "their" side.

fuck r*ddit, I've been there a grand total of about 20 minutes and thought it was a popularity contest for pretentious retards, and I deeply regret those 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back. Veeky Forums should never, ever become that. Veeky Forums is probably the only place in the world where it's acceptable to shame women and stormtards for attention whoring and force them to rely on the merit and persuasiveness of their arguments. That alone is a good enough reason to stay in Veeky Forums and actively scorn every other website trying to imitate it.


>half a day later
>janny still asleep
fuck this, im off to reddit.
delusional faggot or a damage-controlling janny or someone living in the past
if pseudo-intellectualism, unsourced greentexts and meme history are your thing, by all means stay here.

The same simple solution that serves to save the site.

Make frog and feels posting a banworthy offense and strictly enforce it.

We told you this 5 years ago. It's time for the mods and admins to admit we were right.

One of the best posts i've seen on Veeky Forums in months. Fuck newfags that keep trying to sanitise and dilute the nature of this website.

>fuck this, im off to reddit.
can I have your stuff?
>if watching pseudo-intellectualism, unsourced greentexts and meme history get BTFO are your thing, by all means stay here.
it's fun watching tankies, holocaust deniers, and MRA's romanticising the life of feudal serfs getting their shit pushed in on a daily basis. I'd rather have that than watch a bunch of pretentious hipsters circle-jerk

I can deal with cancerous pretentiousness and r*ddit etiquette and censorship (and this board has it's own censorship, lad. Don't think you're a bastion of free speech) as long as I can have a history discussion than going through the trouble of surveying a shitriver to get a gold nugget or two.

Leave that crap for red boards because the rest of the blue boards don't have half as much a crap as is posted here, even /v/.
It reminds me of what Noam Chomsky said about mundane and banal forms of entertainment like sports receiving the most exotic commentaries but any political discussion is purposely dumbed down to oblivion.
>inb4 autistic screeching about critical intellectuals

>sports receiving the most exotic commentaries
Sports commentary is as dumb as it gets tho? I mean shit like sports center and inside the nba are laughed off 'serious' sports forums. Televised analysis is possibly even dumber and more filled with memes in sports than in politics.

Oh joy. Yet again we can see the commie looking at the world through a commie world-view where everything is a centrally mandated attempt to achieve some political aim.
Because clearly, it's the j- I mean the capitalists, they want to dumb down everyone and control them. It's not at all merely the natural result of entertainment generating shitloads of revenue, it must be a conspiracy, because individual agency doesn't exist, only Them and their machinations to keep Us down.

>Mehmed II was white
>The holocaust is a lie
>check out my video games guys
>Hitler had three balls and two dicks
>"ancient greeks were black/white/green/had multi-colored eyes"
>The laws of physics (including how they change with time) and initial state of the universe determine everything that happens after, including how we act. This is indisputable. So why should you wear a seatbelt or wear a helmet when cycling or eat healthily or avoid drugs when there is nothing you can do about your future death? Absolutely nothing. It is all determined
>communism sucks shit
>i want to get anne frank pregnant and fuck her while she's pregnant

This is the epitome of Veeky Forums
You may not like it, but this is how history is properly discussed.

Nice strawman, faggot.
Hate to break it to you, but yeah. You're retarded. /pol/ is home to the stupidest shit I have seen in my life. American politics is filled with literal retards and as of late has been reduced to literal shitposting on twitter. Nothing about this is related to communism, you pointing out communism is proof to how fucking braindead you are and proves the other user's point that political discussions are dumbed down.

Well, you've quite spectacularly missed the point, congrats.

>all the discussion over an athlete's injuries
Still haven't explained why the political discussion should be dumbed down. Does it generate revenue? Maybe the infotainment does and that proves that it's shit.

The board actually needs to be overzealously moderated, the ratio of good to terrible threads is like 3-1. Bait threads about African history, Holocaust denial, Kara Boğa and WE WUZ Nordic types need to fuck right off. Enforce the rule about providing reliable sources where possible.

I'd like to see the philosophy side made into not total shit. Threads about philosophy need to stick to discuss actualy philosophers and actual books.

Stupid threads that pose some vague moralizing question should be axed. They just invite every idiot to give his 2 cents. Or even worst threads that are just there to complain about some fundmental fact of life "there's a lot of sad things you know!"

>Remove "& Humanities"
>increase moderation

There, fixed.

Veeky Forums is on the frontlines when it comes to defending against ignorance, but that’s what makes it great.

/r/askhistorians is an insular community of university historians asking questions to other historians. Their sources are cited but both the questions and answers are painfully predictable. Very rarely does anyone penetrate beneath the surface because Reddit’s upvote system promotes a mentality of agreement and approval.

Veeky Forums is inundated with threads where people try to suggest the holocaust wasn’t real, but in every single one of those threads there is someone who is articulating the opposite position. Real debate happens here because the ignorant and knowledgeable mix together and fight for supremacy based on their words alone.

Veeky Forums doesn’t encourage its users to work for upvotes, it makes them work for replies, (you)s. And being contrarian gets just as many replies as agreeing with someone. The ignorant can learn the truth and the knowledgeable can sharpen their ability to articulate what they’ve learned. You’ll never see people on Reddit debating whether Robespierre was a hero or a villain because there isn’t a clear answer for everyone to clap for in approval.

It’s never a clean fight here but that is the fire that forges diamonds.

Well the main concern contrary to what the unworried might think is the board being killed or slowed down to irrelevance.
Reddit is slower paced and has a less active discourse. Compare that with the convenience of being able to just jump right in without needing to have a login.

>i want to get anne frank pregnant and fuck her while she's pregnant

You'd have to be a Nazi or a faggot (not that there's much of a difference) to not want to do that.

Immediately permaban anyone that says something racist

Well what's it gonna be.
We can turn into a psuedo /pol/ Veeky Forums synthesis called /pis/ or a Veeky Forums /int/ fusion called /shit/.



>all the discussion over an athlete's injuries
Quantity isn't quality user. There's a lot of faff about political minutiae too.
I never argued that it SHOULD get dumbed down. I'm arguing that it gets dumbed down because that's the most effective way to appeal to the masses.
>Does it generate revenue?
Relatively. Dumbed down politics are more accessible and inflamatory. It gains you votes. The point is, politics isn't getting dumber to keep people down, it gets dumber because it's the most efficient way to win elections. People like Chomsky invert causes and consequences.

Hey so I'm pretty new to Veeky Forums but it seems like the whole board is split between redditors and /pol/acks, am I wrong?

There needs to be containment threads for the spam topics people always bring up.
WW2 What if Scenarios.
Why was Africa so Bad.
Turks are the best.

Its a problem I see in a lot of forums, and certain forums handle it pretty well.
Paradox forums, and Wow forums try to merge a bunch of related topics together into containment threads.

Ban buzzwords for the love of fucking god.
If I have to see goy,goyim,zionist,shill,cuck, 56% one more time Im gunna lose it.

wow get a load of this free speech hating cuck

There is a wide gap between free speech and spamming / trolling.

nice shilling my friend, soon Veeky Forums will be leftypol HQ my fellow redditor. good goy.