Who else /monkmode/ here?

Who else /monkmode/ here?

The monk life is one that has always intrigued me. In the absence of a chance to truly pursue Buddhist monkdom at a monastery for a long period of time, I can pursue the spiritual excellence here, in my life, starting now.
There are several tenants to my specific spiritual pursuance. My journey as a monk shall be rigid and scheduled. I have the power, the willpower, to destroy every boundary that I encounter. I have the power to achieve the body of my dreams. Not only do I have the power, but it’s actually very easy. The only thing I need to do is hack my motivation, and truly try.

The Tenants of Monkmode
>Animals are sentient beings. They are capable of experiencing happiness and suffering. Their lives have the potential to be good, and they have the potential to be bad. For that reason a vegan lifestyle is the only ethical way to approach monkmode.
>A follower of monkmode does not give into bodily desires for instant gratification. Masturbating will not be entertained. However, monkmode does not require that a follower shy away from sex, if the opportunity presents itself.
>Along the same lines, a monk will not give into gluttony. If the body needs nourishment, the body will get nourishment. Any other substance put into the body for any other purpose is poison. The exception of course is cannabis which is, quite literally, dope.
>A monkmode follower will keep his body in prime condition by exercising on a strong, regimented schedule that never wavers. A monk will always continue to improve in his fitness journey.
>A monk will also exercise his mind, meditating on a daily basis, always striving for a deeper understanding of the fictional self. A monk will work to increase his understanding of the mind and of meditation at all times.
>A monk will supply his mind with healthy food the same way he does his body, reading a broad array of books daily. The content will focus on Eastern philosophy, feeding the monk’s spiritual journey.

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For the mind yes but I like to lift and that wouldn't make sense for a monk

Godspeed monkman

My Dad wanted one of his son's to become a priest user

So basically you're just doing general self improvement stuff and calling yourself a monk because of it?
Get your head out of your ass.

Barbarian mode:
>Kill something every day
>Eat it
>Fuck a woman
>Eat her
>Kill a bear
>Wear it's skin
>Drink a lot of alcohol and kill more things
>Eat them
>Sleep for 12 hours

>My journey as a monk shall be rigid and scheduled. I have the power, the willpower, to destroy every boundary that I encounter.

You had damn sure better hope it goes like this. I failed in the self-discipline part and developed psychosis. Now I'm trying to re-integrate myself and it's a fucking challenge.


Do they give you a vaporizer or do you provide your own OP?


I hope your monk skills are better than your spelling.


>tfw OP will spend more time typing all that out than actually attempting to be like a monk
>next week he'll be on to something else

>>Fuck a woman
>>Eat her


if you stop masturbating you're at risk for prostate cancer.
monkness is stupid anyway. who wants to lose the ego and live more in tune with nature? shit's crazy. civilization is awesome

>animals are sentient beings


you fucking retard kill yourself

animals don't think and feel like humans. they lack true intelligence.

fucking liberals love to anthropomorphize

Calm down buddy ;)

OP here, I am indeed a faggot, but so are you. It's "tenets".

>decide one day im going to shut everything and everyone out
>think it will make me more productive
>fail to balance my life
>fail to take into account that im human and a social creature
>develop paranoid anxiety and daily panic attacks
>spend all day online
>body falls apart
>dont get fat just dyel and weak
>stress somehow increases a fuckton despite doing nothing productive with my day
>feel like ive pissed away over a year that i could have spent doing things worthwhile

If you're familiar with the anime series Welcome to the NHK, my case is a lot like that.

In any event I'm working on getting back on my feet now but it's only made things harder. If I could go back in time I'd tell myself to never even consider monk/hermit mode. But maybe you're extremely apt at planning and personal organization, in which case you will probably succeed where I failed.

Something else I should mention: get used to sorting your nutrition out. Understands which foods cause you to feel like shit and which do not.

Drink plenty of water, form a morning routine, so on.

>keep his body in prime condition
>supply his mind with healthy food the same way he does his body
>dude weed lol

Just try and incorporate Stoicism into daily life. Seneca was right about books too, only plebs try reading a bunch at once.

>straight edge

Sounds like a shit life, desu

>Body is a temple but weed is ok because DUDE WEED LMAO

... if you eat peanutbutter your chance of cancer raises too. If you overdose your sups you have a higher % of chance on cancer. Lanklets and fatasses are at a muuuuch higher chance of developping cancer because they have more cells to replicate.

Oh fun fact: if you smoke weed, you're about 212% more likely to develop testicular cancer.

If youre over 6.0', youre 1103% more likely to develop testicular cancer.

For testicular cancer for weedsmokers, youre at a 0.0002% chance now. Lanklets have a 0.001% of developping it.

Not masturbating will probably increase your chance by a huge percentage, but dont mean shit in the end. Smoking cigs however is pretty much a 60% chance yoh die of smoking related illnesses.

I hate you and your shitty fearmongering.

dude it literally cures cancer lmao

I've smoked weed and done different sorts of drugs for almost 6 years now. You've already failed in your monk mode by letting your ego talk you into smoking weed. Monk mode does not allow any substance which alters the conscious experience.

Weed fucks your brain up. Take it from an ex heavy smoker. Weed will fuck your brain and body up given prolonged use - people that are permafried (like I was) don't even realize how dysfunctional they are. If you insist on including weed in your monk mode, you are destined to failure before beginning.

Same with the sex, but I don't abstain from that so I won't lecture about it

How does weed fuck up your brain? What symptoms did you exhibit when you were permafried? Was there anything else that contributed?

I've seen this guy post about weed before.

I very much doubt he is an ex-pothead, more likely just /pol/ troll

How does weed not make you function. Are you a retard? Do you take anxiety medication? Are you drunk and high? I can go to work high. I never break plates or drop anything. I do not forget the locations of objects. New memories form very well. Tell me what negative effects you have had? I have never had any.

i fucking hate you cunt

this is what someone uneducated thinks monks do.

if you want "monkdom" and you picked buddhist then:
- only three robes and one bowl, that is all you own
- ask / beg for food around, eat what they give
- no touching female gender
- no masturbation
- no eating after 12:00 or 13:00 if summer
- no workouts or yoga
- no sensual desires
- no intentional hurting of anyhing. (csnnot tend a garden, cannot kill shit, ants worms etc)
- meditate from 5am to 7, prayer, breakfast or skip, meditate until noon, eat a meal, go meditate until 7, at 7 group meditation until 8:30, after 8:30 retreat to private hut (nothing there but a bed) and meditate until 12.
- sleep is optional

theravada buddhism monks in italy.

im glad you made a fantasy of this all annon, shows how people are uneducated about buddhists and their monks or laypeople or what is meditation actually.

kinda sounds like my schedule. just replace meditation with browse the 'ch0n and that's me

hah, yeah well sadly the most important part is meditating, but living the righteous life helps in meditation. although, i doubt you browse 4 chan from your bowl, so you prolly have some material possesions. ;)

He's not literally trying to become a monk though. He's incorporating some aspects of monkhood into his life in order to follow a more spiritual path.

Maybe a more accurate name would be /streamenterermode/

/monkmode/ sounds better though

too long didn't read, monk life nah brah fucking your mom right now, she's needs an alpha so here i am.

>I´m gonna live a life of purity and selfcontrol
>Not skipping weed tho lol i like weed

>theravada buddhism monks in italy.
Yes, and this is representative of buddhism? Monks in Thailand, China and Tibet study for hours every day, and they tend garden (move weeds instead of killing them). Physical exercise is also not frowned upon, especially among young monks. In Thailand they are encouraged to play soccer.

Cut weed you weakling.

>eastern philosophy lmao

Monk mode does not allow for being a cuckold. A man looks to his own people's heritage and tradition first for guidance.

>The exception of course is cannabis which is, quite literally, dope.

So you're not serious about this, thank you, fuckk off.

>animals don't think and feel like humans. they lack true intelligence

>Humans are emotionally superior to animals
>We commit genocide rape and mass murder


>animals lack true intelligence
>literally have to figure out how to survive every single day
>we create devices that put the power of life and death into the hands of the most evil and unintelligent people

Is browsing a Ugandan message board for chinese cartoons everyday also a prerequisite to self improvement?

Some Theravada tenets are extremist and poorly interpreted from the dharma, the no exercise one especially.

>Not under our control
>our body

Stopped reading there.

Here's what I'm talking about exactly. These rules are merely "tools". It's probably very helpful to be strict about them when managing a large number of disciples though.

you're going to love getting older

Some animals can and do feel.
Its really up to the species, a lot of primates and great apes feel a lot like we do, and some primates can literally die from depression if their mates or companions die.

Most animals also feel stress and will exhibit signs of distress when put into extremely stressful situations, much like humans do.
Having the capacity to have a "good" life isn't something only we experience, and suggesting a cow or monkey can have a good life isn't anthropomorphism as you can measure cortisol levels to actually measure their levels of stress.

While sentience isn't the right word, they still have the capacity to experience life in some of the same ways we do, so we ought to respect their lives.

>Their lives have the potential to be good, and they have the potential to be bad
>Buddhist monkdom

You didn't get to decide what you were going to look like at birth, did you?

similar to story to this, quit HS even though i had lots of friends and had a gf/no problem with girls. just decided one day i dont wanna go to school anymore

spent like 5 years at home playing vidya, shitposting on conspiracy forums when i was 15 and barely knew anything lol, joined nenemus irc and made some posters when all the protesting shit was going on, got a milf to show me her boobs for making her a poster for bradley manning lol

then i went and got a job and saved enough for a car, joined a powerlifting gym where i hated everyone that trained there. still working on making friends i somehow forgot how to talk to people and just no interest in talking after 5 years of just talking to my mom very rarely

>The exception of course is cannabis


Not him but I think weed effects people differently. For me, it literally makes me retarded, I would drop shit and forget where I put stuff even when Im mildly high. But I still do it occasionally if I don't have shit to take care of because it does feel good. But my everyday smoking friend can function even better than sober when high.

>Monk mode
>On Veeky Forums
I take it you literally sacrifice nothing and just assume you change the way you think about living a mundane life. Pretty much like any other mentally handicapped or drug dependent scumbag. Kill yourself faggot.
>Literally a complete victim of existential non-sensible thinking.

This is fucking bullshit and not right for kids in their late teens and early 20's.

Get a fucking grip, you aren't in your 50's.

Get out there and socialize and enjoy life. Make friends, do well in school, and lift as a side hobby and for being in good shape.

How the fuck do you kids come up with this shit? it's beyond me.

Spiritual excellence is a spook

Stopped reading/caring at the word "vegan"

Anyone else just want to leave everything behind and go live in the mountains lifting, meditating, and hunting animals to survive and pass the time?




>ITT: People fundamentally misinterpret the meaning of "monk mode"

>picking buddhist monk over benedictine
>not reading spiritual texts every day
>not using prayer beads (or rosaries) everyday
>not maintaining silence throughout the day
>not going on pilgrimages when you can
You are a cuck op for picking Buddhism, its a meme that white hippies tried to make relevant

Did you make this bullshit up or copy it from some dumb ass hippie/rasta site?

>muh culture lmao
Try thinking for yourself.

>sentience isn't the right word
It is. Sentience is having a subjective experience, or to have the capacity to feel feel. It may not be with the same depth or complexity as human experience, but it's still sentience.

>The exception of course is cannabis which is, quite literally, dope.
I smoke, but pot heads can be really pathetic sometimes