What do you think the macros of a polar bear claw are?
What do you think the macros of a polar bear claw are?
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Nigga that's a popsicle melting in a trashbag
Really trying to convince me you murked a polar bear? Can you dump some surrmounting evidence?
>That would be top alpha asf.
Well the hand was pretty shit desu. I work in the Arctic circle.
Eat the liver, it's the best part :^)
>ywn punch a polar bear right in the beak and then shank it with your millwall brick
how often can you eat bear? i know things higher on the food chain usually accumulate crap like mercury or PAHs. isn't it better to go after penguin?
Yeah just let him swim to the other side of the planet to catch a penguin
toppest of keks
Whenever we shoot one we eat that shit.
Pretty fatty desu.
I love dying from a vitamin A overdose ^3^
Don do this
It's a fatal dose of vitamin A
Same with husky and seal livers
It's how many early explorers died
Oh god
You can't die from vitamin overdose
that's fucking retarded
Lmao sure dude
What? What do you do there? And post pic of Santa's gym
what the fuck? why would you kill a bear with so many seals and fish laying arround in Artic circle? kys
>not knowing the Saga of Vitaminavenger and TYVD
Reddot newfag go home
>small Arctic village
>polar bears literally apex predator
>unlike black and grizzly bears, if a polar bear comes after you you're guaranteed dead
>yep, better just let them have free reign because we can hunt harmless fish instead
have you ever thought that the artic is not for humans? why would you change it to make human friendly? are you american by any chance?
>apex predator
so what? its how nature works
I am Canadian living in a community of
>apex predator
>that's just how nature works
just like how he murdered it because he is an apex predatot
>it's ok to kill seal and fish
>bear is wrong
why are you shooting them
>These people have lived here for thousands of years. They are as much a part of the Arctic as the animals.
Yeah but you're not inuit so get your fat white ass back down to toronto and leave the innocent polar bears alone Chang.
bears need land in order to survive, i think they're endangered too
It's not "ok" to kill anything.
>Not being a hindu
They're invasive. We have permits. Their hides are part of our local economy.
polar bears are in danger of going extint
fush is not.
then its ok
if you are using all parts of the bear and not killing for the luls
>terrorists and school shooters are apex predators
>elliot roger is an apex predator
>anyone who can aim and shoot is an apex predator
>They're invasive
>We have permits
So a piece of paper? cmon
>Their hides are a part of our local economy
Underage sex trafficking is a part of the local brazilian economy
Polar bears enjoy raiding, they are like big furry vikings.
Many places just tranq them and drop them in the wilderness somewhere.
And you cba for that gay shit so you kill them?
I didn't know Elliot Rogers and terrorists smear their prey-- you know, one of the biggest fucking parts of actual predation.
Kys you feckless retard
Smear = eat
My bad, humans arent apex predators. I forgot we get eaten by many animal, daily. Remember when lions hunted us down and blew up the twin towers?
are you a brainlet? You do know literally almost any human is an apex predator right?
To be honest it sounds more like a homeless person going through the trash cans outside olive garden than a viking.
Liberals everyone
>Shifting goalposts
>buying a gun from the store makes you an apex predator
You're fucking delusional
>Human built information system records humans as being at the top of the animal chain
>Using this as evidence
wow stick to lifting buddy
for you OP
im actually right wing
how can someone be pro killing animals in extinction danger
Why do you think forcing other animals into extinction would be healthy for the ecosystem?
We've already fucked so much of the land and habitats already. We continue to fucking raise and slaughter millions of them a day. There are over 7 billion of us. Enough is enough now man.
sleep tight bulk bear
Sleep tight bulk bear
You are a goddamn beauty.
Sleep tight bulk bear
nigga I thought they were endangered
>we raise and slaughter billions
I'm a vegetarian
I don't know about this WE shit
This thread is so fucking weird.
Sleep tight bulk bear
Don't know. Probably good though
>Sleep tight bulk bear
Sleep tight bulk bear
You've never eaten nor worn any animal products in your life? You've never used medicine, vaccines or technology that underwent animal testing in its research phase?
Stop being such a prissy little smartass faggot. EVERYONE has taken part in the crimes against animals and until we've put a stop to it we are ALL complicit.
sleep tight bulk bear.
This is unfortunately as far as you (white) people can get in discussions like this.
Anyone that remotely expresses empathy for anything is seen as being a crybaby. This is why i like SJWs and Hillary Clinton. I want to see this whole civilization burn to the ground
Sleep tight bulk bear
Sleep tight bulk bear
keep showing how immature you are
>living in a community so worthless that bear hides are part of your economy
Kek! Literally a joke.
Sleep tight bulk bear
Need to scrape that hide better before youb have it made into a rug.
Bear is tasty as fuck . Ive never had polar only brown.
In my book bear is second only to elk.
The Vikings wwre homeless. They were they gypos of the sea
Yes, buying a gun makes you an apex predator.
It puts you so far ahead of any other species that you almost can't lose. You can still lose, but not often. Like Like hyenas can kill lions. Not often, but not impossible.
Having a gun literally makes you more deadly than a lion. Whether you are the apex predator of your species is another thing.
>Yes, buying a gun makes you an apex predator
>Driving a car makes you a faster runner
What happens here?
I see some little villages on these islands actually, how did these people end up living so far north?
>so what? its how nature works
Right, and OP has shown that HE is the apex predator. And he is also part of nature.
>Arctic circle
>Invasive species
Don't poplar bears live in the Arctic? How are they being invasive?
>Apex predator
>Fastest swimmer
yah, okay.
because fuck polar bears
and fuck nature
and fuck you
Invasive insofar as they will wander into the village and fuck shit up.
>break into someone's home
>they open the door
>wtf im being invaded
>shoot them
Feels good to be OP man
This might be one of the stranger fit threads, and on halloween too, neat
They're not latte-sipping metrosexual little white trash sissy city boys that's how.
Maybe you should fuck off and leave their land.
So like, this thread is real? Fucking awesome
Sleep bulk tight bear
worded a little differently and I would have though this was Ken M
I don't think this analogy fits.
More like
>move into low income neighbourhood
>locals start threatening you
>could let them be (it's in their nature and you're kind of a dick for flaunting wealth) or at the least resolve the issue peacefully
>instead decide to shoot them once they step onto your property
>Hillary Clinton represents anything but exactly what we've had going on
you're fucking retarded, bet you're a medstudent who heard you can pee vitamins, fucking hack
>>unlike black and grizzly bears, if a polar bear comes after you you're guaranteed dead
What makes the difference? I know nothing about bears.
We're an apex predator because of our intelligence and fine motor control. Think about all of the accomplishments we made as a species. What the fuck have lions, killer whales, and polar bears contributed outside of controlling animal populations lower in the foodchain? Oh that's right, fuck all.
Humans using guns and weapons to level the playing field is fair because we actually have those abilities
sleep tight bulk bear
Black bears are betas and will usually fuck off if you fight them or make a lot of noise.
Grizzlys are pretty alpha but good sports, so if you just curl up they'll sometimes now maul you to death because they know you're a little bitch and not a threat.
Polar bears will fuck you up until you are dead every time.
exactly, if the system continues as it has been then it'll spiral into hell dumbass
>move into low income neighbourhood
More like
>create neighbourhood on other peoples property
>locals start threatening you
>could let them be (it's their fucking territory and you're kind of a dick for squatting on their land, stinking up the place, making a lot of noise and flaunting your wealth)
>hungry locals search for food in the middle of the night
>shoot them dead, eat their body parts, trade their skin and brag about it online
>We're an apex predator because of our intelligence
lolol idiots will actually believe this.
We're an apex predator because of our complex communication techniques due to our unique vocal chords and our thumbs.
>Think about all the accomplishments we made as a species
>piggybacking on very small cumulative accomplishments mostly sanctioned by an oligarchy for their own benefits. Throughout billions and billions of human beings, 99% of have lived completely meaningless lives, and their rights were assaulted and tortured in a strictly human way.
>mass murder
>mass rape
>mass abuse of man and animal
>what the fuck have lions, killer whales, and polar bears contributed
Exactly my point. They don't take up 90% of the worlds land, they don't make a lot of noise. They don't leave their territory or their space. They don't kill what they don't eat, they don't intrude on others. Animals live mostly harmoniously and out of each others way except for us. We destroy much more than we create, you are a fool for believing otherwise.
>Humans using guns and weapons to level the playing field is fair
>When it's man vs man, we fight half naked in a cage
>against animal we use a gun
>it's only fair hehehe
We'd get our asses kicked by almost any animal if we fought them under UFC conditions.
Sleep tight bulk bear
>why would you change it to make it human friendly
Because humans are apex predators
>apex predator? so what, it's how nature works
So you can appeal to a naturalistic fallacy when it's convenient? Interesting.
Technology isn't part of nature? So if a chimp uses a stick to kill some shit or a monkey uses a rock to smash a nut open they aren't part of nature anymore?
>fat white ass
Pick a meme and stick with it you burgerclap cuck
Are you being serious?
When you bring a gun from walmart INTO the forest and shoot a deer it's not natural because the gun is not a part of the forest environment. If i make a bow and arrow from a tree i chopped down then that is.
Now obviously the gun was made from natural materials that come from different parts around the world and undergo many processes and factories that also have parts which come from nature, but by then it has already become so complex that you could never have hoped to have made a gun if you were alone and naked in a forest.
The best you could come up with is a spear or a bow and arrow. You're not that smart. Humans aren't that smart.
OP here. Just wanted to make sure I was hitting my macros today...
>you can make a tool, but don't you dare make a tool and carry it around
>so many people butthurt about killing a free animal for meat and hide while all of them consume animal products from caged up animals living a torturous and pathetic lives
>bohoo polar bears are so qt why would you do such a thing
jesus christ you people are such wimpy faggots kys