Does anyone else feel like they're growing out of the lifting meme?

Does anyone else feel like they're growing out of the lifting meme?

I'm starting to care less and less about "muh bench press" or "muh v taper" and more about other things in life.

That's not to say I'm neglecting fitness but I just care a lot less about getting "huge".

Anyone know this feel? I kind of just want to look a little above average that's all

>hes a mentally sound normie


i started lifting a few months ago. i was really gung ho for a month. then grad school and work started hammering me, and i need to prioritize them over lifting weights. i might get in 2 workouts a week.

so i havent outgrown it as much as lifting has been pushed out of the picture so i can cope with adult life. if i had the time, id love to work out 3-4 days a week.

>just want to look a little above average
So does everyone, and that's how averages change

also i bet you arent self conscious about your height lmao

What's a normie

being going here since i was 15 (im 20 now). I am feeling the same. Lifting has just been a habit for me for the past 2 years (i also havent made any gains in the past 2 years). Now its fading as even a habit

It's cool for a while but "lifting culture" is kind of dumb imo...

You know what he meant

anti-self improvement shills gtfo

There's more to self improvement than impressing men with your physique

Yes like working hard to get a paper to allow you more important sounding wagecuck jobs

Making money is pretty important, yes.

Sour grapes over your poor decision on major, perhaps?


2 years ago you wouldn't catch me fucking dead skimping out on my workout or even in the same fucking room as junk food to the point where if I missed going to the gym I'd feel like killing myself

Now I don't really care, I eat what I want when I want and workout pretty casually, I can even go full weeks without hitting the gym and I don't really care that much about missing out

No sir, I fell for the engineering meme and life has been pretty good since then


Lifting seems like a gigantic meme these days. I can't believe how obsessively I used to take this shit.

lol @ people who try to lift and eat like they are competing or making money from their bodies. People who will skip going out to have a beer or wings after work because of muh gainz

I'm still in the "I look forward to it" phase if it is one. I hope that never changes because honestly I enjoy my gym sessions. I hate the gym culture for what its worth though.

It's crazy now that I look back at it, I once literally broke down in tears because I tried lifting after hurting my wrist and I couldn't do it, and the frustration at not being able to exercise just got too much for me and I burst into tears right at the gym

That's a healthy mindset. I took it as you saying you still like working out, you're just not concerned with packing on muscle mass rapidly or setting prs for your lifts, which is fine. As long as you still work out regularly. That shit will keep you young and healthy.

Your priorities have shifted, user, that's all.

Maybe in another few years you'll start to enjoy it more. Maybe you'll discover a new type of lifting, like powerlifting or Oly, and get super excited. Or maybe you won't. And that's totally fine, man. Just keep lifting or exercising in some fashion; you owe yourself that much. Apart from that, just do what you enjoy. For me that's lifting, but for others it isn't.

I hate everybody at my home gym from the bottom of my hateful little heart...which is kind-of why I lift in the first place now that I think of it.

Lol iktfb

I remember being obsessed with how many power racks a gym has and considered everyone who didn't "lift heavy" to be trash.

If you have to ask, you're a normie, it's a good thing bro. We all want to be normies

I was never even into the lifting meme

t. hipster

i don't because i don't really hate myself, and because normies are gullible retarded beta bitches. i am not really autistic in the literal sense or the Veeky Forums sense, i can function normally socially but i just help but see all the stupid shit they do and say with no logic daily, it's kinda sad really

Know the feeling breh, it's normal when you're maturing.

Just dont make lifting top priority. It can still just be a hobby without having to dedicate your whole life to it. Theres a mindset on this board that you have to go all in with your gym stuff and achieve everything you physically can in the shortest amount of time possible, but you dont actually need to. Skip days if its getting in the way of more important stuff, just do a loose iifym instead of counting calories. You're gains aren't going to evaporate and you'll still make new gains, it just wing be optimised, which shouldn't really bother you if lifting isn't the most important thing you have going in your life

>Be big guy for you
>Got a job
>Went to Uni
>Pursued girls
>Writing a book
>Ragged and tired every day
>Every spare hour I have left, I want to spend it on sleep
>Haven't lifted in 3 years
>Random people used to compliment me on the street
>Now, no one even knows who I used to be


Every hour I spend is an hour I'm not sleeping, which is an hour I'm not studying, which is an hour I'm not making any money, which is an hour I can't no longer write with.

I understand now why the lower class took Marie Antoinette's head.

stop writing a fuckin book?

Ya'll can fuck off my Veeky Forums

I just started lifting to have a slim muscle body and not a fat piece of shit with muscles who has to eat 10000 kcal a day.

This book is my one way ticket out of trailer-trash, bro.

If this works, I'll never have to work at a Starbucks ever again. I'll never have to take an order from a manager, get a degree in education, wake up at 3 in the morning to finish a paper I was supposed to finish 5 hours ago; and for once, FOR ONCE, I'll be able to get a good night's sleep.

It's like I'm Laocoon, and the serpents that I wrestle with have made me tired and weary. Imagine it. No schedule, no deadline. I publish a bestseller and I make a hundred-thousand in royalties. I publish TWO, and I get a movie deal. I publish THREE, and my kids will NEVER, EVER, EVER have to go through the same bullshit, ever, ever again. Isn't that why we lift? To escape the life we'll leave behind?

You're gonna make it, brah. Don't give up - you've got this.

I'm not tired of life. I'm tired of living.

If you use the same writing style for your books as you do for your Veeky Forums posts then good luck kek. You're writing like a highschool teacher giving examples of how to do a short story

t. No discipline and a shity body

Fuck me. This is exactly me ages and time lengths

Within reason, of course. Good luck becoming the next JK Rowling though

I lol'd

Holy shit, Veeky Forums really is the breeding ground for autism. I wasnt here for a year and now coming back from a different environment, you guys are FUCKED UP. Please do yourself a favour and get the fuck away from here. I will

>hate evertbody at my home gym
>home gym
>im the only person there

iifym is countinf calories


You're never gonna make it

/didn't make it general/

kek look at all these weak willed normie faggots here

he's not gonna make it...

What motivates me is looking at my weight, and seeing it gradually rise as I slowly bulk up day by day and work out consistently. I'll only stop and maintain once I get to 180-190 lbs of muscle. Granted, i would probably lose most of it because I hate eating food or spending money on food, so i wont be able to maintain my body for very long time, and it'll eat itself.

>grew out of any meme
>posts fresh frog meme
>not even enough time for some pull ups and dips at home right after work before shower, and a 10-min HIIT session on weekends
>enough time to frogpost in here
Baited again.
5/10 you got me to reply

"Lifting culture" is fucking stupid

Yea, I never gave a shit about getting huge. Just wanted to have a sexy body. Once you've gotten to that point it's pretty easy to just lift for maintenance and put your focus on other hobbies.

I work from home so the gym is sometimes really the only time I get out of the house in a week. Yes I am mirable but aesthetics were never my priority, it's just that the gym is the only thing keeping my body and mind together.

Also people dig if you say you are doing it for your mental health, makes you look less like a meathead.