What is the most retarded piece of broscience you overheard at the gym?
What is the most retarded piece of broscience you overheard at the gym?
>Squats and Deadlifts increase arm strength.
It's amazing how many retards believe this
That you can look good without roids. Natty delusions lmao.
Deadlifts do increase your arm strength, you blithering retard
>Want to get leaner? Stop eating rice, chicken, eat more fruits. -dyel, 5'0 at best, advising another dyel
>Hey you haven't bought a sauna suit yet? Wearing one while walking 15 minutes on the treadmill is equivalent to running 5k outside. -fatty to another fatty
>You should try out this detox drink! -another fatty to a different fatty
>I don't really want to get big I think it looks terrible -same dyel
>fatty giving form advice to other fatties (need less to say they will be injuring themselves soon enough)
>we should totally buy (lifting belt, straps, gloves, shoes, etc) [they actually fucking did the fucking mad hamplanets]
I wish I was kidding, I workout in my office's gym, populated by either interns(see: kids, dyels), and oldies (3 or so obese, 90% skinnyfat uggos).
It's great because they're usually gone after a month, but what makes it really fucking bad is that another batch comes in once they're gone and the cycle continues.
I guess I'm the real bad guy here for ignoring them?
>tfw 5'11 85kg, visible abs, 15.5" bis, 2 years liftan
That's actually the best way to get steel forearms
They do, just not like isolation exercises would.
You think picking up a progressively heavier barbell with hundreds of pounds of weight won't make your arms stronger? Please.
Aside from forearm grip strength, it's useless. It's not even isometric work. How would they increase arms strength?
>aside from half the arm, what part of the arm does it work?
>look good
Absolutely possible
>big and lean
When people refer to arms, they usually refer to biceps and triceps. Good grip strength also doesn't mean your arms will look big. It's literally half of the forearm muscles.
>deadlifts enough for big back
>squats enough for big calves
Some people are just too stupid to look at which muscles flex.
Who the fuck does squats for calves?
Protein shakes make you bulky and arent good when dieting.
When you lean out, you GOTTA go ultra-high rep.
He proceeded to do 30 reps with 15pound dumbbells.
I heard this right in Veeky Forums! If I remember correctly it was some Rippetoe fan.
They're not the best when "dieting" (probably meant cutting) because they don't keep you full for the usually large amount of calories they have.
>I don't really want to get big I think it looks terrible -same dyel
It's his right to have that opinion.
>everyone must deadlift
Dyel spotted.
>Squats is the best excercise for glutes
I didn't hear it at the gym, but on Veeky Forums. Does it count?
>I'm about to pull the trigger and get some creatine. I'm gonna get huge bro.
I honestly had to explain to him, that creatine is not some special muscle building potion.
t.insecure kuck
some people prefer looking normal over going arniemode
>there is no inbetween
Yeah, you're a dyel
>achieving that natty
Yeah famalam, because you get into Arnie mode by mistake if you go too hard with a pair of dumbbells...
"[mumbling in Nepalese] wan rep max [more mumbling]"
Yeah. Hip thrusts and glute bridges are THE best for glutes, isolates them
help a brother out user, they are just tryna make it
Which is part of the ________.
For 2pts, class.
>implying anyone wants to receive help
people are so fucking arrogant and far up their ass that you're better off just letting them kill themselves with their form and what not
And it's user's right to shit on it
Do full body programs if you want to make gains. LOL.
The arm, teach!
>oh you're trying to look good? Better squat 3x a week and make it the focal point of your workout!
But they don't have a lot of calories
>do a cut just eating potatoes and nothing more
Pushing from anywhere other than mid foot on lifts.
>>Squats is the best exercise for glutes
I hear this everywhere from the gym to Veeky Forums. Usually it's at least coupled with deads when I see it on Veeky Forums, but it's incorrect. Not really broscience in my opinion as it is a good exercise for glutes, but it is certainly not the best especially since it's usually a grill asking (and they rarely want bigger thighs).
you need to work abs so you will that beer gut
>Hey bro, if you drop a weighted barbell on your neck like a guillotine, it'll totally kill you instantly!
> and they rarely want bigger thighs
natty girls working out seriously are not going to get big thighs, no matter what they do. they simply don't produce enough enough testosterone to get HUEG. they can get fit and with dedication get decently strong, but they'll never get HUEG.
that's just not true.
a girl who can squat 2 plates can easily have, for her taste, quads that are too big.
Inner thigh
>if you do low rep high weight you'll get mass
>If you go high rep low weight you'll get toned
My friend told me that last night when we were at the gym last night, that's a meme right? Isn't it about how cut you are?
Rep range between 1-5 builds strength, 6-10 builds mass, 10+ tones
what is toning
Muscle tone (residual muscle tension or tonus) is the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles, or the muscle's resistance to passive stretch during resting state.
>15.5" bis
No user you are the dyel
so what is toning
the definition is right here
im your height at 80kg and considering gaining a bt of weight.
would you consider yourself "big"? medium?
There are no thighs that are too big, just ones that make me harder
Big compound lifts trigger an overall hormonal reaction which... builds muscle on the whole body. Arms are part of the body. t. breathing squats
>for her taste
Can you only achieve that by being lean and having more muscle mass or is there a different way?
anyone who isn't paralysed has muscle tone.
>dl'ing 225
>old guy walks over
>"You should really use a belt lifting that much weight, or else you'll screw your back up"
>glute bridges
lmao no
ATG squats and deadlifts.
people who isolate glutes tend to have shitty glute development.
yeah, that's just not true.
When I went to the Gym for the first time five weeks ago, I looked for the biggest and frindliest looking guys to give me pointers because I didn't know jack shit besides what the sticky told me.
There are people who'll apreciate your help - maybe not the ones who talk like they know it all though.
Just cause you have a small saggy ass doesn't mean you have to dissuade others from getting a nice ass, friend
sure. did your fav roidhead bodybuilder tell you about glute bridges son?
do you have any idea how much stress the glutes can take? any idea of the weight required in order to get a response for them? do you actually even lift? doing glute bridges for glute size is like doing a horse stance for quad size.
the other guy wrote hip thrusts, which can be loaded with a barbell...
also, one legged glute bridges are harder than you might think.
squats and deadlifts have the highest hip extension demands in high hip flexion, and low hip extension demands when the hip is extended.
the glutes have the biggest hip extension moment when the hip is extended.
deadlifts and squats are therefore worse for glute development than loaded hip thrusts.
>"lifting doesn't help me lose fat, it's in fact worse cause the more i lift the hungrier i am. i have rooster at home, you know how much ill eat after this workout? i'm telling you if you wanna lose weight, stop lifting"
this is in greece, where tracking macros is too complicated for the average greek's primitive mind to process
are you retarded? isolated hip extensions let the glutes work way harder than compound movements
try loading up your squat weight for a hip extension
nice bro science you DYEL faggot
He right faggot
did i mention that
i'm shitting on glute bridges, and you should agree with me.
>Le body can only absorb 25g protein in one meal
was training with a dyl who abused dbol. some things he told me
>try this (and he goes ahead to perform a 1/2 ROM push press and calls it a "military press")
>does some cable pushdowns and says "this bulks and cuts at the same time)
>does deadlifts with his hips below his knees, back round as fuck
it was painfully obvious he knew not what the fuck to do in the gym. its like his entire knowledge was made up of snippets of bullshit he learned from big tony in the locker room
I heard some fag say that rows are useless and that lowbar has more carry-over to the classic lifts than highbar.
>lowbar has more carry-over to the classic lifts than highbar.
unless by classic you mean olympic, then you gonna have to deal with some shit in the next 30 minutes
> thinking deadlifts don't build vagina-wetting tier forearms
Toning means lean and muscular. 10+ does not do that.
>unless by classic you mean olympic
I mean the sport weightlifting.
>squatting below parallel is bad for your back
>when doing skullcrushers don't let the bar go behind your head because it's bad for your shoulders
Are you incapable of elementary level reading comprehension?
Or is all the trash you're injecting into your body clogging your brain?
I feel bad for your older self.
in that case fine, good. true.
Toning does not exist. Losing fat is what makes someone look "toned".
didn't rippetoe claim the same thing?
depending on hip and shoulder structure, it could be.
not general rules though.
muscle tone does exist but it's nothing to do with looks, its about electrical conductivity or some shit
>OHPing in the squat rack is safer
The definition is right here
>preworkout gives me energy
>People eating over 150g of protein
>No carbs for cutting
>Girls doing only retarded bodyweight shit
>>People eating over 150g of protein
do you mean under
> overall hormonal reaction
Lol k
>not enjoying glorious Belorussian mode
It's true, rippletits said so
dunno about that hormonal stuff but they indirectly do
they strengthen your body in ways which allow you to use more weight for your hypertrophy sets and thus build more muscle. that can be said of all heavy compounds tho
as far as rippetoe is concerned, the low bar squat can do no wrong
His terrible, terrible opinion that is wrong.