Do you guys look down on people who don't lift or care about their aesthetics?
Do you guys look down on people who don't lift or care about their aesthetics?
nah do what you want but don't get in my way or think you're better than me. We just want different things
Not really, i do look down on people not educating themselves though, be it in the classroom or how to lift and eat properly, even if that is not what they want in life i think its important to have a baseline of knowledge
If its true that girls care about muscles and aesthetics (im not 100% sure they do) then the fewer guys who lift the better because of less competition
Right now there is insane competition for very few girls, if 10% of the guys lift those 10% have an edge
As it is today you kind of need to even be on gear to even get to compete for the chicks that are still around
So no, id prefer if more guys stayed the fuck away from lifting
No. I look down at people who say shit like
>I would like to go to gym but - and something stupid eg. people would make fun of my weak/fat body there
>Gym builds useless muscles that give no strength in real life
>going to gym is vain (followed up by)
>oh my god, I'd want that bitch's body
But these are rare. Mostly people just don't care about working out and being fit unless they are not considered ugly by normies (skinnyfat basic bitches for example) which is okay, because some people are mediocre in some aspects of life.
Aesthetics-wise I more often check what other people are wearing. Does it compliment them etc.
I think anything past basic fitness is optional. but I do look down on people who don't at least take care of themselves well.
I look down on ugly people that act like they're top shit or too cool to socialise with others. It's like you're not even good looking, just the least ugliest of this group so fuck off.
>id prefer if more guys stayed the fuck away from lifting
that wasn't his question retard
I look down on guys with stick arms. I think everyone should have at least a little bit of muscle and strength.
>Right now there is insane competition for very few girls
Do you mean for girls who like lifted guys or girls in general?
Because you know over half the population is girls right.
I like to think I am special and better than everyone else in terms of aesthetics and strength since I been going to the gym.
I dont let it outside my mind, but this type of vain thinking is what makes me live a happy life and gives me confidence to not be intimidated by people and to talk to them or live life like I want without the fear of what other people think. I also think im too good for any girl, so I never get depressed for not having a gf.
Sometimes Tbh, but I look down on weak people more who seems that they never worked physically. They seem to be like a spoiled and lazy bastards
I look down on people who workout for aesthetics. Aesthetics is a bonus of living a health lifestyle, not the reason.
It depends massively on the person.
If someone is fat, lazy, stupid etc yes. But if a person is fat, but exceptionally successful (not mommy daddy money) then no, theyre making it their own way.
People who are arrogant for no reason are the lowest of the low, but other than that it depends on a lot of factors.
Power has several forms, strength, aesthetics, wealth, influence, charisma etc.
Not everyone can be strong, or smart, if so, be aesthetic or successful because those are things you can literally just grind to achieve with sheer willpower.
Obviously the above discounts anyone porn with an illness/disorder/disability.
>As it is today you kind of need to even be on gear to even get to compete for the chicks that are still around
You're out of your fucking mind.
>anyone porn
dat freudian slip
I look down on people who dont workout for aesthetics, unless they are aesthetic.
If you look worst than me, i automatically value myself higher than you. Likewise, if you look more aesthetic, I will worship you.
Guys on Veeky Forums have this idea that every Chad has a 10 woman harem and the rest of us are fighting for the few remaining women like they are water on Arrakis.
It is more like..
only 10% of the population of girls are actually attractive.
And those ones are already taken obviously..
So yes, the available ones are as rare as water on Arrakis
Give me an interesting 4/10 over a vapid 8/10. I'll admit the interesting 6/10s+ are mostly taken, and the single ones are choosing to be single.
he answered the question, his answer is he doesn't look down on people who don't lift or care about their aesthetics because he benefits from it
I just dont like people who complain about their weight but they do nothing about it.
If you can change something why complain, just fucking do it.
reading comprehension
I miss adie sometimes
I have this weird thing where my heart breaks for fat people. Since I was a kid every time I see someone at 250+ lbs I just feel so bad for them. They've just given up on life and accepted they'll never be as happy as they could be and that bothers me. So I probably look down on them but in my head it's more of a sympathy thing.
i don't care how other people live their lives because i am an adult.
>Only 10% of the population of girls are actually attractive
You're either low test or you have insanely high standards. Even 6/10s can get me hard.
I have high standards. Dont get me wrong, I fucked 1/10s and a lot of fatties, but none of them are marriage material.
Only 10% of the female population is attractive enough for marriage material. Probably even lower, to like 6%. Sex material is pretty much anything with a vagina.
He made it brah
Girls are are worth dating, ie girls that are attractive in the face & not overweight.
Plenty of girla out there, but once you filter put the fatties and uggos, the pool becomes DRASTICALLY smaller
I look down on myself but it's not enough to get me to the gym.
No, but just like if I see somebody smoke, I know they could be in a -most likely- better place and happier with some effort, which saddens me.
Especially with obese people, being an ex fatty myself, knowing how much better you're treated even when you're just skinny fat and skellington a bit as well.
>dont lift
yeah a little
>lift for aesthetics
people have different goals in fitness
>like they are water on Arrakis.
the spice is life kek
What'd you do user?
i get fucking sad when i see two whales coming waddling with a stroller with a little kid in.
i can just imagine them raising that kid to be just as fat as themselves, makes my heart ache
No.. we end up with other fit people because they get what we go though. No one has time to explain to their out of shape partner why they want to go to the gym today or how long we're there.
>muh persinalitee
you are a fucking liar
who is that arab qt?
literally an average indian girl
Nope. Just old and bored with PYTs at this point.
i guess white women really are trash then
Most women don't like steroid big men
Nah since i am ottermode as in dyel looking with shirt on and i only care about asthetics or bodybuilding because thats what bodybuilding is about how you look not how much you bench for one shitty rep.
cut at 1500kcal straight without refeeds or cheat days until I weighed average.
I don't like looking at fat people especially wearing short-shorts and tanktops
>two whales coming waddling
Makes their hearts ache too.
So THIS is the guy everyone is referring to when they make fun of people for lifting for girls...
You're a weird little man.
Absolutely. This board has really played a big part as well. Everyone I see is a "dyel" or "whale" at this point. I just can't respect it.
It takes a special kind of laziness & lack of willpower to be overweight.
Especially hard on women because seeing pictures on here has shown me just how weak and pathetic looking some girls are. Undefined legs, small butts, skinnyfat messes.
Then they walk around with attitudes, but they are complete fucking DYELS.
I look down upon people who complain and don't do anything to fix their problems and then I do my best to avoid them.
Yeah you're a fucking retard
Most of the time, I look up, but than again I'm 5.9.
>Gym builds useless muscles that give no strength in real life
I've actually heard that before. Talking about functional strength. That's just preposterous. I've never heard of a muscle that does not work when it should simply because the task is mundane or what have you.
you need to leave this board for your own sake
What is this?
being Veeky Forums was about self improvement and leaving behind petty things.
Don't be a petty little shit that boosts his insecure puffed up ego by belittling others.
Not going to make it if you expend energy on such things.
Most people dont want to endure the pain of change until it hurts them more to stay the same. Most people see fitness as a shitty, uncomfortable journey with a great reward up in the clouds, so they prefer to say "fuck it" and keep eating donuts.