>"Hey bro, you're lifting that wrong. Here lemme show you how to do it"
"Hey bro, you're lifting that wrong. Here lemme show you how to do it"
Has anyone actually had this happen?
I dunno maybe
*slaps ass*
anons what would you do if a bigger guy said you were doing it wrong and showed you his way of doing it and he had terrible form?
you cant not do it because hes still there and it would be rude, yet you cant tell him its wrong because hese bigger than you
>tfw there's a guy who doesn't even squat lmao2pl8 in my gym doling out squatting advice
Happened to my dad who works at Nintendo
To be fair the amount of weight you squat does not determine your form. I was squatting 1pl8 back in my ymca days and the pt there always marveled at my form. Croissant mode chickleg half rep squatting motherfucker was jelly of my form.
>tfw that guy at work tells you how to diet
>drinks constantly is heavier
>"cuts" for one week to lose weight
>eats like shit the next
>yeah gotta cut one week then bulk the next so I can gain muscle
>his bulking consists of the worst possible food such as random mcdonalds shit and bar food
It happened to my skinny ass friend, the one day i couldn't make it to the gym and he had to work out alone.
He was doing straight arm pulldowns as a finisher for the lats. Then this guy comes over, tells him he is doing it wrong and shows him how to properly do tricep pushdowns, because thats what he thought my friend was trying to do.
I laughed and called him a dyel faggot when he told me
This guy told me I was deadlifting wrong
Really appreciate it.
Am new to this. Watched a lot of videos on proper form.
Was on the benchpress, and some huge 300 lb 5% bf roided up dude in the friendliest way possible tells me 'Hey man, look, arch your shoulders a little like this, it'll protect your spine from injury!'
Thought it was very considerate that he went out of his way to help me for no reward.
sage this thread
if people are telling you your form is bad maybe it is
>getting a spine injury from bench pressing
>wearing a belt for 315
>those shoes
A personal trainer (massive jacked black guy) at my gym came over to give me tips on form for deadlifts and tried to show me using the weight I was just lifting
He couldn't lift it
I was only lifting 335
OP is implying the guy that told him that was a fat/unfit dude.
>you cant not do it because hes still there and it would be rude
Yes you can
>you cant tell him its wrong because hese bigger than you
Yes you can
Grow a fucking spine
>it'll protect your spine from injury
It is correct to arch your shoulders when you bench, but that is 100% not why lol.
>Skelly at gym always wears gymshark stuff
>He's in the power rack beside me doing squats
>I start warmup with bar as usual
>Load up lmao1pl8 to continue warmup
>Comes over to me
>"Hey bro you should really put your feet like max half a foot apart to do higher weight"
>Say "sure thing man you squat heavy so you mist be right"
>Load up lmao2pl8 and continue warmup
>Load up lmao3pl8 put on belt go as ATG as best as I can with the widest stance I've done
> His face the whole time
oh fuck is this what SL is gonna turn me into/? maybe i should change programs
its like some parallel universe's less successful rippetoe
>lost the gym in a divorce
>post wo whiskey shake
>too much of an alcoholic to finish his book
Lol instead of hip drive it's drunk drive hur hur hur
but you didnt post his face
I think I saw a guy fucking up a single leg RDL today. He'd go down with both legs on the ground, then stick one out behind him, holding the bar in the lowered position.
He looked like he had just recently started lifting, and was stuggling hard with just the bar.
I thought about talking to him, but didn't want to be "that guy".
>>giving lifting advice at the gym
Unless you know the guy, keep your mouth shut.
Yup. Was doing preacher curls to failure and this skele older dude came to me and went "No no you're doing it wrong, see, this is the way to do it."
Motherfucker, it's preacher curls. You can't do it wrong.
I started at this "fit club" and they assigned me a personal trainer. He was a chubby 19 year old with minimal muscle mass and zero qualifications. He tried to talk to me about form and it was a joke because, as a female, I even had more lifting experience than this kid. Never went back.
>tfw gril
>tfw chicken legged guy I used to work together with keeps giving me advice
>tfw never saw him squat or deadlift
>tfw he says I shouldn't go so low on squats
>tfw he says I should stop before lockout on diddly cause it feels heavier that way
>tfw I only say 'uh-huh' 'ok' and ignore him and he still talks to me
>tfw too autist to tell him to fuck off
I just wanna be left alone
this post is really fucking bad and you should kill yourself
hah I've ran into this so many times. I workout at a powerlifting gym that subsists on 40 year old women with personal trainers and dyels looking "to get buff". Here's one of my favorite stories:
>dad in hospital, has some sort of brain damage
>he remembers my name but not who I am (doesnt know I'm his son)
>really stressed out, gym always helps. don't bring phone or anything with me to gym except gym gear
>load up bench press at 135 for warmup
>forget about time and space and just start repping the motherfucker. must've done like 20-30 reps
>BUT my last few reps were really sloppy and I was really exerting myself
>this guy, younger than me maybe, but fatter with a bit of muscle walks in on my last few reps.
>"Hey." "Hey man". "Hey man." he says before I realize hes talking to me
>I look at him
>"Hey man, I saw you benching. It looked good but you were really sloppy and moving around too much."
>"Fuck off" is all I can get out because who the fuck is this guy?
long story short, he started benching 135 on the bench next to mine. I warmed-up all the way to 285 and then I never saw him again at the gym.
How much can you deadlift I need to know much a grill can dead
so you were emotional and rude and this guy was weak, great story
More like some fat dyel is handing out advice like he's Rippetoe and I'm just doing my thing and not bothering anyone.
I am so happy to be a man. Avoid all those autism nice guys trying to hit on me fucking up the rythm of my day.
Thank fucking god.
Only 90kg
I weigh 61kg so I dunno if it's any good
I'm trying my best though :')
At my old gym there were like 2 old men and one guy who i genuinely think had special needs who would dole out the most BS advice to every lifter.
>Tiny gym so everyone knew everyone
>Me and gymbro doing deads
>just hit lmao2pl8 so was happy
>friend asked how his form was
>Perfect, no problems at all
>Special needs guy chimed in "Actually you're gonna break your back doing that."
>Both confused
>BB guy who works there comes by (only used to work there so he could have a free gym and sell protein powder/creatine to customers)
>Ask him for form check
>He says you're all good why?
>We all see special needs guy looking at us
>quickly looks away when he sees us looking
>BB employee just says "Oh. No you're fine dont worry"
>tells us after that the dude just says random shit to customers and staff all the time.
Me and 3 other people at my gym DL 3plate+ without gear.
There's a guy who uses a belt and wrist straps and lifts 1.5plate with shit form who always tells us we're endangering ourselves.
Shits funny.
Another one, so we now know this guy is weird and to ignore him.
>In on my own this time
>Doing calf raises
>using the smith machine and a little step thing that BB bro made for the gym specifically for calf raises
>Do one set
>Special needsguy comes up to me angry
>Says I took his step
>points to the wooden block
>uhh no, it was just sat here by the smith machine
>Getting really irate, now says he needs it right now for his workout
>Say ill be done in a minute
>Storms off
>comes back in with another staff member
>tells staff member i stole it and wasnt using it anyway
>Staff member clearly pissed off
>I explain i just found it leaning against smith press and ill be done with it soon
>Staff member tells special needs guy to wait
>He storms off again
>literally comes back in like 5 mins later with a plastic bumper plate
>tells me i need to use this instead, the instructor said so
>about to do my last set, so dont say anything and just do it then give him the block
>Later found out that he had managed to jimmy the storage room lock, got in and found that bumper plate
Dude must have been autistic or something
Going to tell some autist gym moments, cause I have nothing to do and want to share them
>doing the diddlies
>feel awkward cause guy is looking at me alot
>he walks towards me and slight panic starts in my head
>looks at me with a light smirk and says 'those drugs are really helping aren't they'
>realise this was a roids joke and after being silent for a good few seconds force out an awkward 'h-heh'
>turn red and immediatly turn around to continue diddlies even though I wasn't even done with resting
>he walks away
Life is suffering
This one is one of the old guys
>With gymbro again this time
>old guy who is in 2 or 3 times a week
>always just does one set on every weight machine then goes home
>we are in there using the cables
>doing chest flyes
>he walks into machine room and sees us
>literally shouts WOOAAAHHH LADS
>jogs over to us
>tells us to stop right now
>says that we are gonna injure ourselves doing "Exercises like that"
>dont wanna be rude with this dude, say okay i'll bear it in mind
>go back to set
>hear him audibly tutting at us for the rest of the workout
Last one i can think of
>same old dude
>this time me and gymbro are doing shoulder press
>He is doing leg press which is the next machine in the row
>constantly staring at us doing our sets
>Ignore him
>He eventually pipes up saying we are gonna do our necks in with that weight
>ffs here we go again
>claims that machine was designed for low weight for lots of reps
>Lie and say "Well we are just following our routine that BBgym instructor gave us"
>He says "Well you be careful, dont want you getting paralysed
>Fucking shoulder press machine and he doesnt want us getting paralysed
Man that gym was so weird but i fucking loved it
I lift at a uni gym, so it's a bipolar split between DYELs with no idea what they're doing (pajeets doing curls, girls doing retarded BW circuits, etc.) and bigguys4u squatting 5pl8
the former has recently swollen in size because class is back in session
> I'm squatting
> this guy keeps eyeing me
> figure he wants the rack, whatever
> finish my set, bro walks up to me
> "you're squatting wrong"
> pardon
> "you're not supposed to go so low. It's bad for your knees"
> "uhhhhhh okay"
> "trust me, I'm a personal trainer :DDDDD"
> "okay thanks for your advice"
> continue squatting below parallel
> he runs up behind me and berates me for going too low again
> once again brings up that he's a PT so "he knows how to do it right"
> lose patience with him, "then you're a PT that doesn't know shit now get out of my face"
> he sulks over to the smith machine
> later see him half-squatting 1pl8 with a pussy pad
whoopsies didn't mean to reply
Thanks I enjoyed these stories
>Massive jacked black guy
>He couldn't lift it
>Audibly tutting at us
black people always look stronger than they are for some reason.
I was corrected to look up while squatting twice, not by dyels though.
Weirdly true
I had one guy help me with my form like this one day and it was decent advice. Told me how to get more out of cable flies.
Yep. I look stoned half the time, so people assume I'm a drone or something. Usually I'm just burnt out from uni, but fat idiots thinking they'll help me are weirdly common. The fact I wear old clothes instead of designer shit to the gym also makes them think I'm a newbie all the time. THey seem like they all think they're doing charity work. Also, if I'm using the punching bag, there WILL be a guy who's been "training" 4 months tops try to correct my punch to some shitty rounhouse bullshit. Nevermind the fact I've been doing karate for 11 years and counting.
And when I bring my qt friend with me, she gets it the second I step away. Fuck, once I was benching and she was spotting me, and some dude tried to pull her away halfway through, and talk to her. I almost guillotined myself because he was preventing her from spotting me properly. Pissed me off extra, because the second I stood up it was all "oh, hey bro. Didn't see you there". I mean, if you're going to try and pick up the girl I'm with, at least stick to your fucking guns and don't back peddle.
Fuck, now I'm mad.
Ok serious question time.
I'm fat but also relatively strong. Can lift 1.5/2.5/3/4 for 5.
Should I give advice to obvious newbies at the gym if I can do it in a polite way?
So far I've held myself back but it really rustles my jimmies when I see beginners squat or bench or do whatever in an obviously dangerous way. Not just "not optimal" but "killing your joints and possibly causing serious injury" fashion.
But I am fat.
Should I keep my mouth shut?
IMO the only time you should give advice to people in the gym is if they are obviously going to hurt themselves (like *really* obvious) or if you have talked to them beforehand and you guys know each other somewhat.
its hard to gauge people's knowledge and skill level in the gym.
>if they are obviously going to hurt themselves (like *really* obvious)
that's a difficult line to draw though. someone squatting with a cat back and tippy toes could get a one way ticket to snap city any second or they could keep doing it for another 6 months before injuring themselves
Once had an old guy tell me and my gymbro we were going too low on squats (ATG fampai) and it was bad for our knees
Yeah where do you draw the line? I was deadlifting yesterday and a guy was doing Pendlay rows next to me and his back was arched as fuck. I'm a total dyel but it was obvious that his form was terrible and I only refrained from telling him because I look like shit
Nobody cares what you have to say if youre fat. Get ripped first nerd.
>Giving people tips in the gym
>Not letting them injure themselves so they learn the hard way
You melts
The only time I've ever given unsolicited advice to someone I've never talked to before was with a new guy who put up 225 on the bench and was doing really, really bad 1 rep sets with form degrading as the sets went on.
His form got so bad that his entire lower body started squirming as he was holding the bar mid-rep and then it slowly started going down toward his face.
I ran over and spotted the bar really quickly. I told him he was putting up some really big weight and was impressed but also stressed importance of safety and maybe he should lower the weight a bit.
Never saw him again.
The only times i've had this happen are my stronger guys helping me out with my squat or deadlift form, and i'm thankful for them
>I'm fat
Ya don't give anyone advice at the gym ever
The darker skin tone defines cuts in the muscle when they stand in sufficent lighting. It's an illusion m'lad
Nobody read this shit. Just thought I'd let you know.
Have a (You) on me.
If somebody is desperate enough to be browsing this thread, I'm willing to bet they're bored enough to read all of the posts in it.
But not you, user. Because you're special and have all sorts of important things to do.
I didn't read that post t. eri
What, like a life lesson?
no but I had a fat dude who did 40 minutes on the cardio machine(stairmaster) slap my ass as I walked past
It was fucking bizarre.
Don't scare me user
I let people get hurt so that they never come back to MY gym and hog MY equipment that I need to use for MY beautiful workout.
Fuck 'em. There's plenty of resources out there to learn good form.
I had some black dude who quarter squatted 3pl8 tell me I'm squatting to deep when I was squatting ATG with 2pl8. Also another time I was squatting 185 and pausing at the bottom of the squat and he also told me I should do 1 movement so I have "explosive power" when I reach the bottom of the rep
>post wo whiskey shake
I wouldn't be surprised if the real Rippetoe did that.
>tfw gymbully at home gym keeps teasing me about my form
u just made me laugh about it
>bro you shouldn't squat that deep
>bro you shouldn't bound out of squat
Trainer came up to me the other day asking if I want some tips.. I said no thanks
there was a skinny looking lanklet doing 2.5 pl8 dls (in the power cage too) with the most rounded back I had ever seen. PRetty much bent right over to pick it up
Kept slamming the weights down really loud each rep too, did about 5 sets before I finished my shit and left
Honestly felt like it was almost rude not to tell him anything, like he could really fuck himself up. Decided not to though and just left him.
Thanks for reading my blog
This happened to me two weeks ago.
>warming up OHP, tonight i'm going to PR rep 100 lbs
>gym bunny crabbing around in front of me with a rubber band around her legs.
>clearly trying to get my attention but I'm focused.
>finish warm up and get onto work sets.
>during my 5 min break the gym bunny comes stands close to admire
>I start my final set, but the 5th rep is sticking, I am determined to make it and shut my eyes and think of rippletits, I feel my left arm going up but my right wont move.
>All of a sudden I hear a "Look out!" and feel my lift shoot up.
>A manlet has jumped up and pushed my plates back along the bar
>As i glare at the little fucker, the turning moment of the now unbalanced bar catches me unaware and I AA the bar to my left towards the bunny
>bar and weights fly everyday, the bunny is visible shaken, the manlet is telling me to use springs
>Quickly I tell the manlet that though I don't expect him to learn, he must never touch my weights again
>he skulks back away to his dumbbell press.
>I fill in my book with another successful progression and then move off to powerclean
>the gym bunny tidies up the area and then does squats in my honor
>fail to complete lift
>someone goes to help you to prevent plates from falling over the floor because you were too stupid to use clips
>get mad at the good Samaritan because you're a dumb cunt
>assume all women in the gym are trying to get your attention when in reality you're a sperglord
yeah mate top story you got there
Yeah bro im sure everyone was miring your 100lbs ohp.
>tfw dyels always think qts are mirin
LITERALLY tonight. This happened this evening.
Now, the guy was very right and has been lifting for 20 years and looks like it.
He needed to work in with me on bench
>Say sure
>He sees me go Max at 275 to chest and asks who taught me how to bench
>Say no one
>He says my hands are too close in the bar and I'm working out my triceps and arms more than I am by chest.
>Has me unload and move my arms out
>Weight suddenly feels heavy as fuck and my chest is burning
>He tells me the bar should not touch my chest
>Tells me the bench is an ego lift
>I ignore all the bullshit that does not have to do with functionally lifting (all the stuff about how numbers don't mean shit and if you want a chest you need to be doing cable, incline, and decline
>end up learning a lot of shit about flat bench that I'm now incorporating into my workout
>bench is now fixed
>only took ten minutes and some coaching
I appreciate it more than I hate it. Ya'll faggots lied. I thought I was supposed to touch my chest with the bar. I though that meant I was doing it right and was legitimately stronk!
You didn't know this? The bar is NEVER supposed to touch your chest if you have proper form, or you're at risk of tearing the muscles.
I used to do exclusively dumbbells until I couldn't go past two 125's due to a lack of more anything larger at the gym. Then I caught people on Veeky Forums talking about bench and making fun of people who couldn't go bar to chest.
go down to your shirt on bench, fuckboy
it doesn't put you at any risk of tearing anything unless your grip is all kinds of fucked up
I was joking about the bar to chest thing.
Wait, so what's right. I'm confused now. I don't want to get to 315 just so another 40 year old yoked dude comes over to say "Nah, my dude. You're doing it wrong."
It should touch your chest or come extremely close, google it if an user isn't enough of a legitimate source.
I was fishing for (you)s with a weak ass bait when I said it should never touch your chest because I'm sad and want attention.
A PT will often tell you your form is wrong if he's trying to get hired.
This happens to me all the time.
>guy quarter repping 1pl8 on squat tells me my bench arch is going to fuck my back up
Just laughed in his face and walked away
>100 lb OHP
Fucking kek
That's not a very interesting story desu
Well, he's a lot safer than you are :^)
Repeat after me gents
He's probably extremely top heavy
He has some of the biggest arms I've ever seen, and said he can bench in the 300 range, which I can believe based on how he looks in a shirt
He wears the staff uniform of long black pants though so I couldn't see his legs
I read your post user
I would have whacked that fucker with the bar desu
>that guy that half squats 3pl8s and thinks he's the shit
Shut up Dad, put down your issue of men's health and stop eating so much.
>You should go low weight with high repetition to avoid injury.
>Warmup on a whole bunch of machines before you start lifting.
>You need an ab day.
>You should jump around from machine to machine in order to keep your heart rate up.
>>You should go low weight with high repetition to avoid injury.
Well, you'll never hurt yourself kek