Has Veeky Forums every gotten into a street fight?

Has Veeky Forums every gotten into a street fight?

No, that's what niggers do.

I helped a shop keeper wrestle some shithead down until the cops came to arrest him once though. Who the fuck steals from a news stand and then tries to fight the owner when they get caught? Niggers, that's who. And OP.

I'm brown. That's a rhetorical question at this point. And I've done my damnest to stay away from the hood, and conceded exceptionally well so far.

I tell ya what tho. I wouldn't trust anyone who wasn't had to punch it out with another adult.

Yep. Sucked a drunk white boy in the face cause he was spewing some nonsense. Felt good in a weird way


I meant succeeded.

I does speak da english well.

Only fight I have ever been in was in a nightclub - some guy was shouting at his girlfriend and pushing her against the wall. The guy next to me has noticed it too, and asked if we should do something. Right after that, he punched her in the jaw (he was about 6'1 and she was about 5'3) so we both shouted at him. He came towards me and lifted his fist, so I punched him as hard as I could in the gut, winding him.

Girlfriend starts apologising for him, bouncer saw the whole thing and threw him out.

Very anti climatic, and I realise I sound like a fedora fag but hey. She didn't stand a chance and him punching her in the jaw was a step too far.

Bait or nigger

Satan you a pussy ass nigga

>implying fit has any fighting ability and wouldn't just get their fat asses kicked
Squats don't translate to fighting skills

That's not a fight

Was having late night Chinese in Philly's Chinatown. Drunk surly redneck from out of town didn't like the way I looked, was really belligerent, grabbed my arm so jammed a fork into his temple with my free hand.

Pretty sure that's attempted murder user.

What the hell.

I've been in 6. Each time it involved me and 5 of my friends versus just them. We won every single fight. Got arrested for one nd caught assault with a deadly weapon charges because I curb stomped a cat. Been on probation for 3 years now.

Nothing good comes out of fighting in the street. I'm the lucky few who has never lost and only walked out catching felony charges as opposed to some of the guys we fucked up who got teeth kicked out, head stomped by 5 dudes, with their Jordans taken and flung onto electric wire.

Used to scrap a lot as a kid, once head butted a dude and made his nose gush... haven't gotten into any fights since high school tho

So you've never been in a street fight.

Black dude outside a warriors game tried to steal my wallet, I punched him in the jaw and broke a couple of his teeth. Security saw it and just ushered me inside, feelsgoodman

suck a lot of white bois, do ya?

You're not funny

you a whiteknight faggot.

has it ever occured to you that she may have deserved it?

No shit I'm not funny that's why I'm on probation

Nah never been in a position to fight a random dude and don't really look for stuff like that but I'm not opposed to it

>I hit someone first and nothing else happened
none of you have been in a fight

I have

>walking home one day and go through the underpass
>need to walk past a group of people so I discretely lat spread as I walk past to look bigger/intimidate them
>hear them say "oi you thinking you a road mans yeah?"
>say "no, sorry I'm just walking home"
>"what is you polish blud why don't you go home senpai" (i'm polish btw)
>tell them again that I am going home
>get pushed from behind
>try throw straight punches repeatedly
>keep hitting someones chest and arms
>arms get tired and will hardly straighten after about 5 punches
>my hoodie gets pulled over my head and pulls me to the ground
>kick one of the guys face as he bends down to punch me
>feel thuds to the back of my head
>get very dizzy and start kicking and swinging my arms violently
>realize I feel a cold hand down my pants
>I don't know what happened next
>my pants were still buttoned when I stood up
>nobody was there but running footsteps echoing

Nope, not once. Came close to fighting one time in 5th grade, to protect my little brother from a bully (who was in my fucking grade bullying my 3rd grade brother), but the other kid pussed out once I told him to meet me after school and I never saw him near my brother again. Beyond that things are chill. Nobody really dislikes me as an adult so I've never been challenged by anyone.

Why? What about fighting makes you a better man?

Is a lion less of a lion if he never hunted a meal in his life? Maybe he was raised in captivity and fed every day without ever knowing the thrill of the hunt. Without ever chasing his pray. Without ever learning the limits of his abilities. Without learning how to overcome panic with that desperate urge to survive that emerges from deep within his soul...

A lion who experienced non of this would ask a similar question. Is a free, wild lion any better of a lion than I? No. Nothing will harm me within my enclosure. I am the smart lion.

was gettin' mugged on the street by some hoodlum, i popped him square in his mouth and the fellow fell like a sack a bricks. he didn't get up immediately afterword so i helped myself to what was in his pockets and went on my way.

you're such a faggot user

Yeah bro I do what I want when I want

You're a fucking retard dude. I've been in many fights and I regret nearly all of them. An adult doesn't need to fight. A child does. If I had figured that out a long time ago I wouldn't have a crooked dick nose today.

Post nose froch

If someone hasn't experienced a real fight or physical assault as an adult anything they say about the psychology behind it or what they would do is bunk and I wouldn't trust them either especially when they go on some preachy kumbaya bullshit about how they would effortlessly jedi mind trick their opponent or dim mak pressure point naruto airbender the thug

You don't necessarily have to go looking for fights either. Sometimes the fight simply comes to you whether you want it or not.

When I was 16-20 I'd get in all sorts of drunk fights around town but they were generally just angry wrestling matches.

If you have been in "many fights" and regret most of them then it's either because you suck ass at fighting or (and more likely) you were fighting for stupid reasons.

That doesn't make me a retard. You're the one with the crooked dick nose.

>walking home from pub
>drunk off my ass
>taking the shortcut through the very well known "rape tunnel"
>"I'm a god damn man, I ain't gonna get raped"
>Oh how wrong I could've been
>Homeless guy sleeping in the one end of the tunnel
>Three guys with hoodies come down
>Makes a half circle around the homeless guy and starts kicking him
>I start running towards them
>"dafuq you doing cunts?"
>tells me to fuck off
>instinctual retardmode kicks in
>grab the guy by the hoodie and slam him into the wall
>the other guys jump me
>realize I don't have my fucking glasses on
>swinging in a blurry mush of reality
>get hit a few times
>go ballistic and swing more
>hear one guy say "how dafuq can he still swing?"
>they go away
>tell the homeless guy they are gonna come back when I leave
>tell him to come with me
>homeless guy sleeps at my house
>wake up completely destroyed from hangover
>"Dafuq is this weird man I do not know doing in my house?"
>touch back of the head which hurts like crazy
>blood, a lot of it
>remember the fight
>how we got home is a black void
>he expects me to throw him out
>tell him "nah man, let's make some breakfast"

He ended up cleaning my entire house, from scratch. Then tended to my wound and cooked dinner. He hugged me for 3 minutes straight when I gave him a winterjacket and a few spare clothes that I didn't use

Occasionally see him from time to time, he always has tears in his eyes when he sees me. He has a house and a job now, so I guess things went uphill from that point

Why do you walk around with onions in your pockets? Is that to deter future attackers?

Used to get in all kinds of drunken squabbles. Last one i was fucking with some giant asskicker for some reason and he beat the living fuck out of me. Worst part was i got a thumb in my eye which caused recurrent corneal errosion. My eye is all shitty and hurts real bad sometimes 3 years later. Now i mind my own business, fighting is for niggers and children.

School fights are very different. That shit is lord of the flies.

LOL you just literally asked a nigger why he's gotta nig.


Spooky ghosts?

Because I value the opinion of someone who's had to bleed for his belief over some asshat playing both sides of the field, or trying to politicize his way out of everything.

This is not to be confused with tact, wit or cunning.

They are entirely different things.


You are completely correct, also to make Remus (the homeless guy's name) cry so I don't feel like less of a hero when I see him

A russian (like 10cm smaller than me) insulted me and my friend, punched him with full Force in his throat.
Couldnt move afterwards

holy fuck u r FUCKIN POWERFUL and must be FUCKIN HUUUUUUUUGE!!!

do NOT fuck with guy1!!! haha holy SHIT man!!!!

Angry manlet pls

the adrenaline rush froze your bitch ass?

wooooo YA fuck em up vinny!!!!! show those russki commie pinko FUCKS who the fuckin MAN!!!!! woooooo!!!! give em the ol fuckin throater FUCK yea man!!!

6'1" vs 5'3"

Even if they were both men you'd be an asshole to not step in. You're not breaking up a fight, you're preventing an assault.

It's not like he yelled at her and the anons got in his face over nothing, or she was attacking him first.

I don't think you know what a white knight is.

You're the type of nigger that probably sucker punches people because they weren't giving you 'muh respect'.

Where do you live where it's okay to trust a stranger in your house

He couldnt move my Niglet

I am a pure white Christian male. I live in a big house in a all white gated community. I have lived like this my whole life. Fighting is only for poor people and manlets. There is literally no reason for any man who is over 6 ft tall and white to learn how to fight.

Only been in one fight, never want to do it again

me 6'1" 200 lbs vs him about 5'10" 160 I'd say

We were playing pickup basketball and he was calling the most bitch shit/generally playing like a fag. If I didn't have the ball he'd hold my shirt, dig his elbows into my back for no reason, etc.

I had had a bad day so after the 4th or 5th pussy foul he called on me, I sighed and muttered that he called the most pussy fouls ever. It escalated from there. He got in my face, I pushed him because I didn't want him close and I had no intention of fighting at this point. Then, and I'm really thankful that this POS had the 'respect' to do this, he raised his hands to let me know we were going to fight.

I got scared and raised mine too. He starts swinging overhand rights, one of them connects with my cheek because I don't know how to box and it hurts and really makes me mad. He throws a few more of these, eventually I time it in and move in for a clinch, then half ass suplex him (thanks heem) onto the hardwood which hurts him. I mount and start raining punches, he covers up. It gets to a point where it's clearly over and and I'm about to get up when other players come and pull me off.

Never want to do it again, really really hated the feeling of being hit in the face.

I'm not saying you should fight, but damn you should leave your bubble at some point.

Learning how to fight has nothing to do with chimping out in the street.


To be fair it is a street fight thread

>at a bar
>buff manlet acting agressively towards me
>i walk away, fighting is lame
>standing near a wall having a breather like 10 mins later
>feel someone grab my neck from behind
>smashes my head into a wall
>a flash and then darkness
>im out for a few seconds, when i regain consciousness im in a rear naked choke
>whole body feels weak and fried from the KO, cant free myself
>pass out again
>wake up a little bit later
>a big guy (foryou) has pulled him off of me
>get a glass of water
>go home

at that point I'd been training muay thai for two years and had some knowledge of grappling
but getting KOd out of nowhere made me completely unable to defend myself. made me feel powerless, was pretty scary
these days if someone acts aggressively towards me i confront them calmly, ive found that strong eye contact and a brief conversation diffuses a lot of that shit, or at least ill be ready for the fight if they dont let it go

Fighting stories?

>sister's bf is a cop
>hear a commotion out front of my house
>he's choking her against the side of a car
>go outside and tell him to let her go
>he just beats the ever loving shit out of me instead of her
That was a sad night.

>be me, 19 yrs old
>Halloween night
>friends sister gets beaten up by some kid
>me and my friend find him
>he's with like ten other kids
>get the hell beaten out of me in front of my gf
Why are sister's such a hassle Veeky Forums?

I've won some fights too, but I don't want to brag.

>someones being aggressive
>I know!
>I'll walk away and consistently expose my back to them.

You deserved that L my man.

>Grew up with 2 sisters
>3rd to young to be my responsibility
>Father's a boxer
>Spent 30 years out of his adult life boxing to some degree
>I'm forced to be their fucking bouncer
>Realize around 9-10 that I've been kicking ass and choking down knuckle sandwhichs because my sisters don't know how to stop talking shit.

Haven't properly lost many fights. I've luckily won more. But I'll be damned if I'm going to back up anyone running their goddamn mouth.

EVER, especially women.
>I get older
>They start trying to bully me because I've become passive as hell since refusing to fight their fights for them
>End up having to beat my sisters bloody a couple times before they get the message.

>They kept running to my mother crying about me allegedly beating them up for no reason
>Mom: "I know damn good and well he doesn't go out starting fucking fights, and he never has any reason to fuck around with you two. Quit picking on him or learn to take an ass whoopin' "

>Fuck yeah mom.

lmao fair

Had a fair few

Last one was in a bar in town
Some guy was giving me shit for having long hair (since cut it) so i glassed him then gtfo before the cops arrived

No you wouldn't
The deal is men are bigger than wpmen therefore women should take care not to antagonise men into hitting them
People undermining this like you is why we have so many brash bitches going round starting fights with men

You don't need to regret fights of the past man.
Sometimes people deserve a beat up when patience runs out.

gipsy family

literally why would he? if what he said is true he most likely has way more advantages than you, and will be more successful than you. lol at the lower class scum thinking their "fighting skills" mean fucking anything.

>End up having to beat my sisters bloody a couple times before they get the message.

>be 16 sitting in park with 2 friends
>olderhead walks by and we think its our friend so we look at him
>he believes we are challenging him so he comes up to us trying to start a fight
>calm him down, he leaves and we see him walking by again as one of my friends leaves
>he comes up to us and puts a knife to my friends throat, mostly ignores me possibly because I am white and friend is black
>i offer him all of my shit with no fight as long as he lets my friend go, he doesn't listen
>hit him with extendo multiple times and he stabs me in the lung 3 times
>"you wanna get stabbed again bro?"
>"wagwan nigga!" charge him one last time and get stabbed one more time in my left trap
>we decide that the fight is over, i made him drop friends wallet during the scrap and all he manages to get away with is my friends bike as he limped away and chased my friend who was already running away
>hide all my illegal shit in the bushes, call an ambulance, they're too retarded to figure out where I am so I have to walk a good 200m or so to a community center while my lung was deflated and the operator tells me I can sit down now
thats the fight part, of course more shit went on with the story such as the investigation, the free ketamine, the first time I had my dick touched by a woman, my newfound love for morphine, finding out who the guy was, and how it all affected my gains. I also learned extendos are fucking shit unless you're a perfect fighter or you fight pussies. Now I carry a sword instead at all times, but I'm gonna convert a blank revolver to fire .22s pretty soon as an upgrade

>not knowing how/when to fight
enjoy getting your girl fucked by some lower class scum disrespecting you without any consequence

pic related is my lung tube btw, i really miss it because it was like a part of me. It would drain blood into this cool little suitcase thing that i could carry around

I have never gotten into a real street fight but I guess its just another life experience, more wisdom etc etc

Philly's china town is so fucking disgusting

Not him, but I've lived in this city my whole life and I've never been. Guess I'm not missing anything.

>i'm brown
>don't trust anyone who hasn't gotten in a street fight
Yep, checks out

This is what you 2tough4u motherfuckers should be reading, and the reason I always avoid street fights.

All it takes is some crazy fuck with a knife, and then you're shitting into a colostomy bag forever because you wanted to play games and feel hard.

Fighting is always, always the last resort.

You deserved it oogle

the guy didn't even get any of my shit but he walked away with broken bones for what? I live in the old decrepit part of an otherwise rich town near Toronto, Ontario, and outta town people come expecting an easy lick, but they don't realize that half the people walking around here at night carry weapons. I wasn't even the last teenager to get stabbed in that exact spot that whole year. Hell a few months earlier a friend since the first grade, 2 years older than me robbed me in a different park nearby with another man, and my younger friend was only in gr.10, so he panicked and ended up putting two holes in one of their lungs with his grandpas knife and they only walked away with 120 bucks, and 60 bucks blew away in the wind. All of this shit for so little to be gained. Then I go onto these threads seeing meatheads talking about how they fucked up some drunk pussy in a club as if they're proud

>22-24 year old man threatens 16 year old children in public park who tried to difuse the situation until the last second, with a deadly weapon
the only thing I deserved that night was the blessed ketamine, maybe one day you'll be attacked and you'll regret being raised as a sheltered manchild
>I can't believe you succeeded in rustling me

>guy tries to stab me
>teleport behind him
>unsheathe my katana
>nothin personnel kid

drunkistan?! dude he was blackout drunk the homeless guy probably carried him home like a girl

Nah, fought a bit in 8th grade but that's it, and it was mostly for fun. Only reasons I could (realistically) see myself fighting now is if some random dude was aggressive or if someone I know tried going for my gf.

Yes. It was pretty tame and didnt play to my street fighting fantasies at all.


>im actually white

sheltered shit-talking vagina holes confirmed.

Yeah, sure.

This stronger men take all the women meme might seem true in your teens and early twenties.
But when women grow up, they tend to go for the succesfull men, meaning the guys who went to school untill they were 26 instead of working out while being a janitor

Yes, that is how loose old whores like it

They fuck around for decades and then make a beta like you support them unto death

yes. at a bar me 17 years old
>with 2 friends, both drunk as fuck me sober but ill
>just the 3 of us and other 4 fags in the other table
>one of the guys pulls a gun out of his pocket and i saw it. told my friends and start telling shit like nahh lets stay nothing will happen
>the fag comes to our table and stars putting shit on the table.. keys, celphone, money..and the fucking gun
>one of my friends picks up the gun
>its has no bullets
>returns it to the fag (what a retard)
>later my oldfag friend very confident about what just happened start telling me (nah boy dont be afraid of this stupid cunts)
>gunfag hears him
>engage fight. oldfag vs gunfag.. drunkfriend and me vs 3 other cunts
>one of the 3 cunts hits me in the face, i feel just a buzz. gay ass punch. goes fast to his table to pick his bike helmet and sprints to my friend
>me full berserk mode (survival mode)pick up a chair and hit him in the fucking head
>other 2 cunts are quiet trying to separate us
dont know how did i do but when i left the biker had his face all in blood

have many moments in fight in blank. was full survival mode. shit was intense.

One punched a meth head once but I don't think that counts

I went age of empires on my sister once when she was being a bitch and clubbed her in the head with a bone.

Thanks for assuming that but I have a shitty job and never got any education past age 19.
Theres a reason lawyers and politicians always have arm candy but large muscular factory workers dont

If she knows he's bigger than him she should either not date him or not piss him off.

ya i am

>16 year old children

What's next, 9 year old infants?

>hitting on some broad
>red faced white guy comes up, ask her for directions to the bathroom, then mutters something while laughing nervously
>shrug it off since I don't know what he's saying
>comes back out a little later
>'you fucking nigger, you don't deserve to talk to her'

>lol in his face
>he's waiting outside
>starts walking up to me with his hands in his pocket
>hit him as hard as I can
>turn around, 2 cops staring right at me
>they arrest him for something completely unrelated

You want to chimp out right now, eh? It's in your genes.

middle aged centennials

> In college when Donald Sterling shit goes down
>Have"intellectual" discussions amongst friend group about how racism has no place in USA Sterling should lose his team. etc
> This doesn't sit well with me for a reason I cant explain well. Try to explain how it was something he said privately in confidence to his BLACK mistress. He was baited into it and extorted for having an opinion in the supposedly free speech USA. Just don't think its right.
> Get into many long arguments with the half of my friends that are more left leaning. I do this under the assumption we are having rational and impartial discussions.

>Over 2 week period things have simmered down. Out drinking with three of liberal leaning friends and one apolitical bro. Having a good time.
>Checking out chicks.
> I say "damn that chick has a nice ass"
>"user its dark in here, cant you tell she's black?"
> As night goes on lots more passive aggressive comments coming on
> I take the bait and start defending my Donald Sterling beliefs as we walk home.
> " user its ok if you hate blacks, there are plenty of people that do. They're called the Klu Klux Klan."
> I am livid at this point. I am shouting how they are hypocrites. I discussed my views in good faith and they were being intolerant of a different viewpoint. Maybe not too articulate but I am ready to blow.
> 5'4" 110 pound english major friend pushes me. ""admit that you are a fucking racist!"
> This breaks my heart. I now realize that these guys have been talking behind my back and decided that I am a racist while smiling to my face for two weeks. This is what they think of me?
> I push him back
> He comes at me swinging
> I absorb maybe one or two 'punches' before I keep him at arms length with a hand on his forehead.
> > I pull back my hand for a second , let him fall forward than let him have a quick palm to the temple
>he's done.
Pt. 1

> I sprint like a man possessed to the smuggest "friend". Of all of them in the group, he's probably the one I am least friends with. Simmering hostility forever between us forever.
> I am right in his face.
> My veins are popping , pupils are like dinner plates.
> Lanky 6' 3 120 lb , 'voice of reason' condescending friend grabs me from the back to "get me off him"
>I shrug him off and back hand him in the mouth
> Im right back in other guys face
> he wont look me in the eye. He mutters "you're fucking crazy"
> Apolitical bro keeps calling my name to calm me down
>After maybe 30 sec of this yelling I back away and let them leave.
> they yell parting shots like they craven pussies they are.
> apolitical bro leaves with them because he lives with them, maybe is more on their side?
> Next day, we all say its "crazy" , not much more
> No one talks to me, how they agree with me or sympathize.
> I am the odd man out
> We graduate
> Haven't seen my college friends since