Whats objectively the most aesthetic map ever made throughout history

whats objectively the most aesthetic map ever made throughout history

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I really, really like how the Austro-Hungarian ethnicity map looks like.

>that image
yesss...good prole...don't you THINK about organizing for better conditions!

save the empire my friend,its all yours

These are the ideal European borders. You may not like it, but this is what peak Imperivm looks like

Why do lefties talk a big game about the working class when they would rather kill themselves than have a beer with them.

This one I made right now and here.


Their GDP's and global firepower rankings are roughly equal around 20 trillion~ too.


>i believe that the employee should be responsible for safety
>i think anyone who isnt rich is just lazy
>we shouldnt try to make the world any fairer

Not even a lefty but imagine being this much of a bootlicker



The magna carta.

the more i see him in things other than his show the more i like him.

Is the S.W.E.A.T Pledge an example of Gramsci's cultural hegemony theory?

GOP doesn't say the working class is lazy, they say people on welfare are lazy.


>GOP doesn't say the working class is lazy

Yeah, they are plainly consider working class a cattle and cannon fodder. And yes, the damaged drones are considered lazy and need to "put themselves by the bootstraps and pay taxes" to cover another fuck up of either Wall Street or godchosen (((CEOs)))

Since when were the American left war mongers?

since Obama

So you are telling me that it was Obama that started the trend of fucking around in Middle East?

only neocons say that shit. The GOP has changed which is why i joined it. One faction of the GOP feels like the dems 10 years ago.

I guess you could definitely say he started the trend. He invaded Libya and funded the rebels in Syria which prolonged the Syrian Civil War. This cemented the US in middle east affairs for the remainder of the 2010's at least.

Why do people have a problem with the Sweat pledge? I think it's admirable to have an attitude that you control your circumstances and should do whatever is in your power to improve them. It's a good philosophy to live by.

>I guess you could definitely say he started the trend
>What are the Iraq Wars?
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lad. How can someone on Veeky Forums be so ignorant on 20th century foreign policy. Obama's biggest sin is he merely carrying on the dumb shit that US was doing, instead of at least reducing it.


>happiness and the pursuit of happiness are not the same thing


He did not start the original wars but he started the TREND. by 08 it looked like we were going to be done with the middle east by sometime in the 2010s. Obama assured that the 2010's would be us bogged down in the mid east.

No the occupation of Iraq wasn't done by the 2010s. And I don't think you know a trend is...

>He did not start the original wars but he started the TREND

pretty stupid post, even for Veeky Forums


I wonder if this guy realises how regressive and counter intuitive that pledge is. Parts of it read like soviet propaganda or something.

Because they are lazy and or too stupid and incompetent to take care of themselves and need others taking direct care of them to survive.

Because it's delusional.
You very clearly don't have full control of your circumstances, and pretending otherwise is retarded. Can you stop yourself from getting cancer? Can you stop that drunk driver from taking your leg off? Can you stop your employer from laying you off because he wants to delocalize production?
Also library cards may be free, but certifications (which matter more than actual competence) sure as shit aren't, nor is the time you need to read books.
And what about debt? What's wrong with a mortgage to buy a house? Are you gonna resign yourself to death rather than accrue debt for medical procedures?
Finally, let's talk about #7, or rather, let's laugh at it: because we all know that behaving that way is the quickest way to lose everybody's respect and entrench oneself firmly at the bottom of the workplace's social hierarchy.
Seriously, that pledge is so cancerous it beggars belief.

astute observers may note the missing regions

Because circumstances really are different for different people and it can be interpreted as encouraging people to bend over backwards for employers and shitty conditions. (don't complain, my safety is my responsibility, if you don't like your job just get a new one :^), just be a good little cog in the machine)

And what this guy said


Maybe if you filled in the two salients in Dacia

Some things being out of your control doesn't absolve you of the responsibility for taking control of the things you can. Nothing in there says don't deal with shit you can't control, it simply says deal with the shit you CAN. Again, it's a good message. The modern world has far too many people who think that just because they got dealt a bad hand it means they can spend their time whining instead of actively bettering their situation. Suck it up, get working



That shit literally tells you to believe that you are a product of your choices and NOT of your circumstances.
It very clearly asks you to ignore reality, that's an obscene message message in general, quite regardless of the specifics.
If it actually said "life sucks, deal with it", I'd be totally ok with it, but by saying that circumstances don't matter it implies that you shouldn't work to change them.
Your job suck? No it doesn't! You are an ungrateful little shit and you should just work more and be happy about it!
>doesn't absolve you of the responsibility for taking control of the things you can.
Exactly. That's why you should totally ignore the pledge and start taking control of stuff that asshole wants you to ignore, like your bargaining power. If whinging like a bitch (or stike, or sue, or whatever the fuck else) makes the employer bend over, I OUGHT to whinge like a bitch. You have a lot of choices, but that pledge straight up tells you to ignore most of them in favour of "shut up, bend over, work more".
It's remarkable because no matter what your ideas are, you can still find reasons to abhor that shit, from one end of the political spectrum to the other.

Feeling disgusted by both capitalism and communism desu. Just want to live in a 500 people bronze age settlement.


>I believe there is no such thing as a "bad job"
Bullshit, my father worked in a sweatshop in Vietnam. You want to tell me that's not a bad job? My grandfather was drafted at gunpoint to fight in the war, you think that wasn't a bad job? It's really easy to say life is fine when you've never seen how bad it can get outside of your US comfort zone, you've never seen the jobs go away because all the buildings got carpet bombed.

>That shit literally tells you to believe that you are a product of your choices and NOT of your circumstances.
Which is correct. The fact that some circumstances are out of your control doesn't change that fact. How you react and deal with things that are out of your control defines you just as much as what you do when you have things in your control.

Just call it the good little bitch boy pledge and be done with it.


An incredibly detailed map of western/central Europe from the Pyrenees to Memel.
The full image is 2.3 GB and 132593 x 124074 pixels.
Pic related is London.

3. I believe there is no such thing as a “bad job.” I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it’s up to me to make the best of them.

Point 1, not so bad, point 2, eh, getting a little ideological, point 3 comes the whammy. So let's recap. I'm lucky that I'm here (point 1), I'm entitled to nothing (point 2), and now, all jobs are opportunities and I should make the best of them. This implies a metric crapton of assumptions. It assumes people should not be entitled to certain things, be it basic needs, or, heck, in this case, even labor laws. All jobs are an opportunity. So if you're a 5 year old, and you're owed nothing, is working in a factory an opportunity? We're not entitled to laws against child labor after all. Is working in a dangerous environment where you risk bodily harm an opportunity? After all, you're not owed OSHA. Is it an opportunity to work for $1 an hour? After all, there's no minimum wage. I'm sorry, but this is a bunch of BS. Not all jobs should be treated as "opportunities", because many jobs force people to do all kinds of crappy things to survive. And Mike Rowe of all people should be aware of some of these things, he does have a show in which he looks at some of the worst jobs out there.

This whole treatment of jobs as opportunities only makes sense within the acceptance of right wing capitalistic ideals as espoused by this guy's ideology. People are entitled to nothing, which includes their basic needs, and every job is an "opportunity" to earn said needs. This is, by any other name, slavery. You can't really say no, because the alternative to agreeing to it is basically to incur bodily harm via neglect of your needs. It's like a gun to the head, only slower and more painful. But hey, you can always accept an "opportunity" to work for others for a wage, so you can survive. And just about every rational person will accept such an "opportunity" given the alternative. It's basically a roundabout form of coercion.

>I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is.

I'll never understand why people get so triggered over the idea that they're expected to contribute to society in some way to earn their keep. You're not entitled to anything just because you exist

He's just a cuck who thinks he's talking tough when he's really professing his ignorance. The entire reason he's famous is his show "Dirty Jobs" where he does some of the filthiest jobs for like 1 day for his show. Noticeably absence from his show is the despair that one would feel if they had to do these jobs for more than one day to support a family, or avoid becoming homeless. He thinks he Jesus Christ because he's done 100 shitty jobs for 1 day, which is nothing like doing 1 shitty job for 100 days.

I'm a leftie and I do those fucking jobs. I can do things in a skidsteer, a loader, a forklift, a commercial vehicle that would make you shit a brick. When will you idiots realize that it doesn't have to be a fucking either/or thing. We can have glorious GDP growth without treating people like shit. Why does wanting a decent working experience for everyone make someone a deranged communist villain?

>You're not entitled to anything just because you exist

What we're "entitled" to is really a matter of what we as a society deem each human being "deserves", and this is very subjective. As a critic of "natural rights theory", which is what this statement comes from (read Locke, or the declaration of independence), I'll say that if we really want to come down to it, we're not even entitled to these things. In a state of nature, animals kill each other, for fun, for food, etc., and humans are animals. Our history is mired by things like warfare and slavery. This conception of what we're entitled to is an ideological statement,and is highly subjective and human made. We can make anything we want into an entitlement assuming it's something we can enforce. This whole document is mired in a certain ideological viewpoint that will become clearer as this article goes on.

If we want to come down to my views, I do believe that there's nothing wrong with human beings being "entitled" to things, and while I don't necessarily disagree with the ideas above, I will disagree with the statement of "nothing more", and also say that we should strive for actual happiness when possible. I believe that living materially better, easier, happier lives is the essence of social progress. I do believe people should be entitled to the basics needed to live a good life, and that these things are necessary for a positive concept of liberty like that I believe in.

>>You're not entitled to anything just because you exist
And by which standards do you make this claim? I say that certain human needs come before profit, and no one should have to go without food, water, medicine and shelter simply because they can't or won't contribute to the economy.


Don't bother, he's just another "temporarily inconvenienced millionaire" who sees anything to better his life and those of his fellow lower/middle class employees as an insidious communist plot.

There is a difference between contributing, and saying you shouldn't complain and actively fight to improve your conditions. You said this shit in my dad's time, the union would've had your legs broken.

That's idiotic. If your circumstances differ, then it follows that the choices ahead of you are too, which would make you a different person by your own reasoning. If I'm freshly shipwrecked Robinson fucking Crusoe, I don't have the same choices ahead of me as if I were Winston fucking Churchill, because our circumstances differ. Are you really gonna call me a lazy fuck for only managing substenance for myself rather than become a prime minister?

Please fuck off or discuss maps or at least something Veeky Forums related.

Contributing to society doesn't necessarily mean working like a fucking slave while someone reaps most of the benefits.
Rich people also need to contribute to society by paying more taxes, since they earned their wealth in a certain society, they do business in a certain society, that society protects their wealth, and they enjoy considerably better living standard than the average guy.
These taxes should be used to improve society for the benefit of all.
I have no idea why some people find THIS to be controversial. There will always be inequality, lazy people, and what not, but that's not an excuse to not try to improve the society as whole.

Then maybe OP shouldn't start the thread with an obvious bait image.


>I say that certain human needs come before profit
Spoken like a true NEET. If you don't work, you don't eat. That should be the fundamental rule of society. I don't really care about keeping non-contributors fed and housed, every dollar is better in my pocket than distributed to scum who don't contribute to society.

Isn't the first unofficial rule of this shithole "Don't start a thread with an image more interesting than the OP?"

Then what about people that for whatever reason can't work? Should we just deem them unfit to live? If that's the case we migh as well just kill them ourselves, it's more humane than letting them starve.

>someone reaps most of the benefits.
Oh no, not another socialist who doesn't understand how business works. The person who reaps the benefits is the person who owns the business and put in the capital to create it. How is that not fair?

>right wing capitalistic ideals
Not even. "Every job is good" flies straight in the face of competition as a concept.


>>Spoken like a true NEET.
Irrelevant insult.

>>If you don't work, you don't eat. That should be the fundamental rule of society.
Too fucking bad asshole, that hasn't been the rule in the civilized world for a long fucking time now and it isn't going to change back either.

>>I don't really care about keeping non-contributors fed and housed, every dollar is better in my pocket than distributed to scum who don't contribute to society.
Again, too fucking bad, everyone else has decided that you're a greedy prick and you will be taxed to pay for welfare programs for other people. Don't like it? Tough shit.

>If you don't work, you don't eat
>I don't really care about keeping non-contributors fed and housed
I don't think that anyone is arguing that people who are able to work shouldn't have to work.

Ugh you're probably the same kind of faggot who whines at political rallies to BRING BACK THE JOBS when you fought/voted against every single worker protection for decades. You're the reason the middle class is shrinking, and I'd happily let you suffer in the mess you've helped build for yourself, if were not for the fact that it would be my mess as well.

It should fly straight in the face, but people only believe in competition until they obtain a monopoly, then competition is the worst thing ever.

>it isn't going to change back either.
Pretty sure the working class in most western countries are getting pretty fucking tired of propping up a lazy, indolent class of people who balk at concepts like "Having a job is good", "Take pride in your work and do the best you can", and "strive to make the best of your situation rather than complaining about it". There's only so long you can be a self absorbed internet marxist who complains that he's too good to be a dish washer before you get slapped back to reality. The time is coming.

That's real easy to say when you've never felt real hardship. Oh you work a hard job? Try having your town bombed because your country became a proxy war in the cold war.

Dude? The working class is shrinking firstly, and even if they weren't, people in general are in favor of a lot of "socialist" policies. Stuff like medicare, social security, welfare, medicaid, etc.

>>the time is coming
Yeah, the time when most of the population is unemployed due to a combination of automation and outsourcing is coming, and guaranteed income will follow shortly thereafter. The society of independent craftsmen and free farmers is dead, the society of factory and office workers is is soon to be dead, as is the society of low-tier retail work.

Your ideals are dead, and the era where everybody is on welfare is drawing inevitably closer.

The actual point he should have made is:
>I say that certain human needs come before profit
>most other people say the same
>together we have enough power to impose our will
>what the fuck are you whinging about you little shit, you are not entitled to a slave-like workforce
Crying that the workers are mean is every little bit as entitled as anything the actual workers can come up with.

Fuck you OP.
I wanted a map thread, not whatever the fuck this turned into.

these maps all suck

The whole pledge is retarded because competence =/= certifications and only the latter matters in terms of actually getting a job, that's why you can spend your whole day on (euro timezone only) Veeky Forums having a high level of discussion of obscure and general historiography but you'll never get a job as an archeologist or a historian because (euro timezone only) Veeky Forums is full of fucking neets

because they're haughty sacks of shit that imagine themselves as the card carrying members of the party, lording over the masses "for their own good."

is that pre-sundering Azeroth?

Austro-Hungarian maps were absolute tip-top tier. Check this shit out, it's a compilation of 19th century military survey maps covering the entirety of the Habsburg empire:


This, except for french north africa