Is trump the least virtuous person to ever reside in the white house?

is trump the least virtuous person to ever reside in the white house?
i'm asking seriously, historically has any other president displayed this level of personal moral vice?

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Bill Clinton is a rapist.

wtf i hate harumpf now.

What a chad

25 year rule faggot

chances are most men in positions of high power are

That book is full of false info. They are being sued right now for defamation.

Clinton. Getting your cock sucked in the presidential office, raping girls and having your opponents killed is worse than talking shit and cuckoldry.

Clinton and Trump both raped young girls at Epstein parties

Pretty much this. At worst Clinton is a rapist, at best a serial philanderer. Harding was also a poon hound and would supposedly host sex parties in the White House with his Ohio Gang, to say nothing of the graft and corruption in his administration. And of course everyone knows about Kennedy's peccadillos. Buchanan very well could have been homosexual, which might not be virtuous depending on your definition. Andrew Johnson was also a disgusting drunk. This is all just lifestyle stuff, not even going into racism or warmongering.

>They are being sued right now for defamation

Oh, then it can't be true. Sorry!

Why would you believe in what the book says? The author is a journalist. He should have wrote proper articles about that info if it was verified. Instead he's going the route to the most cash that he can do without verifying the info.

John Adams literally betrayed his king.

Washington escapes on a technicality because he finished his presidency before the white house was built.

Spotted the reactionary cuck

He literally interviewed hundreds of staffers who knew Trump personally. That's why Trump is pitching a flaming shitfit about the book instead of brushing it off as more partisan noise

"virtue" is for faggots, though. I quite like that most of my nation's leaders have been perverts. What I don't like is that a lot of the modern ones have been effectively bought and paid for by wealthy and established interest groups of one sort or another.

Lol, what an idiot.

Lincoln invaded and destroyed his own country - not much worse than that.

Lincoln brought the worst criminals in American history to justice, dixiefag

>wtf how come people who are sexual degenerates also have no morals?
Shocking innit

And none of that was verified in the book. He should have wrote proper articles. Also he never just brushes off partisan noise.

Andrew Jackson literally commited genocide

He literally did not.

Jackson, Polk, FDR, Kennedy, LBJ, Nixon, Clinton.

If it's all just baseless libel, then why is he lashing out at Steve Bannon for talking shit, and why hasn't Steve Bannon denied anything and doubled-down on his support for Trump?

>and having your opponents killed
[citation needed]

the CSA was not his country

What virtues does Trump follow?

Jim McDougal

>why would someone that lied deny he was lying
>why is trump lashing out at people lying about him

>Michael Wolff
>In its review of Wolff's book Burn Rate, Brill's Content criticized Wolff for "apparent factual errors" and said that 13 people, including subjects he mentioned, complained that Wolff had "invented or changed quotes".[21]
>invented or changed quots
>In a 2004 cover story for The New Republic, Michelle Cottle wrote that Wolff was "uninterested in the working press," preferring to focus on "the power players—the moguls" and was "fixated on culture, style, buzz, and money, money, money." She also noted that "the scenes in his columns aren’t recreated so much as created—springing from Wolff’s imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events." Calling his writing "a whirlwind of flourishes and tangents and asides that often stray so far from the central point that you begin to wonder whether there is a central point."[22]
>created—springing from Wolff’s imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events
This reminds me of the whole P-PUTIN IS BLACKMAILING TRUMP WITH KNOWLEDGE OF HIS DECADENT HOMOSEXUAL WATERSPORTS PARTIES! angle McCain and the other Democrats were going on about. Every president has shit thrown at them, Trump being fat and tacky isn't nearly as bad as Bill being a rapist, Andrew Jackson's entire life, Jefferson's weird miscegantory harem, or even Grant being a raging alcoholic.

None. He’s a charlatan, through and through.

Didn't one President get inducted into the KKK on the White House lawn? I'd say that's pretty bad in the grand scheme of things.

>if he says something bad about republicans he must be lying

>According to this random retard who isn't affiliated with any sort of investigation company or government body DRUMPF raped 2962 13 year old Chinese girls