Open Bible

>Open Bible
>Chapter 1
>Talking snake

People DIED over this shit

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I would too

snakes actually a euphenism for adams dick

really makes me think...

>two people manage to populate the entire world
>God kills them all in a flood except for one family
>Said family proceeds to repopulate the entire world a second time
>All of this happens in 1000 years time
>Christians actually expect me to buy this shit

Um, do you know how many children people had back then?

Never said anything about 1000 years

>tfw no sexy snek

Not enough for two people to turn into 18 million in a single millennia and migrate across the entire planet.

arks actually a euphenism for noahs dick

>The entire human population was started by Adam, Eve and their two sons
What, did all three take turns with Eve?

>no hora hora

It's an easily inferred figure. Creationists claim the world is 6000 years old, and recorded history goes back around 5000 years. That's a 1000 years gap for the first 11 chapters of Genesis to go down.

This is the most believable rationalization for Genesis I've ever heard.

Umm do you even Augustine? No one took the bible literally until the 19th century American pastor James Ussher invented fundamentalism.

Well then that begs the million dollar question. If we've established that some parts of the bible are not meant to be taken literally, then why is anyone trying to assert it as a code of law? It's some of the most unreliable shit to ever base any law around, let alone to assert as divine enlightenment.

Fun fact:
The "rib" is a Jewish euphemism for a penile bone, the one that exists in many animals but not humans

the talking snake doesn't show up until the second chapter though

that's one theory

It was much less than that

>high level of discourse

I think "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt not steal" are pretty universal concepts for a stable society user

>Creationists claim the world is 6000 years old,
Based on what? A shoddy King James Bible?

Look, I'm a creationist, but I really think there is more speculation than anything when people give definite dates for how old the Earth is. King James bible took some liberties with the chronological dates and now everyone thinks it's the 'defacto truth'.

Honestly, there is more left out of the Bible than in. Read the Timaeus. The flood talked about there is most likely the flood of God. Many different people talk about the flood. The self-mover is evident.

>I'm a creationist
convince me that creationism is true and natural selection isn't


>As we said before, there is another method of determining age other than hypothesis and speculation. If the subject is a conscious being, we can ask him/her/it, "Excuse me, do you have a memory of how old you are?"

>In the case of the cosmos, we have asked. Of course, some will call it speculation, or even "primitive imagination." But then, I wonder what scientists a century from now will call the speculations of today's cosmologists? As for me, my understanding of the Torah is that it is not a human voice, but the voice of the essence of the cosmos itself.

>So we asked.

>The answer at the dating of this writing is 5,761 years.

>Look, I’m a creationist
Stopped reading there.

>It was much less than that
And how exactly does your picture back this up? That chart is in billions. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between any figures less than 50 mil on that thing.
Indeed they are. In fact they're so universal that using them as justification for the validity of biblical law makes no sense whatsoever, because the bible is hardly the only code of law that forbids murder and theft. The Bible has 30,000 verses that cover a shit load of stuff. How am I supposed to believe anyone's opinion on which parts are meant to be taken literally vs figuratively? If so much of it is up to interpretation, then that makes the claim that it's divine even less believable.

>be ancient people
>record and maintain religious stories for thousands of years
>stories are allegories for how to best live your life in accordance to God
>stories are aimed to help you be a good person and maintain order in society
>modern Western civilization literally stems from these beliefs and exists because of them
>"huurr durr talking snake, fucking christcucks BTFO"

You all need to kill yourselves.

kek, it's even worse than I imagined. These fucks seriously have the flood placed during the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.

As I've said, there may be things that aren't written down. This is common sense. I think the flaw of Judaism is they think too highly of their texts. Surely God chose them and helped them, but to say that they are still the chosen people is blasphemy. Not only that, but many miracles happen that are not recorded. Not just in the Old Testament but the New Testament also. Many things every day. Many philosophies blossom daily which embrace God with their existentialist view of the world. Who are they to say that Judaism is the correct religion?

And the answer is they have no right to. But the problem is, they do it systematically and dogmatically.

At least their monotheistic conception of theology is more intelligent than the faux-polytheistic ways of Christianity, who divide their God into three.

>stories are aimed to help you be a good person and maintain order in society
>filled with autistic shit like forbidding people from wearing mixed fabrics
Bronze age people acted like fucking bronze age people. Come back to reality user.

That's funny show me where I The bible it says 6000 years?

>millions of people take it as literal events
>b-but they’re all metaphors now, haha w-we totally knew how ridiculous they were, t-trust us

I maintain the creation of the universe is what happened. Anyone saying anything different is wrong. When people talk about evolution, they don't understand it's a relatively young science and unobserved.

It's like the parable of how accepted scientific thought understood the universe to be Geocentric, even without the interference of the Church, for 1000 years without changing their view. Clearly it will take a little bit of time for certain views to be validated for people who are wise.

>be OP
>be barely literate
Try using historical, cultural, and literary context. Try actually using your brain.
>OP says the Bible says “snake”
>Bible never says “snake”

Serpent isn't the same thing as snake???

If every couple of humans had 4 children (meaning the population doubles) every 25 years that would make 2^40 = 1,099,511,627,776 humans after 1000 years.

Not when you take into account language translations and the fact that the stories were passed by word of mouth.
Additionally, the Hebrew word for “Adam” can be both singular or plural.
>created Man
>created A man

Why do people feel the need to defend Christianity so passionately?

Read up on the geneology from Adam to Abraham. It's recorded quite meticulously. You'll get 2000 years. Add that to the fact that Abraham was alive circa 2000 BC and you get 6000 years. I don't know why you guys are trying to deny any of this. 6000 has been the general figure that most creationists have claimed for centuries.

We fully expect you to base your entire life on it and submit a sizeable portion of your income to us or else be unmetaphorically killed as a heretic.

Parrots can talk.

Huskies can say "I love you".

The talking snek ain`t on the first chapter

Original post

Except such a rapid increase of population is completely unprecedented by all measures of human population growth. The world population doesn't grow anywhere near that quickly today, let alone in pre bronze age times. I mean do you honestly believe that human beings started reproducing at even half that ridiculous rate for 1000 years and then mysteriously slowed down to a comparative halt at around 3000 BC only to continue on and never get anywhere near said rate again?

only if that Huskies name is Mishka

So what`s your favorite fan work of the Bible Expanded Universe?
Divine Comedy? Paradise Lost? Something else?

The truth needs to be defended. Why do people feel the need to attack Christianity and other religions so passionately? And it seems Christianity is targeted a disproportionate amount by anti-theists, atheists, and agnostics

>do X
>don't do X
>talking snake
So all three of these are the same to you?

This. Taking the Bible literally is distinctively American Evangelical. So you guys are probably all fat muricans.

I don't believe in biblic bs at all, I just wanted to point out that this kind of growth isn't unrealistic, genetics aside.


>the truth
Proof that Christianity is true?
Also people criticize Christianity the most because it’s the most popular.

It`s the most popular and relevant religion in most countries where people that want to attack religion live.
Isn`t that obvious

>Why do people feel the need to attack Christianity and other religions so passionately?
Because religious nuts are always trying to base the law on their interpretation of biblical or quranic law. Notice how you never see people giving a shit about Sikhs and their religion. It's because they keep it to themselves and don't try to legislate the lives of everyone else.
>And it seems Christianity is targeted a disproportionate amount by anti-theists, atheists, and agnostics
We just get more exposed to you guys regularly. As the Muslims continue to grow more radical, they'll start drawing more of that attention away from you lot.

How should I fucking know? You guys are always going on about how "he works in mysterious ways." If the ways of God are literally outside of my comprehension, then why wouldn't I assume the equal validity of all these things? How do you know they aren't all equally important?

Kill yourself

>I just wanted to point out that this kind of growth isn't unrealistic
Except it still is. Human beings have never reproduced at such a rate in history because such growth isn't sustainable. Especially not for non-agriculturalists. Any tribe of neolithic humans doubling their population every generation would collapse very quickly.


even atheism is based on assumptions. there is no universal "truth" aside from what can be proved to be true. i tend to view the evangelical atheists with as much disdain as other proselytizing religions, but less so than with islam.

This. I hardly even know about Sikhs or Hindus or Buddhists because they’re so polite and not forceful with their beliefs. Compare that to the Abrahamic religions where their whole identity is about their religion and how they can force it into other people’s lives.
Notice how we never have non-Abrahamic religious threads on here.

For the old testament, the Catholic and Orthodox Church generally teaches that the fantastical elements are not to be believed as true, but one should believe in the higher meaning of these stories.

For example, take the Tower of Babble. The point isn't that man tried to make a really tall building then got smitten. The point is man shouldn't think he can make a utopia that can challenge God.

Are we posting sneks now ?




Oh hell yeah



Would you settle for evidence?

I`ve seen this gif posted a lot lately.
I really like it.


behold, evil made material!!

Is it gonna be okay?
Who controls the body?

I was just giving an example. To reach this number, population would need to double every 41 years. My first example yielded a population of 1100 billions, which was just to show how fucked up exponentiation is.

>Who controls the body?
Satan, probably.

he fucked all those animals?

I think the right head has control, but it's a goof so it stops once its head reaches water and the other has to wiggle up to reach it too. Snakes like that need to be blindfolded each night, or else the heads will try to eat one another.

So, not for any logical or ideological reasons?

>For the old testament, the Catholic and Orthodox Church generally teaches that the fantastical elements are not to be believed as true
But the fantastical elements of Jesus are still to be believed because...?

Also, where is the line drawn between what is and isn't considered "fantastical?" Did God actually ever smite Sodom and Gomorrah? Did Moses ever really talk to a bush? Did the events of Exodus in general even happen?

If Genesis is metaphor then why did God curse snakes to not have legs?

I'd say trying to prevent the legal supremacy, in my country, of a religious doctrine I don't follow is both an ideological and logical reason.

Sure give me your best shot

So Samson didn’t actually tie torches to the tails of 1,000 foxes and burn the fields of the Phillistines?

But bread & wine magically turn into literal 1st century jewish flesh & blood after a priest waves his wand over it?

Cause they look cuter like that.

That’s not attacking the religion, though.

Instances where the Eucharist had been proven to turn into flesh and blood.
Miracles regarding the preservation of a few different corpses.
The miracle of a specific saint’s blood congealing and liquefying back and forth over an unnatural period of time.
Countless eye-witness and first hand accounts of miracles and the afterlife. Even a Muslim girl said she saw Jesus when she died and came back. She later painted a portrait of what he looked like, which later was corroborated by a Christian boy in America who had a similar experience.

And logically, religion and the metaphysical has evidence in the fact that many cultures who had had no prior contact, had similar creation stories.

These are all off the top of my head/memory.

That doesn't mean anything.
The world population back then was only 10 million in the year 0

According to what projection? Every projection I've ever seen places the global population at 100 million plus in 1 AD.

The entirety of Genesis is not supposed to be taken literally.

There are literally only three fantastical elements you have to accept to be Christian: The Incarnation, Resurrection of Christ, and Monotheism.

nigga the first thing on your list has never happened

Except it is completely unrealistic. You forget that even today not all who are born survive past childbirth. Not imagine that figure without the ability to perform c sections. Now imagine if we didnt live in a time of excess food and safety like 99% of human existence.

Stop being silly

Fuck you nigger we could've transformed venus already if it weren't for christcucks and their compatriots

>Umm do you even Augustine? No one took the bible literally until the 19th

But isn't the bible gods word? (if you believe in irrational stuff like that)

Who are you to paraphrase it?

>>stories are aimed to help you be a good person and maintain order in society

Like how to enslave people who to rape and how to kill the babies of enemy tribes?

The bible is hitlers diary not a guide to a good life.

Right because of health complications.

We are less perfect now than we were. This is part of what people talk about when they mention 'the fall'.

There were literally people walking around who lived for hundreds of years. But this was when the Earth was in a better state and everyone was closer to God. Chronologically, and from a faith-based perspective as well.

>When people talk about evolution, they don't understand it's a relatively young science and unobserved

I have no clue what I am talking about.

>But this was when the Earth was in a better state and everyone was closer to God.
How tf was any non-Jew living in the Bronze Age closer to god than the near entirety of God fearing medieval Europe? The vast vast majority of people living in the days of Abraham would have been heretics. Even today there are more people devoted to Yahweh than there were back then.